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Topic: Controller by DennYo - Page: 2
idj4himPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Nice job. I like the extra grid lines on the scrAtch wave. The lay out is kool.

Posted Wed 17 Dec 14 @ 9:09 pm
Update 4.1.2

-Bugfixes on the Cuesection (Textaligne Cuename)
-Bugfix Cuenumbers on Songposwave (7-10)

Posted Fri 19 Dec 14 @ 4:11 am
Is there a way to save the skin settings I have set such as Plattercolor, etc so when I load it, the last session is retained?

Posted Sat 20 Dec 14 @ 6:56 pm
audiotech520 wrote :
Is there a way to save the skin settings I have set such as Plattercolor, etc so when I load it, the last session is retained?

This Info can you find on this Thread ;=)

Here a little description to save your Skin Settings

Open your VDJ8 Config/Controllers and add the ONINIT command on the Keyboardmapper

write in the ONINIT command your needed Variables.

set (for set a Variable to a Value)
var_equal (for read a Value of the Variable)
& (for add more than one action on one command)
for example:

set '$variation' 1 & set '$center' 2 & set '$platter' 1

Here the List of Variables

Quote :

var_equal '$variation' 0 --- 2 & 4 Deck big
var_equal '$variation' 1 --- 2 & 4 Deck small
var_equal '$variation' 2 --- 4 Deck swap 1
var_equal '$variation' 3 --- 4 Deck swap 2
var_equal '$variation' 4 --- 4 Deck swap 1 off
var_equal '$variation' 5 --- 4 Deck swap 2 off

var_equal '$center' 0 --- Center with Custom Buttons
var_equal '$center' 1 --- Center with Mixer
var_equal '$center' 2 --- Center with Video
var_equal '$center' 3 --- Center with Scratchwave

var_equal '$wave' 1 --- Rhythmwave
var_equal '$wave' 4 --- Rhythmwave with Beatgrid
var_equal '$wave' 3 --- Rhythmwave mirror (only Topwave Skins)
var_equal '$wave' 0 --- Horizontal Scratchwave
var_equal '$wave' 2 --- Horizontal Scratchwave with Beatgrid

-Wave size
var_equal '$wavezoom' 3 --- Wave off
var_equal '$wavezoom' 0 --- Wave size small
var_equal '$wavezoom' 1 --- Wave size middle
var_equal '$wavezoom' 2 --- Wave size large

-Wave zoom lock
var_equal '$lock' 0 --- Wave zoom on top unlock
var_equal '$lock' 1 --- Wave zoom on top lock

var_equal '$prelisten' 0 --- no
var_equal '$prelisten' 1 --- yes

var_equal '$platter' 0 --- dark Background
var_equal '$platter' 1 --- white Background

var_equal '$time' 0 --- both times
var_equal '$time' 1 --- only left

var_equal '$cover' 0 --- visible Cover
var_equal '$cover' 1 --- hide Cover

var_equal '$cue' 0 --- Time to Cue
var_equal '$cue' 1 --- Name Cue
var_equal '$cue' 2 --- BPM from Cue

var_equal '$browser' 0 --- default Browser
var_equal '$browser' 1 --- Full Browser

-Filter/Key - Attention no Global Variable - NEW SINCE V4.1.0
var_equal 'filter' 0 --- Filter
var_equal 'filter' 1 --- Key

-Cueline - NEW SINCE V4.1.0
var_equal '$cueline' 0 --- Cueline visible
var_equal '$cueline' 1 --- Cueline hide

-Cuenumbers - NEW SINCE V4.1.0
var_equal '$cuenumber' 0 --- Cuenumbers visible
var_equal '$cuenumber' 1 --- Cuenumbers hide

-Songposline - NEW SINCE V4.1.0
var_equal '$songposline' 0 --- Songposline hide
var_equal '$songposline' 1 --- Songposline visible

-MixerOrder - only 4 Deck Skins - NEW SINCE V4.1.0
var_equal '$3124' 0 --- MixerOrder 3124
var_equal '$3124' 1 --- MixerOrder 1234

For change the Skin XML with a Key use follow command:

Quote :

load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - blue-yellow'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - extra big'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - extra big - blue-yellow'
load_skin ':4 Deck - Bottomwave'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - blue-yellow'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - extra big'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - extra big - blue-yellow'
load_skin ':4 Deck - Topwave'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - blue-yellow - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - extra big - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Bottomwave - extra big - blue-yellow - daylight'
load_skin ':4 Deck - Bottomwave - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - blue-yellow - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - extra big - daylight'
load_skin ':2 Deck - Topwave - extra big - blue-yellow - daylight'
load_skin ':4 Deck - Topwave - daylight'

Posted Sun 21 Dec 14 @ 7:46 am
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
Sorry for the extra post. I tried to delete but don't see a remove post option.

