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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: Denon DN-HC 4500 Mapper v1.3 for PC and Mac - Page: 1

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A new updated v1.3 version of the Denon DN-HC4500 custom mapper is now available to download:


New features and bug fixes:

  • Now compatible with the Apple Macintosh versions.

  • FLIP + EXIT/RELOOP toggles smart loop on/off.

  • FLIP + JOG MODE toggles smart scratch on/off.

  • In Scratch mode, the jogwheel will continue to be held until it stops moving.

  • Jogwheel touch sensor now works in Spinback mode.

  • Internal brake improved when used at very wide pitch settings (E.g: +50%.)

  • Accidentally triggering brake at -100% pitch no-longer causes a crash.

  • User parameter 'Auto Jogwheel Browse' added. Automatically allows file/folder browsing using the jogwheel when browsing is active (PLAYLIST button.)

  • User parameter 'Jogwheel Pitch Bend Velocity' added. Sets whether the jogwheel velocity will be applied when pitch bending. When disabled (The default), the amount of pitch bend will increase/decrease at a fixed rate, regardless of the jogwheel velocity.

  • Resetting effect button #1 back to the internal brake function no-longer displays corrupt information on the text display of the HC4500 (This could also cause a crash in some cases.)


Posted Wed 28 Jan 09 @ 7:54 pm
jaakkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thanks! I have big gig tomorrow with HC4500 so i dont want to risk anything now by updating but have to give it a try on saturday :)

Posted Thu 29 Jan 09 @ 7:54 am
If I install the mapper on the MAC can I bring over my the params.cfg and functions.cfg files from the PC?


Posted Thu 29 Jan 09 @ 12:06 pm
Yes, you should be able to do this - The format of the files is the same on both platforms, and the mapper has the same features on both.

Posted Thu 29 Jan 09 @ 12:34 pm
Thanks again.!

Posted Thu 29 Jan 09 @ 12:41 pm
Good Job ;D

Posted Fri 30 Jan 09 @ 4:41 pm
It really works fantastic with my HC4500 ....by the way JPboggis, can we talk ? private or MSN (in anyway outside vdj.com) ?


Posted Tue 03 Feb 09 @ 3:54 am
Hi JP,

Is it posible to use the mapper with PCDJ VJ? i see in the manual that there is install locations for the mapper files but i can't seem to get it to work?

Posted Sat 07 Mar 09 @ 11:30 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I see no reason why it wouldn't...

Posted Sat 07 Mar 09 @ 12:21 pm
Yes, the mapper should work with PCDJ VJ - The folder you need to install it into should be something like My Documents\PCDJ VJ\Plugins\ControlDevice

Posted Sat 07 Mar 09 @ 12:37 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Xavier25 - leveled your post for JP to see... we do not allow 'Non-Licensed Users' to post emails on our forums.

Have you tried Phantom's mapper from the VJ site?

Posted Wed 11 Mar 09 @ 2:42 pm
Im sorry about that. We only have a mapper for the 5.1 version. And I have the 5.2 version Thanks

Posted Wed 11 Mar 09 @ 5:10 pm
Please ask PCDJ VJ support http://www.pcdj.com/index.php/support - I believe they are able to download plugins on behalf of their licensed users.

Unfortunately, I cannot determine whether you are a licensed user or not (Only PCDJ have access to that information.)

Posted Wed 11 Mar 09 @ 5:35 pm
VOG_PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Hey I was wondering is it normal for the link light to keep flashing when this mapper is being used? Even when you are not hitting any of the controls

Posted Fri 24 Apr 09 @ 1:31 pm
Yes, it's normal. The LINK light indicates MIDI data being sent to/from the controller.

Even when you are not doing anything, scrolling text and/or flashing button LED's will cause MIDI data to be sent to the controller.

Posted Fri 24 Apr 09 @ 1:33 pm
VOG_PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thanks thats great it takes a load off.

Also I have noticed some odd behavior when the tap button is set to sync and not tap and also set to start synced when paused/cued.

The play and cue button seem to behave strangely when its used in this way. If u hit the cue button a number of times it returns to noraml.

I have turned this off but I can try and recreate tonight unless u are already aware

Posted Fri 24 Apr 09 @ 2:10 pm
VOG_ wrote :
Thanks thats great it takes a load off.

Also I have noticed some odd behavior when the tap button is set to sync and not tap and also set to start synced when paused/cued.

The play and cue button seem to behave strangely when its used in this way. If u hit the cue button a number of times it returns to noraml.

I have turned this off but I can try and recreate tonight unless u are already aware

I noticed the same problem with the play and cue buttons although I had never related the problem with the "tap set to sync" function since I have never had the button set differently.

I always use one of the function buttons (set cue 1) to trigger play.

Posted Mon 27 Apr 09 @ 4:05 pm
VOG_PRO InfinityMember since 2006
I have noticed it again except this time I had not changed any of the user parameters.

Moving the big wheel once seems to resolve it, I cud not get it to go back to the set cue point. Both cue and play were flashing and I have also noticed while the bug is happening the blue light under the big wheel is on and or flashing.

Posted Mon 27 Apr 09 @ 4:11 pm
Thanks thats great it takes a load off

Posted Thu 30 Apr 09 @ 2:57 am
Good Job ;D

Posted Thu 30 Apr 09 @ 2:57 am