just imagine this great soft ...working on PLAYSTATION PORTABLE....
the best dj mix pogram +the most powerfull portable console = BOMBASTIC!!!!!!!
the best dj mix pogram +the most powerfull portable console = BOMBASTIC!!!!!!!
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 12:08 am
Not feasible, the architectures are too different. Besides, how would you control it?
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 12:48 am
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 1:05 am
PSP rulez, I have it :)
Can't wait for Tekken 5 DR Online battle for PS3 ;)
Sorry for off topic ;)
Can't wait for Tekken 5 DR Online battle for PS3 ;)
Sorry for off topic ;)
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 1:54 am
Philly should release that mac skin in the pictures above.. its a REAL skin ;) and very cool lookin on an iMac
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 1:58 am
ooooh cool!
Posted Fri 03 Aug 07 @ 2:21 am
Queria Preguntarles, si ya an sacado alguna version del Virtual DJ para PSP Portable, ya que estas consolas tienen un procesador de 333 Mhz es posible que logren disenar un VIRTUAL DJ basico que sea exclusivo para PSP portable?? la verdad seria fantastico ya que esta consola Permite poder instalarles muchas cosas, seria increible y novedoso poder andar por ahi, con mi PSP portable e ir mesclando algunas rolas usando el Virtual DJ y su motor de BPM.
Actualmente ya hay programas para PSP portable como el Ruckus mod v.5 (dj player for PSP) Loop Edition pero no promete mucho, estoy seguro que de disenar una version del virtual DJ para PSP portable, seria fantastico y genial.
Favor el dia que saquen una version del Virtual DJ para PSP Portable, favor avisar, seria miuy novedoso ir a una fiesta de amigos como invitado y conectar mi PSP portable y hacer la fiesta un bum, creo que esa idea es mucho mas atractiva que ir con un iphone o celular y conectarlo para tocar mis rolas.
Por otro lado, la unica forma de usar este programa en el PSP portable, seria comprando los Discos originales, ya que como saben los PSP portables solamente pueden usar software original grabado en las UMD.
Pienso que ahi tienen un buen mercado para acceder.
Queria Preguntarles, si ya an sacado alguna version del Virtual DJ para PSP Portable, ya que estas consolas tienen un procesador de 333 Mhz es posible que logren disenar un VIRTUAL DJ basico que sea exclusivo para PSP portable?? la verdad seria fantastico ya que esta consola Permite poder instalarles muchas cosas, seria increible y novedoso poder andar por ahi, con mi PSP portable e ir mesclando algunas rolas usando el Virtual DJ y su motor de BPM.
Actualmente ya hay programas para PSP portable como el Ruckus mod v.5 (dj player for PSP) Loop Edition pero no promete mucho, estoy seguro que de disenar una version del virtual DJ para PSP portable, seria fantastico y genial.
Favor el dia que saquen una version del Virtual DJ para PSP Portable, favor avisar, seria miuy novedoso ir a una fiesta de amigos como invitado y conectar mi PSP portable y hacer la fiesta un bum, creo que esa idea es mucho mas atractiva que ir con un iphone o celular y conectarlo para tocar mis rolas.
Por otro lado, la unica forma de usar este programa en el PSP portable, seria comprando los Discos originales, ya que como saben los PSP portables solamente pueden usar software original grabado en las UMD.
Pienso que ahi tienen un buen mercado para acceder.

Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 2:25 am
I think it has now become possible to remotely control Virtual DJ from a web browser using an iPhone for example. Virtual DJ 6's midi engine and vdjscript allow for a lot of possibilities. I think it's possible to create a virtual midi device which would provide a mini web server to listen for requests. This could then be sent to Virtual DJ as if it came from a real device but it would be very challenging to implement. While I think it's possible, I don't see a use for it - other than thinking 'that's cool', you'd probably try it once and then never again. The other issue of course would be no textual feedback on the web interface, unless vdj has methods to export this information to a devices display?
Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 2:58 am
Siii.... !!! seria exelente, tener una version de VIRTUAL DJ para PSP Portable, uff lo maximo, ya me imagino, ir de parranda y ser el alma de la fiesta con mi PSP portable, haciendo mixes en vivo como jugando.
