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 ControllerMappingFile v8

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Controller Mapping files in VirtualDJ 8

The mapping files are standard XML files, and must be installed in the MyDocuments/VirtualDJ/Mappers/ folder on PC or /users/YOURNAME/Documents/VirtualDJ/Mappers/ on Mac.

Mapping files for the built-in (Native supported) controllers will only appear in this folder if they have been modified by the user via the CONTROLLERS tab of VirtualDJ 8 Settings.

  • The root element of the xml must be <mapper>, with these properties:[list]
  • device: unique string that identifies the controller, as used in the definition in name=""
  • author: (optional) name of the author of this xml file
  • version: the minimum version of VirtualDJ that the mapper is designed for (E.g: version="800" for version 8.0)
  • date: (optional) the date when the mapper was created or last updated
  • priority: (optional) gives the mapping a higher or lower priority over another mapping for the same controller, e.g: -1 is higher priority, 1 is lower

  • The <map> child element
    Each mapped button, knob, slider, etc. is defined by a <map> child item of the <mapper> element with the following properties:

    • value: name (as defined in the definition file) of the button, knob, slider, etc. to map,.
    • action: VDJscript action to perform when the button is pressed, knob is moved, etc.

    [*] The <info> child element:
    Optionally, you can add an <info> element inside the <mapper> and provide the link/url of a manual or other document that explains how the mapping works.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mapper device="MYCONTROLLER" author="Me" version="800" date="14/03/2011">
    <map value="CUE" action="cue_stop" />
    <map value="PLAY" action="play_pause" />
    <map value="JOG" action="jogwheel" />
    <map value="PITCH" action="pitch_slider" />


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