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Topic: PIONEER Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 9

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Iain, you don't have to remove the current version. Just install the new version it'll place everything into it's proper locations. Click "run from current location" you don't need to click "save". I ended up with and extra icon on my desktop because I added 6.0 to the original VDJ icon. I deleted the VDJ 6.0 icon and changed the current one to VDJ "6.0.1". That shouldn't apply to you but just incase so you don't end up with double icons simply delete the old one before updating.


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 1:36 am
Wicked RuDe. just at work starting my nice 8 hour day so will give it bash when i get home mate.

Thanks again


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 1:52 am
It must be 8 AM over there huh? It's midnight here so it's beddy-bye for me m8ty.. g'nite..er, morn!!


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 1:58 am
Sure is RuDe. Wish it was 5pm as i would be tring out the new update!


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 2:41 am
Well guys and gals, i can now confirm that the Pioneer MEP 7000 likes to mate with VDJ6 latest update. Im stoked,over the moon,chuffed or plain and simple as happy as a pig in sh!t. just been trying out some of the basic functions and its working great. I have got a school prom on tomorow night for 800 so will be giving it a real good try then.
To the team at Atomix, its one big thank you so much from me. Finally i have the software i want with the controller i want. And after 23 years of DJing from the age of 11 i really do have a package that covers everything for when i go out to do either club or mobile work.
Yes there is maybe going to be bugs with this new software but after seeing what the team can do over such a short period of time with fixing this im sure its only going to get better.



Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 11:42 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok, glad we could get the MEP/SEP working better ... :)

Pulse - if you could send me the breakdown of any other issues that would be great!

As for the Jogs ... a couple things to note ...

Jogwheel Sensitivity (motion) - there is a Jog Sensitivity setting in the Config on the Options tab. Moving the slider left makes a 'tighter' response - less movement in the software for greater movement of the jogs, and sliding the setting right, just the opposite; greater movement in the software with less movement of the jogs.

2 mode types - Scratch and Jog ... for jogs that have a touch control (push platter or sensitivity plate) you will want to Enable the Jogwheel Scratch, otherwise; if the Jog does not have a touch control then you might find better control with this option Disabled.

And that brings me to the 'sensitivity' of the push platters or sensitivity plates ... in a most hardware 'solid state' designs the engineering is typically an electronic signal that when contact is made it, whether a slight touch or hard touch; there are things internally triggered to tell the spinning motor for the CD what to do. In the MIDI or HID world the same is true, however; the touching tells the hardware to toggle a bit between 0 and 1 (off / on). Now the issue comes in with the tolerance level put on the signal switch for that touch in this case the platter/plate.

Now I don't know if there is a large difference with the CDJ-400 with this 'tolerance' level and I don't have the equipment to test it [and I am not going to tear apart my CDJ to find out :) ], but it might be something to know what (IF ANY) difference there is in the tolerance. There may not be ?? But if there is then its nothing VirtualDJ could do to make it more sensitive it would have to be done by a firmware upgrade or something.

Which brings us then to the logic in the signaling from the 'touch/push' of the platter to making the software do something. If there is a touch signaling difference then just you need to push harder than usual to get the software to recognize the change and stop the track for scratching. I have a CDJ-400 and Numark iCDX, I can tell you there is a difference between these 2 units on how much you have to push to activate the 'scratch' mode. Also, where you touch makes a difference. On the outer rim of the touch platter, the CDJ-400 is more responsive to the touch than the iCDX.

But, there is a logic reason for this as the 'hardware switch' for both units is the center spindle that the platters are mounted to. And because the Jog platter surface of the iCDX is larger than that of the CDJ it take more effort of the down push to move the center spindle down and activate the change of the MIDI/HID code value from 0 to 1 (on). If I touch the iCDX platter at about the same distance from center that the CDJ-400's outer rim is at - then the response to the touch is almost identical. Again though, in either case; I have to push slightly harder than if I was controlling a CD to get the track to stop for scratching.

So, I have gotten pretty deep there; and I am still trying to wrap my head around if there is something more we could possibly do but I am not sure. Software (in general) is still reliant on the MIDI/HID value changing from 0 to 1, not a percentage of touch on the platter/plate. I know this is not a direct answer, but hopefully it might help in better knowing what is happening 'behind the scenes' when using these units.


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 11:42 am


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 12:38 pm
Thanks for that Chris, I really appreciate the direct effort on your behalf to address this problem.

