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Q: I have created a VirtualDJ Add-on (Skin, Effect, Custom mapper, Tool etc).
How can i share it with the VirtualDJ community ?

Add-ons (Skins, Effects, Tools, Custom Mappers, Sample Packs etc) compatible for VirtualDJ 8 can be downloaded from the Add-on download section of the website. They are usually created by talented VirtualDJ users and staff members for additional functionality and customization of the software and offered for free providing that you are logged in, and your License level* grants you access to the specific Add-on(s) you wish to download and install.

*The Author of the Add-On determines the License Level required to access it when submitted for approval or when it is updated. Pro Infinity users have access to ALL Add-ons.

If you have created an Add-on and you wish to share it with the VirtualDJ Community, please upload your creation to our Add-ons page

Please see further instructions:

FAQ How to upload a Skin
FAQ How to upload an Effect
FAQ How to upload a Custom mapper for a Controller
FAQ How to upload a Sampler Pack


  • Do not share your creations by providing public links (such as Dropbox and other Sharing media) in VirtualDJ forums. If you wish to receive any feedback from users, please upload your creation to the Add-ons page by marking it as Beta, or use Personal messages with Licenses users.
  • Open a topic in the Skins Forum (for Skins) or the Plugins forum (for any other type of Add-on except Skins) if you wish to get feedback, provide screenshots or ask any questions about your Add-on.
  • Once your Add-on is uploaded, VirtualDJ Team will test and approve within a reasonable time (depending on the amount of submitted Addons) and will make the Add-on available in our Add-ons page.
  • VirtualDJ Team holds the right to reject your submission without notice, in case the submitted Add-on is not filling the requirements mentioned in each of the categories. In case you wish to ask any question regarding a rejected Add-on, please contact Support

Related Topics:

FAQ How do I download and install new skins, effects, samples, etc. from your website ?
FAQ I want to report something about an Add-on or contact the author
FAQ Can I share or sell the plugins available on the website ?


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