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Topic: TCV for the budget concious

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Ok so I'm in the market to pick up some TCV and use virtual dj to spin some mp3s using my 1200's. Anyways, I'm on a budget and need to know what you guys think the cheapest way to do this is. I was originally wanting serato or final scratch but those come with a 500 dollar price tag. I've seen the hercules mk2 going for about 220 usually but is there any other card that I can use with VDJ that is cheaper??? The only thing I really don't lke about the mk2 is the jog wheels it has, and the faders and stuff, I really don't need those things because I already have a mixer and of course my two turntables. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted Fri 26 Jan 07 @ 1:02 am

USB card that work good :
- Maya44 usb
- U46DJ
- Edirol UA-1000
and more

Firewire cards that work good:
- Prosonious Firebox
- Shaffire Le
- Edirol FA-66 , FA-101 and more
- Digidesign Digi 002 Rack
- Ego-Sys QuataFire 610
- Hercules 16/12 FW
- M-Audio FireWire 1814
- Terratec Phase 88 Rack FW
and more

PCI cards that works good :
- Delta 44 & 66, Delta 1010LT & 1010
- Soundblater X-FI platinum or elite
- Mayy 44 PCI
- Maya 1010
- Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinium Pro
- Sound Blaster Audigy 4 Pro
- Echo Layla 3G
- Ego-Sys ESP1010
- Ego-Sys WaveTerminal 192M
- Soundblaster E-MU 1820, 1820M
- Marian Marc 4 MIDI
- Terratec Phase 88 Rack
and lots more

PCMCIA cards that works good
- Soundblaster E-MU 1616M
- RME Audio Hammerfall DSP System

Generally speaking, almost any card that has two line ins in STEREO, and two line outs, will work, and if it has ASIO drivers its likely to work awesome (low latency drivers).

Those listed above are PRO cards, so some are damn expensive..
But get a card thats not the most expensive, but not the cheapest eather.

Soundblaster is a good solution on budget.

you need a card with asio and low latency ;)


Heythanks for the good information. Just wondering though, why do you need two line outputs? Is latency a specification on the cards?

You only need two outs, if you are going to connect to external mixer :)
If not, you can do fine with one out, but mix in software.

Latency is often given at card yes, and those that have very very low latency will often say "zero latency" (not really zero, but so little you cant notice it).

All cards above should perform very good.

But that doesnt mean you cant find even cheaper ones, that works great.



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