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Topic: Fader start question / help

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Anyone with a meter & a fader start mixer I need some help. I'm trying to find out what voltage if any is outputted from the mixer when the fader is engaged.

I'm in the process of putting together a controller that will work with the fader starts. I already found one solution....but it will be cheaper to energize relays through voltage rather than audio.

The solution I have found is this relay which is energized when it hears/identifies any audio:


Using two of these relays along with Pern's mapper & joystick, you'll be able to start the video transition when the fader engaged. Although the vid will not follow the fader....its still another solution for a controller.

If anyone can help with this because @ the moment I don't have a mixer with fader start.

Thanks for any help.

Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 4:46 pm
el bumper

I'm also working on this. And it looks like both Pioneer and Denon use +5V for fader start. Pioneer also use ground switching in the cable connector for Play / CUE functionality.

So using a sound activated switch is a little overkill. I think it could work , the only problem with using a relay is that the scanning of buttons is very fast and the relay is a mechanical device, so it might not be 100%. Also , the schematic is very simple. A buffer ic -> schmitt-trigger -> transistor -> relay should work better.


I looked at the schematic for the sound activated switch. How are you going to use it ?

The only way i see it is to first lower the signal from the fader start via a potentiometer or 2 resistors, then connect it to the + input of the second OP-amp. Then match R4/R3 so that the comparator works with the new input level. And not solder C2/R5. And make sure the Mic is not sending any signals also.

I think it's easier to make a new one fron scratch.


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