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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: Slideshow picture stretched V5 [SOLVED] - Page: 6

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Supcon, I'm glad I'm not the only one with that problem. Here's hoping we can get it working soon.

SBDJ wrote :
I think I've tracked the cause of some potential crashes on exiting VDJ - it appears that the seperate thread I created hadn't yet terminated so was still running briefly and tried to access a destroyed D3D device as it was loading or processing the next picture. Hopefully I've fixed that as well - it was completely a timing related thing and a fluke that it happened in the Dev environment so I could catch it! If any of the team can give me any information on Kym's crash info I'd appreciate it :)

Yes that's it. I have the same problem (and crash) in the ShowCover plugin :-(

To those of you having problems with the controls missing I'll have to send one of you a debug version and see if we can trace why it's not working.

I'll go for it. What do I need to do?

Okay, I have an update. I just uninstalled Numark Cue, erased the folders for Numark Cue in the My Documents and Programs. Then I installed 5.0.7. Installed the plugins. And I still don't have controls for the SKDJ Slideshow.


Also had a major crash last night I'm afraid. This was the first time i ran the plugin as a "For audio only tracks, Use this plugin" in video setup, with Automix. Well the first time with automix, it ran for maybe one song and I noticed that the slides were randomly fading in and out of the same slide, quickly screaming through say five slides, just really going nuts. Timer was set to 4 seconds, and soon as i saw the first hint that te timeing seemed a bit strange, went to check the PC.

Slideshow then jammed, and while i was quickly trying to change the VIDEO option in config, to use another plugin, the main DJ interface jammed, (Audio and video still playing OK to club), the DJ screen went black and came back with only the moving waveforms at the top of the screen, and nothing else, DAC2 had also jammed by this point. Just as the song started to fade out (I always have a backup CD loaded!) I started the CD, Crashguard appered all by its self, Song jammed, and then VDJ completely colsed without intervention. Will see if any reports were made once I hook up Show PC shortly.

Will also be running a Test similar to this on my backup system, with automix to see if the issue appears again!



I always use it as the default audio-only plugin without issues. I've been running it here testing on automix now for about 20 minutes without issue, although this is the current development version...

I've got some more changes to make, then I'll send you a test copy to try out :)



DJCel, the link you gave is to vcredist_x86.exe to download. Is that the same thing as the other you mentioned?
I just searched my console computer and you're right, it doesn't have the .dll you mentioned. The microsoft site mentioned I needed to have windows installer as a required software. Does that mean my console needs to be online? If so, is there another way of getting the .dll. My console don't have access to the net for safety reasons.

tanina wrote :
DJCel, the link you gave is to vcredist_x86.exe to download. Is that the same thing as the other you mentioned?

No this one is for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime
The other link was for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime

Do not ask me why Microsoft doesn't make a Windows update for that lol


DJCel, Which link should I go to? Even though I've been fooling around with computers for over 15 years, I don't have much experience with Microsoft's download sites. Information overload, usually. I hate to ask this, but can you give this old man a step by step. Also, as I mentioned earlier. My console isn't connected to the internet so I need to be able to save and move the file to the console to install.

SBDJ wrote :

I always use it as the default audio-only plugin without issues. I've been running it here testing on automix now for about 20 minutes without issue, although this is the current development version...

I've got some more changes to make, then I'll send you a test copy to try out :)



Yes so did I, all Sat night, packed night and no issues. problem arised when I used it on automix with this config.
I agree, on testing on my backup system for 4 hours, all ran smoothly. Will re test on laptop shortly. However I did get crashguard on closing VDJ, but not sure if this was related.

From the Backup system...
Crash ID=7c918fea (date=802120032, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=Main, dump=ff40108b, excode=c0000005 (1,10))


Hello everyone with problems with the SBDJ Slideshow controls not showing up. I took a gamble and put my console online. I updated windows until I had no more updates available in Express and Custom. I just opened the SBDJ Slideshow and guess what. IT HAS CONTROLLLLLSSSSS!!!!!!! Yippee!

Try it and I hope it works for you.

Now, I'm going to start testing everything.

Look what happens when I don't log in for a few days!!

Well done scott, My pc has been knackered so I could n't check to see if you had done anything.

I've downloaded the latest off VDJ and I currently have it running with 600 pics and doing automix, I'll leave it running tonight and then tomorrow I will give it a good thrash!

Oh and thanks to Jamesh (hukboy) and Dion for letting me know it has been 'Solved'!

Hmm, do you have the new beta, as the current one on the site only supports 281 or so files? 600 would most certainly cause problems!

Major crash from Sunday now has a crashguard report from Show PC....

Freeze (date=802040236, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=SortThread)
Crash ID=004868dc (date=802091916, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=Main, dump=8b088b51, excode=c0000005 (0,190420))
Crash ID=7c918fea (date=802100409, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=Main, dump=ff40108b, excode=c0000005 (1,10))
Crash ID=4fed3a5b (date=802102108, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=Video, dump=0f110078, excode=c0000005 (1,5da2000))
Crash ID=7c918fea (date=802110232, version=5.0.7, build=507, thread=Main, dump=ff40108b, excode=c0000005 (1,10))

As I cant read the datecode, I suspect the Video crash, or the second to last crash listed here was the major one. Should be marked about 9.05pm Feb 10th 2008.

Am now retesting on Show PC, set as it was for major crash. Starting to wornder if most of the issues are appering on first run (IE no INI file), as the issue on the backup PC where the first start of the plugin would not run untill the file was "Re-OPENed" no longer appears, and I can now just open VDJ, and click activate on the plugin, and the images come up right away.

Will report back in a few hours regarding testing on show PC.


OK Show PC crashed again, but not almost right away like last time, after 18 tracks in automix mode. I wasnt actually watching at the time, but when it locked up, the DJ screen had frozen about two minutes prior to the crash (As it was showing 2.30 remaining) it was at the point it tried to mix the next track in, then the audio jammed up and no crashguard this time.

Other plugins running are:
Have been running this config for 3 or 4 months now, with no issues, only change is the slideshow, that we are bug fixing now. =)

Re-running test now, upto track 18 now!

Well mine ran fine all night but this morning I went to change picture files and I couldn't get it to load any picture.
Also all Delay and transparency slider dissapeared!

The other slideshow plugins work fine.

Will investigate later, maybe it's the 200+ picture thing is causing issues here

Just rechecked and I have no 'open' tab or anything :-(

Just reinstalled it and I have no transparency slider, was that in the first version Scott?
Think I tested the old version if it was lol!!

Working fine now but doesn't like large amounts of pictures. Right I'm off out, gonna test it whilst wacking a load of video in the background, titler, text etc

There is no trans slider in v1, you may have loaded the wrong version.

I have both versions!

I seemed to have tested the old version overnight lol!

Well I'm currently playing, I have clipbank as a back ground visual and Scotts slideshow doing around 100 pics, also playing music videos on automix and the titler plus text. And surfing the net.

I'm also changing files for the pictures to see what happens and have a go at manually mixing etc.

All good so far.
