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Topic: PIONEER Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 7

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mayz77 wrote :
Hi was wondering if anyone can help me with setting up v/dj with cdj-800\'s and a djm-600 mixer. i have not used this style of mixing before and have no idea how to configure the hardware. i have 2 sound cards(one external) which both have inputs and have been able to set these up with the mixer and the program no worries. I am having problems setting up the cdj\'s and the time coding? i have downloaded the timecode cd but when i try to configure get an ASIO sound driver error and can\'t auto-configure the time coding. any help or diagrams would be great i found one on connecting turntables but the connections didnt seem to work? help! mat

You need an interface box such as Virtual Vinyl or Serato and below is a diagram on how to set it up.....

Substitute the turntables in this diagram for your CDJ's and instead of the Serato box you can use Virtual Vinyl

Dj-Cubalibre wrote :
hei Guys!

I have 2x cdj-400 plugged with VDJ. It\'s working ok. I have one question though. Is it possible to control VDJ effects form the cdjs? (backspin, brake.etc) cos I haven\'t managed to do that, and haven\'t found a guide on the topic.


Not as of yet, maybe in the upcoming version 6. I just use my mouse.


Posted Sat 23 May 09 @ 1:48 pm
What? I can backspin with my CDJ400 controlling VDJ - it's setup as a native mode control device and it works just fine.

Posted Wed 27 May 09 @ 12:03 am
Backspin, maybe, but the other effects don't work with it. I would like to see the Vinyl mode effects and breaks implemented and scratching improved. I'm happy with what it does now but there is room for improvement, no?


Posted Wed 27 May 09 @ 3:24 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
DJRudeDoGG wrote :
Backspin, maybe, but the other effects don't work with it. I would like to see the Vinyl mode effects and breaks implemented and scratching improved. I'm happy with what it does now but there is room for improvement, no?


the built-in effects of the CDJ-400 can not be used with VDJ .... but you could assign the effect buttons to active VDJ effects.

Posted Wed 27 May 09 @ 4:12 pm
How is this done? Using Midi?

O/ Spin n'Grin ;)


Posted Wed 27 May 09 @ 7:20 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005

I SERIOUSLY AGREE WITH RUDE DOG.... Yeah I know I had to scream it.. THe Platter control Is HID.. right ? So HID uses very little latency, so with a decent computer which Most of us have .I feel the jog platter needs upgraded to be controllable just like the cdj 400 does when its in cd mode and should be able to ? Right.. HERE IS THE Problem with the jog wheel ...(when you grab it and scratch, its ok then it wont respond when you release and grab it again to cut in a vocal or music the problem is then it wil either lag so bad( respond after fact by many light years) you miss the beat or it will slow down like pitch bending.. thats my problem.. What about yours rude dog ?. I got this midi map from the pioneer forums and it (the jog wheel works just fine like in cd mode) SO PLEASE VDG DEVELOPERS CAN YOU ADJUST THE SETTINGs, can you pimp my cdj400 so it has native support and actually works properly... I know and hear all the redrick about when is vdj version 6 is suposedly coming out .. I hate when people give hints about it might be fixed in version 6 .. This is no game to me I dj professionally. so if your going to give hints ...when will it be out ?? give me a hint on that ..


Posted Thu 28 May 09 @ 3:50 am
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
oh yeah one more thing .. whoever owns a cdj 4oo and is having issues please let them be known.. the squeaky wheel always gets the grease!


Posted Thu 28 May 09 @ 3:53 am
DJKosmoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I am currently using a analoge mixer but am considering the pioneer djm700
How well does this mixer intergate with VDJ?

Posted Thu 28 May 09 @ 2:54 pm
Yeah, I have the same issue. I have used the MIDI map that Pulse put out and it works with the jog wheel but other stuff isn't right, so I've just been dealing with the native support which is better but not as far as the jog wheel goes.

I suspect that V. 6 will be out soon and hopefully they have addressed our concerns and I'm sure they will, eventually. I wouldn't say it's "rhetoric" but more a precaution. I wouldn't want it released before it's ready, then we'll ALL be disappointed. That's why it isn't released yet. I'm just patiently and humbly waiting....


Posted Thu 28 May 09 @ 2:56 pm
If there are some things to improve in the MIDI map, shoot me an email and I'll see if I can't tweak them a bit for other users to benefit from as well.

Posted Fri 29 May 09 @ 9:21 pm
No Pulse, there's nothing wrong with your MIDI map, it's about as good as it can get. I should have been more clear in my statement. I meant the HID aspect of it, LED lights and other HID functions.


Keep on Spinnin' & Grinnin'!!

Posted Fri 29 May 09 @ 9:45 pm
Pulse, the long awaited VDJ6 is with us but is it supporting the MEP7000 in native mode?
Have been looking on the site to see but couldnt find anything.



Posted Sun 31 May 09 @ 12:50 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
iainaalpine wrote :
Pulse, the long awaited VDJ6 is with us but is it supporting the MEP7000 in native mode?
Have been looking on the site to see but couldnt find anything.



Yes it has a native mapping in it and it's customizable ...

Posted Sun 31 May 09 @ 7:05 pm
I'm just hearing today that v6 is out -- I was on beta for it but never heard back about beta updates after my report. I'll give it a whirl so I'm up to speed!

Posted Sun 31 May 09 @ 11:08 pm
cstoll - can you email me please? I have a couple of questions -- my username (without the hyphen) @ mixaddicts dotcom. Tx!

Posted Sun 31 May 09 @ 11:44 pm
Emailed - I'd rather keep it off forum until I figure it out.

Posted Mon 01 Jun 09 @ 11:59 am
hi guys, bought and downloaded vdj6 and have installed it onto my ( http://www.oodj.co.uk/ ) oodj laptop without any problems. I switched on my mep7000 which powered up fine. so at this point the laptop is on and the mep is on. started up the vdj software and plugged the pc lead from the mep into the laptop. all i get on pc mode is the the pc link going white on the mep and a window popping up (found new hardware) and asking what i would like to do next.
what should i do next.
im very new to adding things like this on (have never done it before) so need to be taken through each stage if anyone can help.
i did kinda think since there was native for the mep that you would plug in and that would be it.

thanks in advance for your help


Posted Mon 01 Jun 09 @ 2:20 pm
Just a note to say that Ian's problem is solved but he's now facing the same problem I have. I'm waiting to hear back from cstoll, hopefully the issue can get resolved before it's a "problem". ;)

Posted Mon 01 Jun 09 @ 3:09 pm
Pulse im now back to nothing working like before!

this is not looking so great at the moment

p.s. would you rather i kept posting here rather than prodj?

and i was wondering if you could post your exact setup/config on the mep and vdj and i will try it and see what happens with mine?


Posted Mon 01 Jun 09 @ 3:15 pm
Just hold tight, cstoll is going to be chatting with the engineers to figure out what, if anything, isn't working.

Posted Mon 01 Jun 09 @ 6:49 pm