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Forum: Addons

Topic: GTS-2K21 - Page: 1
Discussion about GTS-2K21

  • Version 1.0.1:
    -Added more sizes for Rhythm/Scratch waveforms
    -Added option to turn off Rhythm/Scratch waveforms completely
  • Version 1.0.2:
    -Small tweaks on Browser Colors to improve contrast
    -Added "Greek Summer Mode"
  • Version 1.1.0:
    -Added Video Support
    -Added "PREP" button for preparation mode (VirtualDJ won't save history, nor update play counts on the database). You can also use this button at home when testing mixes e.t.c.
  • Version 1.1.1:
    -Made Beatkeep optional
    -Added Central Top Panel with following options: Sandbox, Analyzer, Record, Broadcast
    -Added Limiter Visual Indications
    -Added Master FX Visual Indication
  • Version 1.1.2:
    -Added Extended Video Mode
  • Version 1.2.0:
    -Added ScratchWaves option on Central Area
    -Added Full 4 Decks layout (with vertical ScratchWaves)
  • Version 1.2.1:
    -Fixed "Scratch Wide" panel bug on 4 Decks Full view
  • Version 1.2.2:
    -Fixed Browzer Zoom bug on some occasions
    -Added iconic "OSD" Layout for both 2 deck and 4 deck views (scratch waves are still left/right on 4 decks view)
    -Added option to choose waveform order for Vertical Scratch Waves
  • Version 1.2.3:
    -Added OSD BPM Editor on vertical scratch waveforms
  • Version 1.2.4:
    -Switched 2 deck waveforms with 4 deck waveforms on OSD 4 Decks layout
  • Version 1.2.5:
    -Added option to move scratch waveforms on top of the decks on the 2 Decks Layouts
    -Fixed bug on progress (overview) waveforms when set to "monochrome" in settings
  • Version 1.3.0:
    -Added "2 Decks Scratch" layout
  • Version 1.4.0:
    -Added "2 Decks Split" layout
    - New Browser Zoom Layout with more browser space
    -Various small tweaks & improvements
  • Version 1.5.0:
    -Added "2 Decks Compact" layout ("2 Decks Split" layout clone, with wide waveforms)
    -Added two new browser color schemes (Bright White & Bright Blue)
    -Added custom prelisten player as an option on the top bar central area
  • Version 1.5.1:
    -Changed top bar prelisten player so that it's able to show browsed song's waveform
    -Fixed bug with Progress Wave Markers changing with pitch adjustments


Posted Sun 26 Jul 20 @ 12:15 pm
I like the Skin but the WAVEFORM is VERY VERY BIG at the bottom can it be smaller them VDJ default waveform?

why is this here a button to turn off the stems? if you use another skin you will not see this option.

AsTheDJ wrote :
I like the Skin but the WAVEFORM is VERY VERY BIG at the bottom can it be smaller them VDJ default waveform?


New update (ver 1.0.1) now has more sizes and an option to turn off Rhythm completely.
Please note that since the skin shows only "scratch" (shape/color) waveforms and not "rhythm" (beats) there's no point to make the Rhythm smaller than "XS" setting while being still useful.
Smallest Rhythm size now uses around 50 pixels height for each deck.

AsTheDJ wrote :
why is this here a button to turn off the stems? if you use another skin you will not see this option.

Yes. But that's the point of using different skins... Each skin creator puts what he thinks is useful (or what he needs) on his skin.
So, a quick way to turn on/off mathEngine is provided as a button to this skin.

the theme is lovely especially in dark mode pls add option to remove shadow from wave and some grid line options will make it more perfect the in day mode pls make almost every thing white except for the wave and the font but the is very love with those quick buttons men!! good job!!

Good jobs....Can you add Video menu?

Version 1.1.0 added video support

You are the BEST!!!!! Thanks

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Version 1.1.0 added video support

Hi PhantomDeejay
Any reason why the waveform doesn't show on GTS-2K21? Photo Included.
(The Waform work fine on the Vectro)
I'm using a Samsung 40 Inch LED commercial Monitor at Resolution 1920x1080...Thanks.!!!

I can't see any obvious reason why waveforms would not show. They show up fine here, and the code used for them is quite simple.

Can you mess with experimentalSkinEngine setting and see if that helps ?

PhantomDeejay wrote :
I can't see any obvious reason why waveforms would not show. They show up fine here, and the code used for them is quite simple.

Can you mess with experimentalSkinEngine setting and see if that helps ?

Hi PhantomDeejay. Thanks for your quick response (experimentalSkinEngine) is set to auto also tried yes and no with no Luck . Weird everything else work fine.!!!

Can you try to rename settings.xml file to settings_old.xml and try again ? (In case a weird setting prevents them from appearing)
If that works, restore your original settings.xml file and let me know so that we can try next step

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Can you try to rename settings.xml file to settings_old.xml and try again ? (In case a weird setting prevents them from appearing)
If that works, restore your original settings.xml file and let me know so that we can try next step

That did it. Thanks for your Great Works, Always Appreciated.!!!

It might be worth sending your original settings file (assuming you didn't delete it) to George, so he can investigate.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Yes, please send a copy of your settings.xml file to me

Will do...Thanks.!!!

groovindj wrote :
It might be worth sending your original settings file (assuming you didn't delete it) to George, so he can investigate.


By far the best skin with overall usability!! These are minor requests but would be cool if added. A battery indicator or something showing if the laptop is charging or not. Bigger video screens. 😇 that's it. 🙏🏽

Congrats PhantomDJ. This Skin (GTS-2K21) ROCK. Thanks for the Update, your hard Work is Appreciated. Best Wishes and Happy Holiday.!!!
