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Topic: GTS-2K21 - Page: 5
ymed85PRO InfinityMember since 2020

Posted Thu 06 Jan 22 @ 6:09 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Version 1.5.0:
-Added "2 Decks Compact" layout ("2 Decks Split" layout clone, with wide waveforms)
-Added two new browser color schemes (Bright White & Bright Blue)
-Added custom prelisten player as an option on the top bar central area

Its not showing this update


Posted Fri 07 Jan 22 @ 4:33 am
Hello, is there a way to mapp a button from controller to increase/decrease waveforms size ?
Right now is only possible with gain knob but i disable it because is not ok for me.

Posted Wed 16 Feb 22 @ 11:27 am
In a similar fashion to what gain knob does, NO.
You can increase / decrease the height of the waveforms area and therefore the waveforms themselves.
But you cannot increase/decrease the waveforms height inside the same area.

What gain knob does, is to show you the effects of the gain change you apply on the waveforms.
The more gain you put in, the more the waveforms will become taller, but after a certain point you'll see that they start clipping. That's also expected, as it shows you that your track will clip.

In order to increase/decrease the waveforms area, click on Skin Options button (the GTS button) and Select one of the available options under "Rhythm Size"

If you want to change the waveforms area on the fly I can give you a code for a button, but it's not generally a good idea.

Posted Wed 16 Feb 22 @ 11:39 am
Hello, thanks for your quick reply, as always you do !
In fact, i have hundred of tracks with small and very small size of waveforms and will be very helpful to have a knob or something to increase the size of waveforms like ''gain knob'' do now.
I can masterize tracks with Audacity or something esle to increase waveforms but it's a lot of work, hours and hours.....i was thinking of you, maybe you can help with some script or an idea.....

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 1:38 pm
'''If you want to change the waveforms area on the fly I can give you a code for a button, but it's not generally a good idea.'''

This sound awesome!
You can do that ?
P.S. Why is not a good idea ?

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 1:41 pm
Before we get to that, have you turned auto-gain feature off ?

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 1:43 pm
Auto-gain is set to ''no''

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 3:04 pm
In fact, almost all my tracks are ok with level of gain.
Like i said, because many tracks have smaller waveforms, all i want is to adjust the size of waveforms.

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 3:14 pm
Ive changed the colors of the stem colors in the moving waveform, Im just making sure, when you release an upgrade the colors will revert to your stock colors?

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 8:26 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
it will revert,
I've thought about deviations being carried into a new revision, it's theoretically possible programmatically, but in the real world no.
This kind of problem happens millions of times every day in construction and every time it's a human job to pick thru it.

it could be made possible, say if wavecolours are a unique colour name, atomix could define the colour names for an element [set in stone], but that would be a carve out from how everything else works.


Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:06 pm
The colors of the stem waveforms would be possible to carry over only if they were included in VirtualDJ options.
Other than that, a skin is able to provide as many color schemes as it's creator decides. Not any user defined (for that the user will have to re-edit the skin)
However with color definitions on skin and with their placement near the beginning of the XML in my skins case, it should be a trivial job to do.
Unzip, edit the xml (change 3 lines of code), save, rezip, done!

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:13 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
The colors of the stem waveforms would be possible to carry over only if they were included in VirtualDJ options.
Other than that, a skin is able to provide as many color schemes as it's creator decides. Not any user defined (for that the user will have to re-edit the skin)
However with color definitions on skin and with their placement near the beginning of the XML in my skins case, it should be a trivial job to do.
Unzip, edit the xml (change 3 lines of code), save, rezip, done!

What would those 3 line be?

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:18 pm
'''If you want to change the waveforms area on the fly I can give you a code for a button, but it's not generally a good idea.'''

Find something for me?
Sunday i have a gig and will be awesome to have it.....

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:29 pm
What lines of code have you changed ? :P
On latest version it should be around line 243

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:36 pm
user15180104 wrote :
'''If you want to change the waveforms area on the fly I can give you a code for a button, but it's not generally a good idea.'''

Find something for me?
Sunday i have a gig and will be awesome to have it.....

var_equal '@$GTS2K21_RhythmSize' 0  ? set '@$GTS2K21_RhythmSize' 1 & load_skin : set '@$GTS2K21_RhythmSize' 0 & load_skin

You can try different numbers instead 0 and 1 to get different results.
0 is Medium
1 is Large
2 is XL
3 is XXL

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 9:41 pm
Thanks for help.
One question, this script is for editing xml file or for mapping a button or a knob ?

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 10:03 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
What lines of code have you changed ? :P
On latest version it should be around line 243

Yes those are the lines i changed.

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 10:11 pm
user15180104 wrote :
Thanks for help.
One question, this script is for editing xml file or for mapping a button or a knob ?

The script is for mapping a button.

And the reason that it's not a good idea to use frequently is that each time you use the button the whole skin has to get reloaded. On a powerfull machine it won't make any difference, but on a less powered machine it may cause performance issues if a lot of things are going on at the same time.
Therefore please test that it work ok on your system before using it live

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 11:46 pm
Djratedxxx919 wrote :
PhantomDeejay wrote :
What lines of code have you changed ? :P
On latest version it should be around line 243

Yes those are the lines i changed.

Ok, I was going by heart. It's 6 lines of code instead of 3 :P

Do you mind to share the colors you used ?
If I find them attractive enough I may introduce them as a built-in color scheme.

Posted Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 11:48 pm