Sin contar de la opcion de conectar el psp a una pantalla, ya que los psp portables tienen salida de Video out. No importa si no tiene preescucha, pues facilmente uno puede marcar los Cue de las canciones con anterioridad para poder hacer tus mixes en vivo con tu PSP portable. ademas las memorias de las psp son de 2gb a 16gb, y esto permite que un Dj pueda colocar unicamente los temas de mas exito en el PSP portable y asi tocar muy buenas rolas unicamente.
Vamos saquen la version para PSP Portable, que estoy seguro el 99.9 % de las personas que ya conocen y an probado o usan el Virtual Dj para pc estarian dispuestos a adquirirlo.
Ademas de los Dj moviles que tocan en fiestas pequenas, cumpleanos y etc, se ahorrarian mucho en equipo, ya que usando tu PSP portable, tienes toda la fiesta en tus manos y un PSP portable es mucho mas economico que comprarse una LAPTOP o PC o compactera profesional y mixer para poder mesclar en vivo.
Sin contar de la opcion de conectar el psp a una pantalla, ya que los psp portables tienen salida de Video out. No importa si no tiene preescucha, pues facilmente uno puede marcar los Cue de las canciones con anterioridad para poder hacer tus mixes en vivo con tu PSP portable. ademas las memorias de las psp son de 2gb a 16gb, y esto permite que un Dj pueda colocar unicamente los temas de mas exito en el PSP portable y asi tocar muy buenas rolas unicamente.
Vamos saquen la version para PSP Portable, que estoy seguro el 99.9 % de las personas que ya conocen y an probado o usan el Virtual Dj para pc estarian dispuestos a adquirirlo.
Ademas de los Dj moviles que tocan en fiestas pequenas, cumpleanos y etc, se ahorrarian mucho en equipo, ya que usando tu PSP portable, tienes toda la fiesta en tus manos y un PSP portable es mucho mas economico que comprarse una LAPTOP o PC o compactera profesional y mixer para poder mesclar en vivo.
Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 3:01 am
that would be really cool as a "guess what I did" thing but I don't think it would be practical in the least. although if someone did find a way to do it, bet your ass I would put it on my PSP just for the coolness factor.
P.S. my spanish is alittle rusty since I haven't used it AT ALL in about 5 years, anyone care to translate the above posts?
P.S. my spanish is alittle rusty since I haven't used it AT ALL in about 5 years, anyone care to translate the above posts?
Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 3:05 am
Otra forma mas facil de usarlo podria ser con el sistema que se uso para el ATOMIXMP3, ya que este programa es mas lijero que el VIRTUAL DJ y mas sencillo e incluso las pcs con menos capacidad pueden correr este programa tranquilamente.
Aqui otra muestra de como podria ser Nuestro nuevo VIRTUAL DJ para PSP portable....
Sonar no cuesta nada....!!!
Aqui otra muestra de como podria ser Nuestro nuevo VIRTUAL DJ para PSP portable....
Sonar no cuesta nada....!!!

Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 3:11 am
BAsically and in short.
Translate is: Chaparral_Zac: I think is a good Idea to have some sort of VDJ for PSP. Portable, and have to use a legal copy to work (cause use a closed cd)
Yes it could be cool. Imagine. you could use i with 16gb memory modules and just play hits on the event. I think 99.9 of VDJ users would love to buy this...
Chaparral_Zac: ... This is another way that could be presented, maybe as AtomixMP3 since don't need to much of a PC. "Dreaming isn't hard".
Guys, If this is already difficult to keep things going in PC & Macs... not sure about psp... I prefer to carry my laptop everywere and be ready, than only do some audio mixing...
Good Luck!
PS: Chaparral_Zac, Hello fellow... please write in english on this forum. Acw
Chaparral_zac, hola Amigo, por favor escribe en ingles en este foro y en los que sean en ese idioma igual. Saludos. Acw
Translate is: Chaparral_Zac: I think is a good Idea to have some sort of VDJ for PSP. Portable, and have to use a legal copy to work (cause use a closed cd)
Yes it could be cool. Imagine. you could use i with 16gb memory modules and just play hits on the event. I think 99.9 of VDJ users would love to buy this...
