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Topic: Is all of MP3 a Legit site?

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I ask because their prices are so low.

Posted Tue 27 Mar 07 @ 6:51 pm
They use a loop hole in the law which means they currently can get away with selling tracks without permission (due to thier own territory restrictions in eastern europe).

However, whilst the authorities haven't yet managed to close them down, don't think that makes it ok to buy from them. The laws that you, as a buyer, must follow are the laws of the country YOU are located in, not the site. i.e. Unless you are in one of those eastern european countries, you are breaking the law if you purchase anything from them, and you are open to prosecution in the court for that reason.

I think they'll be closed soon..so get your music now! did I say that out loud?

I have hearing they are going to close since 2 years ago... and if the current Russian laws don't change, it will not close. And if the Russian law change, they are going still in bussiness, but they have to pay more... so maybe now it's a great deal, later it will be cheaper that iTunes for sure even paying what they aren't paying now.

Nothing is wrong with purchasing tracks from allofmp3. They have an excellent site which in my opinion is the way in which online music services should be structured (you pay per Megabyte). The various "music associations" which only represent the interests of the big 4 music cartel (Sony/BMG, Warner Music Group, Vivendi Universal & EMI), would like nothing better than to shut down allofmp3 because they cannot control it. Control is what they want, control of what they would like you to listen to and COLLECT REVENUE ON THEIR TERMS. Mp3s at one dollar plus and full of DRM (Digital Rights Management) is what they want you to buy, essentially inflating the price of music and then having the audacity to tell you how to use it. The way of the future is allofmp3, the record companies are always 5 steps, maybe more, behind. Anyway under Russian law they are legitimate despite pressure from the cartel to have the Russian government change their laws to suit them.



DJ Yogi wrote :
Nothing is wrong with purchasing tracks from allofmp3. They have an excellent site which in my opinion is the way in which online music services should be structured (you pay per Megabyte). The various "music associations" which only represent the interests of the big 4 music cartel (Sony/BMG, Warner Music Group, Vivendi Universal & EMI), would like nothing better than to shut down allofmp3 because they cannot control it. Control is what they want, control of what they would like you to listen to and COLLECT REVENUE ON THEIR TERMS. Mp3s at one dollar plus and full of DRM (Digital Rights Management) is what they want you to buy, essentially inflating the price of music and then having the audacity to tell you how to use it. The way of the future is allofmp3, the record companies are always 5 steps, maybe more, behind. Anyway under Russian law they are legitimate despite pressure from the cartel to have the Russian government change their laws to suit them.


Yogi, you are either smoking crack, or drinking too much Russian vodka, because you actually used Russian and law in the same year. That is the best laugh I have had in a long time. Integrity seems to have eluded you, so let me speak a little slow, so you and others can get it. When you own something, you have a right to say how it will be used, and who can make money off of it. Perhaps you have heard of the little thing called the Ipod. Last year there were 1400 Ipod accessories, and they all had to pay Apple a little something. If you were an artist, and someone was selling your music, and you were not getting paid, you would be singing a different tune. We have laws for a reason. If someone stole your idea, and was making money with it, you would be the first one in court, as it should be. People break laws all the time and try to rationalize their behaviour. So, you want to pick and choose which laws, you want to obey? In Thailand, it's OK to have sex with little girls. Are you taking regular flights to Bangkok? Why can't I buy pistols in Virginia, an sell them on the streets of New York? I paid for them. The way you think, General Parkov should be able to sell weapons grade Uranium to the highest bidder. Take a wild guess why the "Russian Government", will not stop this. This is a old topic, but the "cartels" have a right to protect their property. You did agree to those terms when you bought it. That's the same thing I tell clients, and show them the contract, when they get selective memory loss.

Yogi, I did type a really long message but then decided to keep it short. If you don't pay legally for your music, the labels won't get paid, and so the artists don't get paid nor do the producers, and you're talking about peoples jobs and careers here. They stop making music, and the quality of music releases decreases dramitically (already happened when you look at how tracks from the 70s and 80s compare to tracks now). And don't think it's just the big labels, they are the ones who survive, the smaller labels are dying off fast.

How would you feel if you worked for 6 months, and spent money on doing that work only to be told you can only get paid a fraction of what you spent?


Some true some not in the same point of view. If I make something and someone is using it or saling without my authorization is bad for me, but even worst when a whole country permits that. I agree with that. But I learn that nothing is only the way it looks... many times you find many faces on some particular issue.

Everyone is breaking some rule or some law at a time, some are really bad others don't to much. Take the guns for example, if you sale guns for living, even is a legal business, it lives by helping people to kill people. As I said, everything has different an valid points of view, it depends in were you are; were is your reference point.

I can said that laws in Russian, perjudice me as a Composer or Artist, but also USA laws affect others, in the same way China laws affects to people all over the world. As I said, there are more perjudice things, that music to clasify a whole Country as "dirty".

This issue belong to personal believes & local laws. AllOfMP3 is there and some could use it, some not. It's a fact and if Russian laws don't change (it will change some day for sure) it will be like it is now. If you can buy this music and not fault a local law doing it, then you are one of those that could use this site.


So from what you are saying, I assume that it wouldn't bother you if people downloaded Virtual DJ without permission in those countries?

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