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Topic: Android App - Page: 1

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Ok we have a Iphone App but what about a Droid App. I could use one.

Posted Fri 17 Dec 10 @ 7:35 am
dj-in-norway wrote :
might be android apps in the future ;)

Also Scott has something in the works aswell I believe..............either way I'm sure we'll get something its just a matter of time.


I'm working on it :) I have a functional application already and am working on refinements to the communications protocol.

Since were on the subject... is there an APP for the radio station? I have two apps that will pick up local / nation stations and 1 for pod cast but cant find a way to get vdj radio


@fatkat - winamp has ya covered for streaming now.

and yeah i are waiting on android app too. i'm allergic to i-stuff.

I was just thinking about requesting one of these apps too. Btw (off topic), does anyone know what I need to be able to download skins for my Virtual DJ (certain amount of posts, license key, etc?).


You would have to buy the program...............It's well worth it.

Hope to see you with us soon

Hopefully SBDJ's Android App will have a search bar in it for picking songs to load into the decks. This is something sorely missing in the iphone/ipad apps. Those apps only let you choose a folder and thumb through the songs. I have about 2000 folders. I could never find a song if i had to look for it in folders.

I guess I could make filtered folders for songs most recently played or highest ranked but still tough if I need to play something new or rare.

Also wondering if SBDJ's Android will work on a tablet like the Galaxy S Tab.

Make us proud Scott!! (Actually we are already proud from your previous masterpieces).

Make us more proud again. lol

DJ James

jamesvanek wrote :
Hopefully SBDJ's Android App will have a search bar in it for picking songs to load into the decks.

It does :)

jamesvanek wrote :
Also wondering if SBDJ's Android will work on a tablet like the Galaxy S Tab.

It will, trying to make sure it auto-sizes to whatever device it is run on.

I can't wait

Scott you Rock!!

Now I am salivating waiting for the release.

DJ James

Just so I don't miss the release of the app. Where should I be looking for the release thread - genereal or plugin?

I'll make sure it's known, won't be for a little while though.

Someone bump this already!! :) Is this out and I just don't know about it or what??


I use splashtop - works great

I picked up a dell 7 tablet. I don't need all the other apps and it's perfect through T Mobile. Now I have a great net setup on my laptop and can really work the crowd with the dell.

Wondering myself with all the Android tablets coming out, or do I just suck it up and get an ipad 2.

Toshiba's 10" tablet w/ Tegra 2 looks pretty awesome - "Honeycomb" OS

Is there any update on this? Also are their plans to have multiple touch incoporated? (I.e be able to adjust two different volume controls at the same time?)