When using the CDJ-400 in either CD or USB mode using a memory stick or Serato I have full scratching function. This means I have full function over the jog wheel. The push sensitive part of the platter allows for simple manipulation of the song/sample (let’s assume for the sake of this topic when I say "sample" I am meaning "scratch sample"). There are two functions on the CDJ platter, push sensitivity(top of platter) and jog wheel rotation (whole platter). The "scratch sensitivity" setting in "config" and "option" doesn't adjust the "push" sensitivity only the "back and forth" sensitivity. "Back and Forth" isn't the issue here. When I let the sample play and catch it where I want to scratch I push down on the jog wheel/platter but even with extreme pressure it usually won't stop unless I push in the very middle of the platter but you can't scratch the sample from the middle properly, this is done nearer to the edge. Even in vinyl mode with the "config", "options" and "jogwheel scratch" enabled pushing on the edge of the platter only causes the sample to wobble or distort the pitch but it won't stop it at all.

Hopefully that will help some. As I mentioned I can scratch with a USB stick and Serato as I can with a CD so I'm sure it can with VDJ as well, we just need to figure it out and dial it in to get it right.


DJ RuDe (Paul)

Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 12:41 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
For the CDJ-400:

Are you willing to sacrifice pitch bending via the jog when in Vinyl Mode for better scratching ?

If so, change the JOG_WHEEL key in the mapper to jog_wheel NOT scratch_wheel. Pitch bending via the jog will only work if you turn Vinyl Mode OFF by pressing the Vinyl button.

Does this give you the result you are looking for ?


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 5:42 pm
I'll give it a shot, see what happens.



Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 6:36 pm
Ok, Chris, that helped a lot but...when I'm scratching the sample by stopping the sample while in PLAY by putting pressure on the top of the platter I should be able to release it and the sample will play until I put pressure on the platter again...this is working now, but it is slow to start up again, meaning when I release the pressure the sample should continue immediately. This part isn't happening. There is a slight delay which kills the attempt at trying to do a skillful scratch.

I think we're almost there though, any other suggestions?



Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 6:47 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Well that one was with out getting into the 'programming' side of it ... but now I have a smaller window that I have to close.

Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 7:25 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok, I originally posted that I think 'maybe' if you slightly adjust the Jog Sensitivity you might be able to narrow that gap ... can you play with it awhile and see ? Give it like 110% or around there ...

Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 7:41 pm
I should have mentioned that I tried adjusting the sensitivity already but that only loosens or tightens the scratch sound and doesn't affect the ability of the sample to continue playing once the platter is released, there is still millisecond of delay.


Posted Thu 04 Jun 09 @ 8:58 pm
Hey Chris, I know you're busy helping people with other issues, have you had a chance to look into the scratch issue with my CDJ-400s yet?



Posted Mon 08 Jun 09 @ 3:13 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Still working on it ... it may not be as easy as a setting change but requiring some code refinement ...

Posted Mon 08 Jun 09 @ 3:41 pm
Kool, no worries just checking on the progress that's all.


Posted Mon 08 Jun 09 @ 6:40 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
DJ Jamm Here, Hey rude dog , ive been following your posts about the cdj400s. I have the same problem and It sucks platter control is terrible compared to vdj. I feel bad for all the people that spent money on theses units and its such a strugle to get them to operate even remotely correct. PLEASE SOMONE OUT THERE( please help the development team, and explain exactly to them how the platter is supposed to operate.( actually just switch between cd mode and vdj and anybody should be able to tell the difference) I once downloaded a midi map in version 5.2.1 that was off of pioneer website( all i can remeber it had you set the cdjs to midi 15 and midi 16 for channels of the two decks.. The scratch worked grt so it has to be possible somhow... ill post the link when i find it here it is http://rapidshare.com/files/115056617/DUAL_CDJ_400_SETUP_CH15_CH16.rar Try this and see if the jogs work, but remember there will be no lights or at least im not sure there will be with vdj6 . maybey theses settings can be copied in somwhere and fixed....let me know what anyone finds.. please help.......


Im in hell " High tech Dj equipment and a damn cd player works better ...

Posted Tue 09 Jun 09 @ 5:15 pm
Thanks Jamm maybe that'll help them get where they need to be with it. I have never tried the MIDI-mapping on it. For now when I want to scratch I have CDs on the ready in the left deck and the scratch sample CD in the right deck and just switch back to CD mode. I have even considered buying a third CDJ-400 to use exclusively for scratching. This way I can use "A" & "B" for mixing and "C" strictly for scratching, then I won't have to use VDJ for that. I mean I will use VDJ to do my set but the third 400 will only be going through my DJM-800 and not VDJ obviously it only supports 2 decks. That would be awsesome if VDJ would implement a feature for a 3rd virtual deck and even a 4th. I know Serato is working on this right now but I'd be happier using VDJ. Back in my vinyl days at the club I used 3 and 4 TT's to do some crazy $#!+!!


Posted Tue 09 Jun 09 @ 6:04 pm
Jamm -- that's MIDI; the new system is HID which uses a different communication with the player. They know what the problem is but unfortunately a MIDI map won't help them. Just give them a little time to work on it and we'll see a fix soon.

Posted Tue 09 Jun 09 @ 6:12 pm