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Topic: "THE DJ LAW" - rules of djs - Page: 1

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Based on The Jante Law (Danish and Norwegian: Janteloven; Swedish: Jantelagen; Finnish: Janten laki; Faroese: Jantulógin) is a concept created by the Norwegian/Danish author Aksel Sandemose in his novel A refugee crosses his tracks (En flyktning krysser sitt spor, 1933).

The Jante law is descriptional to any society in the world, where modern thinking and new ideas are frowned upon. It is a sarcastic poem that emphasises the stupidity of negativity, and should in no way be interpreted word by word. The focus of the poem is to stimulate thought about: "Why do people think it's so negative for someone else to try new ways?"
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jante_Law )


Since its weekend, I'll launch a DJ version of Jante Law, as DJs are particularliy true to the laws, and its very often true that you as a DJ shall not say or think you are better than anyone. In recent highly heated and populated threads, specially with ConQuest and more, this might be a time to actually take a look in the mirror, and think about why this is so true for DJs ;)


1. Don't think that you are special DJ.
2. Don't think that you are of the same standing as us resident DJs.
3. Don't think that you are smarter DJ than us.
4. Don't fancy yourself as being a better DJ than us.
5. Don't think that you know more about DJing than us.
6. Don't think that you are more important than us.
7. Don't think that you are good at anything.
8. Don't laugh at us.
9. Don't think that anyone cares about you.
10. Don't think that you can teach us anything about DJing.

The Jante Law has become symbolic of what many see as a inmature cultural code :
- it is frowned upon to appear to elevate oneself or claim to be better or smarter than others.

So is the DJ Law, as the DJ culture have lots of the same rules and code... ;)

Food for thoughts;) hehe

Have a brilliant mixing, be proud.... and hell yeah!! you ARE better than most!


Posted Fri 09 Mar 07 @ 7:30 pm
Interesting, I'd never heard of that before.

Every day's a school day! :)

andytaylor125 wrote :
Interesting, I'd never heard of that before.

Every day's a school day! :)

agree, same for me.

can i sneer at people if i'm a resident........??

halo loite ist echt heis eyire seite gruse aus greece

All of Us should realize that a trained monkey could evetually replace us.

Especially since VDJ is so easy to use

i looked in the mirror ya know, and the glass cracked.......

uhhh i think still remember enough latin that he said hello and he's from greece......

The above laws are ironic and sarcastic ;) about how DJs can be to fellow djs....
"Dont think you are better than us"

Cult of beeing negative to anyone that stands up and believes in himself, saying that he's good and that he is pioneering new areas ... Like Conquest. You get your head bit off, in the dj world, if you say so..

And thats a bit sad actually ;)

1. Don't think that you are special DJ. <--- Agreed
2. Don't think that you are of the same standing as us resident DJs. <--- Agreed
3. Don't think that you are smarter DJ than us. <--- Agreed
4. Don't fancy yourself as being a better DJ than us. <--- Agreed
5. Don't think that you know more about DJing than us. <--- Agreed
6. Don't think that you are more important than us. <--- Agreed
7. Don't think that you are good at anything. <--- Hmmr.. agreed
8. Don't laugh at us. <--- OMG NOT AGREED O.O :P
9. Don't think that anyone cares about you. <--- Agreed
10. Don't think that you can teach us anything about DJing. <--- Everyone can teach everyone (well almost everyone...)

My two cents :)

Don't forget, the rules are all ironic!

It implies that the writers are so insecure that they have to put everybody down, so they do it with the rules in this poem.

"don't think you're smarter than us..."

you definitely shouldn't be following these rules! :)

it's all getting a bit philosophical in here, isn't it? lol.

Yeah;) It was a little weekend food for thoughts.....
Its ironic meant, and about how DJs usually put down anyone thinking he's good or better.. ;)

got my new mirror....hm hm hhhmmm.....hang it here .......!!@#$%^&*&&^%$#@!~ cracked again

i'm just too good lookin'........

i'm not insecure!!!!! am i ?? well, anyway i'm a lot more humble than you....lol

hey norway.......

2 or 3 or 8 things

i think it's great to stir it up a bit when it gets dull around here (on weekends) especially if it's good for some laughs or if we get to roads less travelled......

i did that recently with a slightly ribald post about macs supposedly being more sexy than windows......just hoping for some laughs when the mac crowd had a field day with that.......but not even ConQuest took an interest and the topic was closed......and it wasn't about personal attacks and it wasn't very naughty ???????

i also had a wtf (wow terrific forum) post which was me trying to say ......it's not ok as far as i'm concerned to make really petty pot shots at the forum itself.....it's not ok actually to say wtf also..... sounds so crass.......

i posted a rant on my favorite pet peeve , which is ............why is there an expectation from some (not all) that problems are resolved cheap and easy????????????????????????????????? i keep consulting the ancient babylonian text " The Art of the DJ" and i find no clues why it should all be cheap and easy......??

i actually don't dislike ConQuest when all is said and done but i think that his belief that turntablists are a superior breed is arguable to us non turntablists......

i hope that's some food for thought.......

it's absolutely not an attack on you

i would like to see a little more civility around here sometimes but we're not real bad about that .....that's one of the best things about this forum......we shouldn't intimidate noobies or not so noobies and we usually don't.......

chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :

i would like to see a little more civility around here sometimes but we're not real bad about that .....that's one of the best things about this forum......we shouldn't intimidate noobies or not so noobies and we usually don't.......

True ;) And VDJ forum is usually a great place for all.. And a few arguments about turntablism is hot or not, is for most, just good entertainment.. Gotta love a good argument..hehe

Sorry about your posts, I for sure did not close.. As I'm VERY against all kinds of cencorship, and the forum should be large enough for any bodys expressions..


chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
hey norway.......

i posted a rant on my favorite pet peeve , which is ............why is there an expectation from some (not all) that problems are resolved cheap and easy????????????????????????????????? i keep consulting the ancient babylonian text " The Art of the DJ" and i find no clues why it should all be cheap and easy......??

I get a KIck every day Out of People - wether it be repairing Vehicles or compu-DJ's everybody has the same way of thinking - Cheap Cheap.

Those of you familiar with OHM's law of electricity; Resistance = amperage x Voltage.

I had an instructor in trade school explain something that has proven out to be very true, which was

fast x good

To mathmatically solve for CHEAP - It's NOT going to be fast or good

To solve for FAST - It's NOT going to be good or cheap
Finally - to solve for GOOD - It's NOT going to be fast or cheap.

Amazing advice from a mechanic that learned the trade working at a HUDSON dealership.

Marcel, glad ya chimed in......

my father and brother went in to business together at one point in the 90's, and they ran a Meineke muffler shop in jacksonville ,fla., USA.......

just wanted to offer support to a "mere" mechanic and the problem solving mind set........ i sometimes wonder if i'm ill because i like the problem solving?? almost as much as the music ?? should i seek help??

only answer if your bill for the answers is cheap ......lol

Cheap Cheap.

Those of you familiar with OHM's law of electricity; Resistance = amperage x Voltage.

I had an instructor in trade school explain something that has proven out to be very true, which was

fast x good

To mathmatically solve for CHEAP - It's NOT going to be fast or good

To solve for FAST - It's NOT going to be good or cheap
Finally - to solve for GOOD - It's NOT going to be fast or cheap.

i gotta email this to dad.....lol

Naw You're not sick

I very much enjoy problem solving, working with metal and almost all forms of music.

I dunno for sure but I think the two a interlinked somehow - either that or I'm just a pervert who likes watching college aged Tittys bounce on my dancefloor.

