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Forum: Old versions

Topic: mp4 codec problems

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Ive tried the trial version of http://www.3ivx.com/download/ to no avail in vdj5.0. my work system seems to play the files in windows media player, but when VDJ's codecs are set to mp4 = windows media player codec the files still won't load.

at home i tried inatalling quicktime, where the videos will now play in quicktime, but with no General quicktime video codec option in VDJ, all i can get is audio, because all you can set it to is General quicktime audio decoder.

apparently there is a vew different versions of mp4, and I have no idea what format these tracks are in.

If worst gets to worst, I'll have to email one of the team a offending file to see if they can work it out, but surely there is an easier way to do this.

Posted Wed 26 Sep 07 @ 12:07 pm
Grr! I installed the Haali Media Splitter and the ffdshow codec, and now have the files reading on both PC's, but only in windows media player 11, when I try to use it "via" VDJ, vdj refuses to load the fille.

Posted Wed 26 Sep 07 @ 1:15 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Make sure you are using the Windows MediaPlayer Video Decoder. In your first post you only stated the Windows MediaPlayer Decoder which is audio only.

Also, what happens if you change the extension to AVI and play it?

Posted Wed 26 Sep 07 @ 4:14 pm
Yes, I was using the windows video codec, havent tried renaming to avi, but did try mpg just for a gas.

After a lot of searching i found that the codec in the above link WITH the Matroska splitter would then play the files, the only problem happening if you FF and RR in the track while its plaing knocking the sync out, if you just play it from beginning to end, even with pitch the files play fine.

Strangly with just the FFDsow codec windows media player can play the file, but VDJ cannot play it USING the windows media player video codec. Just installing the 3ivx codec would not play the file at all, and just installing the splitter would cause windows media player to go hunting the net for a codec, where without the splitter it would just give an error. When you put the splitter and the 3ivx codec together you get joy! just a pity it isnt a free codec.

Posted Thu 27 Sep 07 @ 6:02 am
jng808Home userMember since 2008
how do i recod with virtual dj it keeps telling me video codec error i want to be able to record the videos im mixing? please get back at me

Posted Thu 18 Sep 08 @ 2:20 am
Old thread no longer relevant.



Posted Sat 15 Dec 12 @ 10:25 am

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