"With the MIDI controller market hotting up considerably, there seems to be a clear favourite - the not in any way plastic Vestax VCI-100. "
"For some reason, many manufacturers are knocking out pretty cheap plastic MIDI controllers but Vestax have turned out a serious beast of a unit. It's certainly not large, measuring 360mm x 250mm x 60mm to the top of the knobs - a little larger than a 15"laptop - but it weighs a ton, coming in at a seriously heavy 3.8Kg. I'm led to believe that this won't be the final weight but it gives an indication of the robustness of the unit."

Full review here:
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 8:49 pm
>>> EDITED : Video fixed --- see below
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 8:49 pm
here's another one...
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 8:58 pm
I just uploaded the video.. .
Youtube is slow on decode ..damn
Will be available shortly ;)
Youtube is slow on decode ..damn
Will be available shortly ;)
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 8:59 pm
i agree 100%
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 9:03 pm
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 10:12 pm
can you do Bend with the wheel ??? like xp10 ?? or Pioneer cds ??
Posted Fri 23 Mar 07 @ 11:31 pm
Has anyone tested the VCI 100 with virtual Dj Pro..
Posted Sat 24 Mar 07 @ 1:02 am
Man-Tk wrote :
can you do Bend with the wheel ??? like xp10 ?? or Pioneer cds ??
it seem that is possible, for being perfect it only needs an integrated asio soundcard for tcvs use :)
Posted Sat 24 Mar 07 @ 2:21 am
Anyone know about how much it's going to cost (US)?
I seen 1 dealer with a $399 and another with a $799
I seen 1 dealer with a $399 and another with a $799
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 12:23 am
500 UK£ = 983.9 US$
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 12:34 am
overpriced and missing a soundcard, nice try though.
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 1:23 am
First of all the PREORDER price is set at £419.00, and as we all know, the preorder price is a lot more expensive than what the real price will be when the product has been out a little bit.. ;)
Secondly, I think the Vestaxx VCI 100 deserves a LOT more than a "nice try".. lol ;)
Its by no doubt the best DJ software controller made so far..
- FAR better and more solid than XP10
- FAR better and more solid than Hercules
- FAR better and mroe solid that BCD2000
- FAR better size and looks than all above with leds
- even in ways, better than the extremely expensive Zone3D
- it has better jogwheel than hardware such as ICDX, Pioneer CDJ100/200 etc etc
AND, it features 90 (!!) midi asignable functions + touchsensitve jogwheels + mixer.
So cant expect THAT at a low price! lol... Wake up..;) Its not a dream world, where freaking great controllers dont cost a bit...hehe
So it lacks a soundcard.. so what! ;)
Reason is probably very simple, that would make it too expensive.
I'd rather have a rock solid, durable cool looking controller like the Vestax than plastic piece of ** like Hercules;) hehe
Sure the are "dream controllers not made yet" that are better... hehe... But when that comes, it will cost even more than the VDi100;)
And, after all, not everybody wants the soundcard included .... for several reasons
1) They already have a soundcard
2) They want to choose soundcard themselves according to need, and not by what Vestax chooses
Yeah, I'm a "gettin-it" ;)
First of all the PREORDER price is set at £419.00, and as we all know, the preorder price is a lot more expensive than what the real price will be when the product has been out a little bit.. ;)
Secondly, I think the Vestaxx VCI 100 deserves a LOT more than a "nice try".. lol ;)
Its by no doubt the best DJ software controller made so far..
- FAR better and more solid than XP10
- FAR better and more solid than Hercules
- FAR better and mroe solid that BCD2000
- FAR better size and looks than all above with leds
- even in ways, better than the extremely expensive Zone3D
- it has better jogwheel than hardware such as ICDX, Pioneer CDJ100/200 etc etc
AND, it features 90 (!!) midi asignable functions + touchsensitve jogwheels + mixer.
So cant expect THAT at a low price! lol... Wake up..;) Its not a dream world, where freaking great controllers dont cost a bit...hehe
So it lacks a soundcard.. so what! ;)
Reason is probably very simple, that would make it too expensive.
I'd rather have a rock solid, durable cool looking controller like the Vestax than plastic piece of ** like Hercules;) hehe
Sure the are "dream controllers not made yet" that are better... hehe... But when that comes, it will cost even more than the VDi100;)
And, after all, not everybody wants the soundcard included .... for several reasons
1) They already have a soundcard
2) They want to choose soundcard themselves according to need, and not by what Vestax chooses
Yeah, I'm a "gettin-it" ;)
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 3:04 am
cool where did you see that i got qouted 500
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 3:21 am
hum.... ?
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 4:08 am
This is where I found it.
You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.
Lots of specs & info about it here too.
You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.
Lots of specs & info about it here too.
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 7:46 am
It will be priced somewhere between £300-£400 from what I've read. Not close to £500, the U.S is always cheaper so it might be around $600 at a guess.
