User Manual

Interface - Database


Ask the DJ is an online feature that allows your audience to send requests and comments via any device that can open a web browser. Providing that your computer has an active internet connection, the results will appear in the Ask the DJ folder in the folder menu of VirtualDJ. The message, name of the person (if submitted), and the time of the message will appear in the folder.

Note: Ask the DJ is for live requests. Requests are stored up to 6 hours with a maximum of 100 requests at one time.
If you need to store requests for a longer period of time, you can copy the requests to a List Folder.


By default your VirtualDJ ID is used for incoming requests, but this can be changed by right clicking on the Ask the DJ folder and selecting Set up…

This will open the Setup page in your default browser. Here you can create unique Venue names (or your DJ name), and customize options for each one.

Click on Add new venue to create a new venue to customize. You can then configure the venue to to your preference from the following customization options:

Venue name

Choose the name that you would like your audience to see displayed. This can be the actual name of the location, your DJ name, the name of the event or whatever else you prefer.


Choose the preferred language from the dropdown menu


Select Yes if you would like to show up on search or geolocation (recommended) or No if you do not wish to be visible.


Upload a logo from your computer. The logo will be displayed on the request page for your audience to see.

Like button

Select the URL of your Facebook page to add a LIKE button to the request page. Your audience will be able to like your page instantly without leaving their request.
The URL must be a page and not your personal profile.


If you don't wish the audience to be able to type anything into the request box, you can optionally upload your catalog so that they can only request what you have in your library. Your catalog can be uploaded as a .txt or .csv file.


Select Yes if you want to be able to receive tips from your audience via PayPal (verified PayPal address required), CashApp, Venmo, or a custom wallet of your choice*.

* When using Cashapp, Venmo, or a custom wallet, you will need to check them for tips received as VirtualDJ cannot monitor them directly.

You can choose what currency and the tip amounts that you accept. If tips are enabled, your audience will see an additional button on the request page. If a tip is sent, a TIP button (PayPal tips only) will appear in Ask the DJ with the amount along with the request. The button will need to be pressed in order to accept the tip, if not the customer will not be charged.


If you want your audience to be able to send you requests via SMS text messages, you will need to get a special sim-less phone number. A field is provided to enter the phone number with instructions on how to configure it on the page.

Once you have setup a venue, you can direct your audience to

If Privacy is set to Yes, they will automatically see any venue that has been setup in that location and will be able to select it. If Privacy is set to No, you can give the audience your unique Ask the DJ url with your user name (example:

Audience members will then see your custom request page complete with your Logo, Facebook Like Button and Tip amounts (if setup).

They can then fill out their name (optional) and the message field to send you messages, requests, dedications, etc. as well as the ability to instantly like your Facebook page or send you a Tip. If your Catalog has been uploaded, the audience will only be able to search for what is in your library (no personal messages).

Once you start receiving messages you can right click on any message to Look Up or Remove the request, or to Reply to the sender.

Note: If you are using this feature for just requests and have not uploaded a catalog, it is best to advise your audience to simply type the Title and Artist of the track in the message box. This will make it easier to look up the request without having to filter through additional text that could possibly give false results.

Clicking on Look Up will add the result to the search bar to search your local library and Online Music using the information provided.

Once results are found, you can then drag and drop the track to a deck to load it.

Choose Reply to send the person who sent the request a personal message or to acknowledge their request. A text box will appear allowing you to type your reply and it will appear on their request page.

You can also decide how the Ask the DJ folder is monitored by right clicking and choosing Monitoring. Three options are available to choose from:

  • Off: Does not monitor the folder
  • When folder is open: Only monitors when the folder is open (default)
  • Always: Continually monitors the folder regardless of what folder has focus. This option will also show the request briefly in LiveFeedback (if enabled)

Additionally, Ask the DJ can monitor Twitter hashtags instead of using the web portal. This can be setup in Settings Options under the option askTheDJTwitterHashtag. Simply add the hashtag you'd like to monitor from Twitter and VirtualDJ will automatically retrieve the results.
