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Topic: Help, trying to figure out something with Ecler NUO4

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K, i'm sold on this mixer, it seems even sicker every time I read up on it, or look at the high quality blown up images of it, but what i'm trying to figure out, is how I can make the best use of its many midi functions. It has one row of knobs (I believe with buttons built into them) But i'm kinda confused, if I have deck left, and deck right, how can I use the midi controls, if they are just one vertical row?? I mean, theres 3 knobs, I don't wanna use all 3 for just one side, nor do I wanna use 1 for one side, and 2 for another, is there away so I can make it so the knobs adjust the effect i'm using, and I can somehoe program another button to change the "focussed" channel??

Posted Sun 11 Feb 07 @ 9:03 am
When you setup the midi functions you can tell it to control the default deck (the one thats highlighted) or the active deck.

Thats one alternative you have.

I would just assign one button to make the switch between the default decks. That way you have control over which deck you want to control.


I'll have way more questions once I get everything in house, and set it all up, and have an orgasm or 2, then start to f*ck around with what it can do. OOOOOO ITs like XMAS when your 6 all over again!!!

dj schmidty> I have the ecler nuo4...pm me with your phone number and Ill give ya a shout and answer any question that you have. The ecler nuo4 has awesome midi controls for vdj.....in regards to the deck you hold a button and it switches from deck a to b and all the midi mappings are the same for each deck, you just switch from 1 deck to the other.
I believe there are about 5 or 6 of us here on VDJ that has the ecler nuo4

can you assign the crossfader to midi aswell??

It's the easiest thing in the world to use, once you have the midi setup loaded. As funnybonz says, just press one button and it switches to theother deck. It tells you everything in the manual which is downloadable from http://www.eclerdjdivision.com/

Probably won't make absolute sense until you buy it though.

The only criticism I have is not having a microphone input if you use channel 5 for soundard input. Anybody got any suggestions?


I was actually wondering that also, where the MIC input is for the NUO4

mic is on channel 4, I dont have any problems with this. I have my midi on 2 and 3 and I have my dennon 3500s tied into 1 and 4, just have to remember tho when wanting to play mic and have music, that you need to have input from any of the other 3 channels. I dont have any issues with this.

funnyb0nz wrote :
mic is on channel 4, .

Sorry, I should have checked my post - I said 5 and it obviously is 4. I don't find it a problem because I am usually patching into another mixer and so I use my mic through that. I wish that the NU04 had a dedicated microphone channel though, although really only a minor point.

Apart from that it is great.



Another idea, if your using a cpu, or laptop, couldn't you just run the mic through your mic line in on your computer, and have an on off switch on the mic itself?? Dunno.....

Another thing about the NUO4 btw, How much did you guys get one for ?? I'm seeing proces from 650-850, but some are "Manufacture Re Packaged"

Also, is the crossfader a midi controller also?? I read some where that the crossfader is replaceable with a magnetic fader(Dunno what that means, but I think thats the same fader on the RANE ttm57)

Can someone confirm all these "?"s


Yes, the crossfader on the NUO4 will move the crossfader in VDJ right before your eyes.

Don't know about prices. What country are you in?

Microphone I would use on channel 4 and just switch when you want to use. I don't like Mics with switches. An old aversion from an old pro.

I guess the manufacturer re-packaged are where someone has bought one and returned it for some reason. It will have no faults, but might have a finger mark here and there or slight scratch and sometimes a shorter guarantee. You pay you money and make your choice.


in the US. the going price I guess is $750 new, plus traktor for free (Not like it matters)

I guess its worth another $100 for me to just get it new, with the manufator's 5 year warrenty.

So glad to hear about the X-Fader.
I put up another post reguarding questions of lag between the physical xfader, and the xfader in vdj, and also what if you upgrade to the magnetic fader, is it still midi.

I'm not sure about the crossfader being midi if you upgrade to the magnetic one, but I would have thought so.

But I can't see any real point in upgrading because the existing crossfader is so sweet.


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