Chaparral_Zac: ... This is another way that could be presented, maybe as AtomixMP3 since don't need to much of a PC. "Dreaming isn't hard".
Guys, If this is already difficult to keep things going in PC & Macs... not sure about psp... I prefer to carry my laptop everywere and be ready, than only do some audio mixing...
Good Luck!
PS: Chaparral_Zac, Hello fellow... please write in english on this forum. Acw
Chaparral_zac, hola Amigo, por favor escribe en ingles en este foro y en los que sean en ese idioma igual. Saludos. Acw
Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 10:14 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
Philly should release that mac skin in the pictures above.. its a REAL skin ;) and very cool lookin on an iMac
Philly should release that mac skin in the pictures above.. its a REAL skin ;) and very cool lookin on an iMac
Posted Sun 28 Jun 09 @ 10:42 pm
hackmiester wrote :
Not feasible, the architectures are too different. Besides, how would you control it?
would be very similar to the controls as ATOMIXMP3 using only 1 tj sound, I think it would be intuitively using questionnaires and pressing the button AutoMix not need to preview.
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 3:00 am
Andrew87 wrote :
I think it has now become possible to remotely control Virtual DJ from a web browser using an iPhone for example. Virtual DJ 6's midi engine and vdjscript allow for a lot of possibilities. I think it's possible to create a virtual midi device which would provide a mini web server to listen for requests. This could then be sent to Virtual DJ as if it came from a real device but it would be very challenging to implement. While I think it's possible, I don't see a use for it - other than thinking 'that's cool', you'd probably try it once and then never again. The other issue of course would be no textual feedback on the web interface, unless vdj has methods to export this information to a devices display?
Using the API would be easier; I've built a TCP server into VDJ in the past using the SDK.
The only problem was I had absolutely no use for it - why would I need to remotely control it in real life?
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 6:20 am
if you'd had a really dodgy curry the night before and had to keep relieving yourself. :)
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 12:01 pm
There is a portable iPod style mixer called the Pacemaker. It's not VDJ, but it seems to be a neat tool for small gigs or just practicing/creating set lists while on the bus/subway/etc.
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 1:01 pm
SBDJ wrote :
The only problem was I had absolutely no use for it - why would I need to remotely control it in real life?
I agree, there isn't a need for it - it's the closest you can get to Virtual DJ (or similar) running on such a low powered device like the PSP but would still require an external PC so sort of defeats the purpose. I think both are terrible ideas; at the very worst you can run Virtual DJ on a netbook, these are relatively cheap, easy to transport and still give you decent control over Virtual DJ without an external controller. I don't see what benefits the PSP would have at all. The iPhone would be a more suitable platform but once again, not really useful. It's better suited to a DJ Hero or Audiosurf (this would be quite cool) type game.
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 3:01 pm
Andrew87 wrote :
I agree, there isn't a need for it - it's the closest you can get to Virtual DJ (or similar) running on such a low powered device like the PSP but would still require an external PC so sort of defeats the purpose. I think both are terrible ideas; at the very worst you can run Virtual DJ on a netbook, these are relatively cheap, easy to transport and still give you decent control over Virtual DJ without an external controller. I don't see what benefits the PSP would have at all. The iPhone would be a more suitable platform but once again, not really useful. It's better suited to a DJ Hero or Audiosurf (this would be quite cool) type game.
unless u were using it to do another show somewhere else... present at one party in person...playing at another.... controlling VDJ from a different location.... Say u could book two gigs at the same time... djing in at two venues..... now that would be interesting... Superhuman perhaps.. guess dreams do happen
Posted Mon 29 Jun 09 @ 9:03 pm
esta bien padre ojala yo pudiera descargarlo para mi psp pork si kiero ese programa de dj para mi psp esta conganas luego lo descargo
Posted Sat 02 Apr 11 @ 9:18 pm