The simple fact is that the Vestax doesn't bring anything to the table FOR me, everything I need and more is on the hercules, the Vestax wont make my mixing better, it wont increase my income from DJ'ing, it will just cost me £300-£400 for something that's nice, fun and pretty yes but only a benefit in the bedroom (and I ain't talking safe sex!), so I can't justify the cost for something that will offer ME less.
The soundcard debate is one we've already had, people are clearly divided in this regard. For me the inclusion of a soundcard is of paramount importance when deciding on a controller. for reasons of convenience, portability, space (in DJ booths) and the added overall cost (controller + HQ usb soundcard).
Most non-DJ's don't have portable USB soundcards, so it would add to their cost too, even on the video, the guy didn't have a soundcard for 3 days, so his review was limited.
So yes, it's a mighty fine controller (from what I can tell) and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't need a controller with an included soundcard, Mobile DJ's, Bedroom DJ's and many club DJ's, but from the Clubs I've worked in, space is tight and that's just with a laptop + MK2, sometimes I have to position stuff in the most awkward of ways.
The simple fact is that the Vestax doesn't bring anything to the table FOR me, everything I need and more is on the hercules, the Vestax wont make my mixing better, it wont increase my income from DJ'ing, it will just cost me £300-£400 for something that's nice, fun and pretty yes but only a benefit in the bedroom (and I ain't talking safe sex!), so I can't justify the cost for something that will offer ME less.
The soundcard debate is one we've already had, people are clearly divided in this regard. For me the inclusion of a soundcard is of paramount importance when deciding on a controller. for reasons of convenience, portability, space (in DJ booths) and the added overall cost (controller + HQ usb soundcard).
Most non-DJ's don't have portable USB soundcards, so it would add to their cost too, even on the video, the guy didn't have a soundcard for 3 days, so his review was limited.
So yes, it's a mighty fine controller (from what I can tell) and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't need a controller with an included soundcard, Mobile DJ's, Bedroom DJ's and many club DJ's, but from the Clubs I've worked in, space is tight and that's just with a laptop + MK2, sometimes I have to position stuff in the most awkward of ways.
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 1:45 pm
More and more clubs have soundcards pre-installed, because they have djs using laptops.
That be the SSL card, or soon the Numark box.
So for many, not being a soundcard in that Vestax can even be a plus.
And not finding space for a soundcard (maya 44 is about the size of two cigarette packs) seems odd. Must be one crowded booth.. ;)
For mobile djs, I can see they want "all in one", but clubs around the world having soundcard there is more and more common. For the reason that pc djs are more common, and that the club dont want each to fiddle around with their own cables and soundcards into the system.
About mixing better with the Vestax than the Hercules controller, I for sure will...
It has 90 midi buttons/knobs/sliders asignable to VDJ software, so I will have far better control with the Vestax than the Hercules ;)
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 2:33 pm
When the clubs I work for have pre-installed soundcards then I'll be a lot happier about upgrading to a controller that doesn't have a soundcard, because it's no problem at home.
It's not that a USB soundcard takes up a lot of space, but it still takes up more space, it's another point with cables comming from it, besides the fact that these controllers (Numark and Vestax) are much bigger in themselves. Ideally I'd like to run TCV with a controller, and that wont happen if I was to need a seperate soundcard, harddrive etc, not for the firm I'm contracted with, and I think you'll find many are in a simular position.
The needs of the DJ are changing as they upgrade to the new technology, and as you rightly say, the booth is changing but not everywhere....yet.
I find the Hercules MK2 is very compact, convenient and reliable. That's why I've stuck with it for so long, because alternatives usually present inpracticalitys at a much higher cost. When I start making more cash from DJ'ing and the Venues are more tolerant of personalised set-ups then you'll see me raving about new controllers as you are.
It's not that a USB soundcard takes up a lot of space, but it still takes up more space, it's another point with cables comming from it, besides the fact that these controllers (Numark and Vestax) are much bigger in themselves. Ideally I'd like to run TCV with a controller, and that wont happen if I was to need a seperate soundcard, harddrive etc, not for the firm I'm contracted with, and I think you'll find many are in a simular position.
The needs of the DJ are changing as they upgrade to the new technology, and as you rightly say, the booth is changing but not everywhere....yet.
I find the Hercules MK2 is very compact, convenient and reliable. That's why I've stuck with it for so long, because alternatives usually present inpracticalitys at a much higher cost. When I start making more cash from DJ'ing and the Venues are more tolerant of personalised set-ups then you'll see me raving about new controllers as you are.
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 2:59 pm
I agree with DJ in Norway. I have the hercules mk2 and while it has been very good to me and my business i also think think that its time for a change. I dropped my mk2 hercules and because of its plastic make up, It cracked and the sound card never worked again .. I truly believe that separating the two separate sound and midi will make a big diffrence in not only sound but also in the performance, in that now you have two separate devices using two different IRQs, wether it be usb or firewire and that makes a big difference in the way windows performs.
I already preordered mine and can't wait to get it !!!!!!
I already preordered mine and can't wait to get it !!!!!!
Posted Sun 25 Mar 07 @ 3:12 pm