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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: WTF (Wow Terrific Forum)

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This has to be one of the worst forum layouts I have ever seen. For one....how do you check to read topics that you have participated in (replied, posted)???? I don't see a user control panel anywhere..I posted in a few and I want to see if anything was answered, but I don't remember the titles. Also is there a way to Pm anyone? The forum is basically the main part of this website, so why not get a decent one with some features?

Posted Sat 24 Feb 07 @ 1:23 am
some of these features are available for pro users only

topics marked red , have posts on them

home users and above i belive can choose to follow a post by pressing the pin icon on the page



You don't remember the name of your posts?

So, you posted a thread and forgot what it was about? I think before coming on and publically slating you should have a good look around. This is one of the best forums I have ever participated in...and not just from an aesthetic point of view.

It's extremely easy to use and follow. If your posts have been answered, they will have red vinyls beside them...simple as that. If not, they will be black vinyls. Answered (red vinyl) posts are listed before unread (black vinyl) posts.

You can PM other users by clicking on the 'Send a PM to this user' button under their name, although not sure if this is available for non-licenced members.

If you want to find any posts you've made or participated in, enter your name in the search box at the top of each forum, and every thread with that entry will be listed.

What would you like a control panel in the forum for?


I must agree. This forum seems outdated / unintuitive compared to others.

i'm not an expert on forums and there features........all i know is this one is really good because of the active participation by so many friendly knowledgeable people

Why does it matter? we still sort out problems and have conversations jsut as well and quick as any other type of forum. Sure, give it a skin upgrade like iconboard, but it works just fine

I know that I gained a lot of new forum features once I bought the product.

I try not to complain, it's free, even though I wish it was set up a little different, but it works.

I do love not having to open the topic, but just to hover over the post topic, and it shows most of the first post in that topic. If I am interested, I open the thread and read on, if not, just keep browsing.
I wish some of the other forums were like this one.

Pionara wrote :
You don't remember the name of your posts?

So, you posted a thread and forgot what it was about?

Posting on someone else's thread and creating threads are 2 different things.

He said he posted in some threads and forgot what the name of the thread was. That's not unusual at all.

He didn't say that he created a thread and "forgot what it was about".

And yes, the forums need an aesthetic overhaul. Just like VDJ 4 looks more elegant now compared to the eye sore that was VDJ 3.4, these forums need to "grow up" as well. We need to lose the 'crayon" colors and class it up a bit.

Feature wise, the forums are fine IMO.

Y'know; sometimes change for the sake of change isn't all that good.

After reading this thread I decided to check out some other message boards and have a look

They're all the same same type of skin. same type of layout and it's pretty boring.

The only thing I would say bugs me about VDJ's fourums is the dude at the top - but that's already been covered (who the hell is he anyway?)

I like the layout and most importantly the features work very well.

I would hypothisize that users are only complaining because they are used to the other type of Message board layout.

Lol, it's not that I'm used to other boards layouts, it's just that this one isn't intuitive and user friendly (maybe that's cuase I'm unlicencesed) but either way, I don't see why the options should be there for some and not for others. We all have questions and want to monitor posts, so why not keep the same features for everyone.

As you can see others agree with me that the forum needs an overhaul. But I do enjoy the amount of activity in here, almost any question you have can be answered in someone elses post, it's just too hard to find that info. The search function is basically non-existent. What about an advanced search?

I frequent a lot of forums and this is the only one I've ever had a problem with, it is just difficult to navigate. With the amount of dedicated users I think it wouldn't be a problem investing in a better forum, especially since it's a worldwide known product that you guys are promoting.

I think the forum and site might be updated in near future :)

And agree, the comminity and activity here is awesome.. love it:) thanx all for being part.. pro to non-licenced. You're all welcome

Well menappi, if you approached the forum in a more respectable manner you'd be taken more seriously, the title of the thread says it all really.

Lol, ok? Tell me how I was being dis-respectful. And my title of the post was 'WTF' not the latter (wow terrific forum), a MOD must have added that in. Anyways I just wanted to know how to check my posts without having to write down the titles and PM people, that's all. As I've said, this is a great resource with lots of information and helpful people, the aesthetics and function could easily be improved, that's all.

I like this
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
i'm not an expert on forums and there features........all i know is this one is really good because of the active participation by so many friendly knowledgeable people

And this
Niems wrote :
Why does it matter? we still sort out problems and have conversations jsut as well and quick as any other type of forum. Sure, give it a skin upgrade like iconboard, but it works just fine

If the Pro user an the unlicensed user got the same options, whats the incentive to buy the product? I don't get it, does everyone think they are entitled to everything?

Quote :
If the Pro user an the unlicensed user got the same options, whats the incentive to buy the product? I don't get it, does everyone think they are entitled to everything?

The answer would be yes - everybody for somereason thinks they deserveeverything handed to them.

ME generation
generation X

I dub the new century
The GIVEME generation

menappi, you raised some valid points, but topics titled "WTF" don't generally get the respect they seek, hence my point, approach the forum in a more respectable manner and you'll be treated as you wish to be.

Afterall, this is the forum where Pro users have put THEIR money in a fund, towards buying licences for those who can't themselves.

menappi wrote :
As I've said, this is a great resource with lots of information and helpful people, the aesthetics and function could easily be improved, that's all.


I don't have that much of an issue with the function part of it, but I understand why some people like yourself may.

It's the aesthetic pasrt of the site that needs to be overhauled now that VDJ is gonna be playing in the big leagues here in the U.S. I just pointed the sound and lighting engineer for the club I'm gonna start doing every Thursday night starting next week http://www.v2olongbeach.com/ and found myself explaining once again (as I've had to in the past with several other industry people from turntablists and performance dj's, to club owners/staff, and radio personalities/artists) that the software is very good despite the "look" of the site.

I hate having to start off my introduction of VDJ to such people by disclaiming the fact that the software is really good despite the sites "toyish" look. Again though, feature wise I don't have any issues.

dj-in-norway wrote :
I think the forum and site might be updated in near future :)

That's all the reasurance I need in orddr to have faith that the issue is at least being looked into. =)

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