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Topic: Android App - Page: 2

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It's being worked on, but other things that are more important have taken priority recently I'm afraid.

Multi-touch support is intended, yes.

I have a Motorola Xoom running Android 3.1 if you need a tester ;)

wildcountryclub wrote :
@fatkat - winamp has ya covered for streaming now.

and yeah i are waiting on android app too. i'm allergic to i-stuff.

Me too... only i device we have is an iPod and that belongs to my daughter - was a prize from church.

I've got a million projects on the go, but this is still in the pipeline.

I just got the Atrix myself, it has a laptop dock and the ability to send video externally.

A remote app would be neat though... too. However putting the whole thing on the phone would probably work just as well since it does have that dual core processor.

The only downside I can see would be one audio out and I like using an external mixer.

Here's a video for reference.

are we ever actually gonna get an android app??

all the apps ive tried are either pants or dont work properly or are useless for vdj...


It will only be for pro users though I'm afraid.

thats fine, i will eventually buy pro anyway. have to find funds first.

It wasn't a dig, it will just require a plugin that's all :)

Id be happy to test a remote beta too! I have a HTC Desire - which I would love to use as a remote - I already have people texting requests and use "billboard banner" to pre announce some songs or display peeps names if its a dedication - which some audiences find useful - especially if im doing black ties dinners where theyre a bit reticent to approach you for requests.

even if its just the basics - as I use a numark mixtrack controller - if that was remotely mapped too - well - happy days!!

@SBDJ, i know it wasnt a dig mate, no sweat. ive been trying to save up now for about 2 year to buy pro, but as luck would have it every time i get some cash together the bills come rolling in or the car breaks or one of the kids needs something new etc etc.. lol. one day..just one day..

I'm a Pro User with the HTC Droid Incredible 2 and I would LOVE an Android App. I'm a very outgoing DJ that interacts with the crowd leading some dances etc.. and the ability to remote start/mix tracks from the dance floor would be... well... INCREDIBLE :-) ! We're rooting for you to get one out to us soon! LOVE my VIRTUAL DJ PRO!!

what if i say pretty please with a cherry on top? or a grape if you dont like cherrys...

and look, im pro now :D

So what's up with the Droid App VirtualDJ? I use partyMixer and it's pretty good. Saves playlist, autoplay etc. just no search. I'd love VirtualDJ for my Motorola DroidX2.

Once the adroid app comes out, that's when I will buy an android tablet like the new Toshiba that has honeycomb, full size usb port, mini usb port, full size HDMI output, full size SD card support, replaceable battery etc. Looks good so far, I work at Radio Shack and we just got a demo.

i just had an idea.....seeing theres no android app, will someone donate me an iphone??? lol...please please droid us..


Only hoping it comes soon! Thanks for all the work to date SBDJ


Just to let you know that I am another Virtual Dj lover, that would LOVE a droid app to remotely control Virtul DJ, with search control and multitouch.

Would be more than available to beta test the app.

Let us know how things are going with the development.

I also take the oportunity to thank for all the work you have shared with us so far.

Thank you.

Pro User with a Motorola Droid phone and an Asus Transformer tablet. DJ by night, Software development manager by day. Happy to help test on both platforms when you need it.
