User Manual

Interface - Browser - SideView


By default the Sidelist will be used in VirtualDJ to keep the tracks that you've loaded into a VirtualDJ deck but never played*. It can be also be used as a secondary track list to quickly access the tracks that you have dropped into that list and may use later during your mix.

Like the File List, right-click on any of the Headers of the visible fields to show/hide more Database fields. The columns can be resized by clicking between the headers and dragging the columns.

Drag any track from the Sidelist and drop it to a VirtualDJ Deck to load it. The tracks will not be removed from the Sidelist with this operation. To remove a track from the sidelist, right-click on the track that you wish to remove (or select multiple tracks) and choose Remove from the available menu or use the Delete key on a keyboard. The rest of the available operations from the right-click menu are similar to the File List menu.

Clicking on the Sidelist Options in the upper right corner of the Sidelist pane will reveal a menu of various options:

Empties the Sidelist

Shuffle Once
Shuffles the order of files in the Sidelist every time this option is selected.

Remove already played
Removes any files from the Sidelist that have been played during the session.

Remove duplicates
Removes identical files from the Sidelist that appear more than once.

Saves the Sidelist as a Playlist in the order that the files are displayed.

*In the Options menu you can alter sidelist behaviors:

  • showHorizontalSideList - Shows the horizontal Sidelist under the File List for quick access like in previous versions of VirtualDJ (VirtualDJ will need to be restarted to display the horizontal sidelist).

  • saveUnplayedToSidelist - When a song is loaded to a deck but is not played this option will automatically save the track to the Sidelist.

  • removePlayedFromSidelist - Will automatically remove a song from the sidelist once it is played in a deck (the song must play long enough to be marked as played)

Right-click on any of the available tracks to receive additional file features and operations (See File List for a list of options) Remixes