Posted Mon 22 Dec 14 @ 9:16 pm
ProfLeePRO InfinityMember since 2011
audiotech520 wrote :
Is there a way to save the skin settings I have set such as Plattercolor, etc so when I load it, the last session is retained?

Not sure if you have your skin set with the ONINIT yet but here is the scrip I use. If you like it, just cut and paste this:

set '$center' 1 & set '$wave' 0 & set '$platter' 1 & set '$wavezoom' 1

Here is what it looks like:

Posted Mon 22 Dec 14 @ 9:26 pm
santimcPRO InfinityMember since 2014
TE FELICITO, UN GRAN TRABAJO, ME ENCANTA!!! la Ășltima vez que conversamos, te comente los errores que daba tu skin para virtual 8, eres un maestro, GRAN SKIN, TE APLAUDO!!!

Posted Fri 26 Dec 14 @ 2:04 pm
a really successful skin!
Unfortunately, it does not save the scratch-wave in the middle, and the white color of the dish and the Makierung with me. why is that?

Macbook / os 10.10.2 / VDJ 8.

Posted Wed 28 Jan 15 @ 5:23 pm
UPDATE 4.1.3

-Autosave all settings ... Oninit can be delete.

Posted Thu 29 Jan 15 @ 12:20 pm
Was ist Oninit ?

Posted Sun 22 Feb 15 @ 5:52 pm
There is a setting called ONINIT for each controller and the keyboard. It is used when a controller is connected to initialise stuff.

As you also could have an ONINIT for the keyboard it offers a place to enter VDJScript there to set some stuff within VDJ.

Open your CONFIG / CONTROLLERS window and select the KEYBOARD. There you already have an ONINIT or can create one.

Posted Tue 24 Feb 15 @ 7:49 am
AsTheDJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
After the last 2 up date No words...

Posted Sat 28 Feb 15 @ 2:20 pm
AsTheDJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
jakovski wrote :
There is a setting called ONINIT for each controller and the keyboard. It is used when a controller is connected to initialise stuff.

As you also could have an ONINIT for the keyboard it offers a place to enter VDJScript there to set some stuff within VDJ.

Open your CONFIG / CONTROLLERS window and select the KEYBOARD. There you already have an ONINIT or can create one.

I try that with my DDj-sx-2 to set the cross fader to full when using/plug in,but it don't save the setting.

Posted Sat 28 Feb 15 @ 2:30 pm
jbezzPRO InfinityMember since 2010
What is updated in Version 4.1.4 ? Thank You.

Posted Mon 02 Mar 15 @ 10:18 am
4.1.4 Update

-Add new Player Background
-Add an colour line behind the Pitchfaders
-Add Values to the Effect Sliders
-little Bugfixes

Posted Mon 02 Mar 15 @ 1:53 pm
Greetings, would be good if you add to this skin the multi-effect FX, would be a success.

Posted Tue 03 Mar 15 @ 4:40 pm
camplgPRO InfinityMember since 2009
misterdancedj wrote :
Greetings, would be good if you add to this skin the multi-effect FX, would be a success.

1+++++++ multi fx

Posted Wed 04 Mar 15 @ 1:12 am
Could having ONINIT still enabled cause VDJ to crash sometimes?

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:29 pm
Hi Den, An amazing skin now you have the mixer option included. However, i cant seem to find the option to turn the mic on to record my radio shows. I record music and mic through vdj8 but cant find the mic on off button, can you help?

Thanks, Will.

Posted Sun 08 Mar 15 @ 1:12 pm
Knobs On fx Unit Must be moved left and right befor you can set The options for that fx.

Posted Sun 15 Mar 15 @ 5:06 pm