Pioneer DJ - DDJ-REV7 - Layout

Deck Controls

  1. START/STOP. Plays/Pauses the track.

  2. RPM. Select either 33&1/3 or 45 RPM for the speed of the motor of DDJ-REV7.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press these buttons to navigate through the different Display Modes (Views) of the Jog Display (32)
    Doubleclick the 33RPM button to toggle the digital vinyl marker of the Jog Display on/off

  3. PITCH BEND. Press these buttons to speed up/down the motor of DDJ-REV7 and therefore bend the track.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press these buttons in order to change the zoom level of the waveforms on the Jog Display
    Please note that due to firmware limitations the pitch bend buttons don't send MIDI messages and therefore thay cannot be used to bend the track if the motor is switched off (Vinyl Mode off)

  4. MOTORIZED JOG. Motorized platter for scratching (vinyl mode) or bending (CD Mode).
    Hold down SHIFT button and then rotate the jog in order to seek through the track.
    While SHIFT button is pressed, the motor will stop spinning. That's normal and it's in order to ensure proper operation while seeking through the track with the jog.

  5. ON JOG DISPLAY. Displays various useful information about the loaded track, such as BPM, Pitch/Tempo Adjustment, Pitch/Tempo Range, Time Elapsed/Remain, Key, Loop size, Scratch and Progress Waveforms e.t.c.
    Hold down SHIFT button and press the "RPM" buttons (29) in order to cycle through the available display modes (views)

  6. INSTANT SCRATCH. Toggle "Instant Scratch" mode of Pioneer DDJ-REV7 on/off.
    When "Instant Scratch" mode is active the track that's loaded on the corresponding deck will stop playback (if it was playing) and the deck sound will mute.
    Once you enable "Instant Scratch" mode, use one of the "SLOT" buttons (34) to load one of the 4 predefined scratch samples and use the jog to scratch them.
    While "Instant Scratch" mode is active, press the button again to exit and return to normal playback mode. The deck will unmute, and will resume playback (if it was playing before)
    "Instant Scratch" mode is a firmware (hardware) mode. While "Instant Scratch" mode is active, the entire side of the unit is controlled by it's firmware and not by the DJ software. This also means that you cannot load your own samples for scratching on the 4 slots.

  7. SLOTS/PADS. These four buttons provide different operation depending on whether or not "Instant Scratch" mode is active or not, and the "Slot Mode" selected by the "Slot Mode" buttons (35).
    If "Instant Scratch" mode is active, each button loads a different predefined sample in order to scratch it with the Jog.
    If "Instant Scratch" mode is inactive, then the buttons operate as per the table below:




    Set a hotcue (if it doesn't exist) or jump to a hotcue (if it exists) and resume playback.
    Delete a hotcue.
    Load a Scratch Bank
    Set a saved loop (if it doesn't exist) or jump to a saved loop (if it exists) and start looping.
    Delete a saved loop if held down for more than 1 second, or prepare a loop (load it but not not jump at it) otherwise.
    Play a sample depending on current Sampler playback mode.
    Stop a sample from playing.
    Mute a stem.
    Isolate a stem (mute all the other stems).

  8. SLOT MODE. Choose one of the five available modes for the "SLOT/PADS" buttons (34)
    The available modes are "Hotcues", "Scratch Bank", "Saved Loops", "Sampler" and "Stems"
    Stems mode is available only if the device is running firmware 2.01 or greater.
    To enable stems mode press both "Hot Cue" and "Scratch Bank" buttons together.

  9. STOP TIME. Select how much time the motor will take to reach a full stop after you press "START/STOP" button (28) to stop playback (vinyl brake)

  10. AUTOLOOP. Enables an automatic loop (if no loop was active) or exits the loop (if a loop was active before).
    Depending on your settings on the Preferences tab in Pioneer DDJ-REV7 Setting Utility, the loop length when you enable an automatic loop may vary.

  11. LOOP HALF/DOUBLE. Halves/Doubles the size of the current active loop, or the predefined loop length used by the "AUTOLOOP" (37) button.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press these buttons to set "Loop In" and "Loop Out" points respectively (for manual looping).

  12. SLIP. Enable Slip Mode. Several software functions (such as Jogwheel movements, HotCues and Loops) will apply temporary on the track, and the track will return to the position it would have been if those functions were not triggered.

  13. CENSOR. Press and hold this button to play the track backwards. On release the track will resume playing from the position it would have been if the button was never pressed.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press this button to activate reverse playback. Press again to restore normal (forwards) direction. The track will resume playing from it's current position.
    While the track plays in reverse mode, the motor of the DDJ-REV7 will also spin in reverse direction.

  14. KEY -/+. Use these keys to decrease or increase the key of the track by 1 semitone.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press the KEY- button to match the key of the track with the key of the opposite deck.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press the KEY+ button to reset the key of the track to its original value.

  15. TEMPO. Controls the track's playback tempo, and the rotation speed of the jog.

  16. TEMPO RANGE. Cycles through the available pitch ranges (8%, 16% and 50%)

  17. TEMPO RESET. Sets immediately the track's playback tempo and the motor's rotation speed at 100%.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press this button to return the track's playback tempo and the motor's rotation speed at 100% gradually.

  18. KEY LOCK. Lock the track's Key at it's current value.

  19. SYNC. Press this button to sync the BPM and phase of the deck with the opposite one.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press this button to toggle "Smart Play" on/off. When "Smart Play" is enabled, the deck will automatically sync with the other side each time you start playback.

  20. BROWSE.
    Turn: Scroll through content of the Folders or the Songs Lists.
    Hold down SHIFT button first in order to scroll though the content of the selected Sideview List.
    Push: Toggle focus between Folders and Songs List
    Hold down SHIFT button first in order to toggle Browser Zoom on/off.

  21. BACK. Set focus to the Folders List or expand/collapse sub-folders if focus is already on the Folders List.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press this button to cycle through the available views of the Sideview (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke, Sampler and Clones)

  22. LOAD. Load the selected track from the Browser to the Left/Right Deck.
    Doubleclick the button to clone the track from the opposite deck to the Left/Right Deck.
    Hold down SHIFT button and then press this button to add the selected track from the Songs List to the Automix List of Sideview.
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