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Topic: Akai APC mini mapping - Page: 2

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guys,is this in the vdj mapper script or the device def xml file,or? I can't find it...
nevermind the device.that's a Dat file,cant figure how to read/write it.so its the mapper or skin xml?

You should just be able to edit the pads without seeing the xml file.
Start VDJ8 and go to Setup --> Controllers
Select the controller in the left hand window.
Two lists will appear, one key, the other Action.
You need to edit the action for the the problem pads.

You do not need to see the xml file.

i did look at the settings xml as is one of the "readables".not sure what to next without screwing something.of course I can copy the xml first and save....

In Controller Mapping use key learn.
Press the first problem pad, it should be called something like ROW1_PAD1, to it's right post what appears as an Action.

You cannot screw things up because it is simple to reset the factory default in the top right hand drop down list.



jeezzzzz..I just realized how they mapped this.samples 1through 8 are on the left deck pads and samples 9 through 16 are on the right deck! ?!! DUH! so I have 16 pads,BUT still I think there should be a selectable row command on each side.seems only logical,right?

Okay I've made new banks.how do I rename them? I've loaded the toolroom stem packs and having to edit a loop point on all wavs ,but made a bank per toolroom folder.loops for days!

I'm not sure I understand..but right click on a new bank in the VDJ explorer window, and select rename.

The Akai APC Mini is what VDJ8 desperately needed !

For the first time I've used 7 cue point, the final one being a cue loop. Hot cues combined with cue loops, and effects enable high quality remixing on the fly.
You can even throw in sampling.
Wow !

I've changed around, and tested the effects part of the APC Mini mapping, a little more work is required.

What the superstars need is a unit three times as big as the APC Mini with a visual display showing what's going on.
What I mean is displaying the sample playing, loop size along with any effects in use.
The icing on the cake would be the ability to view a cue points wave pattern as displayed in the main VDJ8 window.
Come to think of it..we can already do the latter using the sandbox.
Sorry for wanting to adopt a visual approach as opposed to using my headphones.
Wow !

All I need is to be able to use the treasures on offer.
That is a challenge.

Note: I still have not used the sandbox in earnest. The idea of using it as a tool to remix on the fly has made me quite excited.
It might be no good. We shall see.

I'm not sure I'm ready for VDJ8.1,
I cannot even use VDJ8 yet for maximum advantage.
One year has gone by, and I still feel like a beginner with all sorts of ideas yet to be implemented.
Technology is racing ahead.

It's nothing less than future shock.
Does anyone remember Alvin Toppler ?
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
"Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life."

I don't know if I agree with Alvin.

Do you mean Alvin Toffler?

Yes, I certainly do..lol.
I'm going back over 40 years, my memory must be failing !
His ideas were a topic in a subject I studied called "The Engineer in Society".

You may be showing your age !

Hm.. I can use the sandbox to preview the cue points before making the jump.
That is both visually, and in my headphones.
It's too much !


let me explain.toolrooms stems are a couple of free packs of samples & loops you get when you buy the NV controller.they probably available for purchase. they are made actually for the se#$to "flip" app but by themselves they can be relooped with the vdj sampler and re-bpm'ed (since at first load vdj wont detect the tempo.so I copied the folders into the sampler folder but they dont show up.I have to make a new banks (right click) as I hoped vdj would make new banks named "toolroom +" but now the banks are named "new bank". I go back with explorer and I do'nt see these banks.plus vdj is making a new sample for every one that I edited and dropped in the sampler slots.I guess at this point it doesnt matter where the toolroom (or any sample pack you are importing (more like copying ) are located since the sampler is just making a new copy ( which I see in the Root sampler folder but was hoping they would be in the Audio sample folder? having to "prepare a sample loop at a time is a lot of work.these samples are perfectly cut but vdj's sample editor opens them with the loop end way off (you must move the Little red arrow to the very end of the sample and save) and the tempo is off also so you need to "tap "tempo them...I know huey asked something about importing these but I figured we can use them for what they are...sample loops.

I don't know if this helps you Tracker, anyway if I wanted to create a new bank I'd right click on the drop down menu in the sampler which is highlighting the current bank.
At the bottom of the resultant menu you will see New...
Click on New..New Bank X has now been created.
It can be viewed in the VDJ explorer window.
Click on the folder sampler to expand its content.
Find, and right click on the new bank (X), then assign it a new suitable name.
Now if you have a pack of samples find them in the explorer window.
Click on the pack to view its content.
The content appears in the song browser window.
Use Ctl and A to select all the content, and then drag and drop it into the sampler in your new bank window.
Move the samples around to suit your needs. For instance collect all the high hats together, assign them to a group, and then specify a group colour.
Job done.

To keep things tidy don't forget to put your downloaded samples in My Documents-->VirtualDJ-->Sampler.

At the moment I have my controller setup and I am happy using the VDJ8 native mapping.
However this mapping is not so good for my cdj's.
Three hot cue buttons is just no good !
It's clear that I need two mappings depending on what equipment I'm using.

sorry for the tardyness Ron,I'm having a youtube hijack attack.well I didnt think of the "highlight all & copy" trick but Im having to "prepare all samples within the vdj sampler editor by reselecting the proper bpm (the packs are in 123,124,125 bpm's but vdj don't see this ) and selecting a color for each,keeping the same color scheme numark uses , red for 4,blue for the next 4 ,green for the next 4 then yellow then orange then other color of my choice.there is a bug here with the green as it wont activate the color led's on the NV's pads until I change the "shade" of green a bit.strange.anyway once edited vdj makes a copy but dumps them in the root folder of the sampler and not making a sub folder as I think it would do.think I will request this (or more like complain Lol...

I'm not sure it's a copy, rather a xml file containing information about where the sample is located, and how to display it in the sampler.
For example the colour you assign is stored in the xml file.

Hm I might have changed my mind, in a few cases a .vdjsample file is created, and dumped,
I'm trying to tidy up my sampler folder, it gets messy easy.

they are vdj sample files ,but noe I see the xml's made for the banks I made (6x so far ) so I rename those? they are name "new bank,new bank (1),new bank (2) and so on...
