I just purchased a video form itunes but it wont play in VD4???? is there a program that will convert this file so it will play.
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 12:05 am
that is because they lock their video files down tighter than fort nox
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 12:07 pm
skyfxl wrote :
that is because they lock their video files down tighter than fort nox
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
Hmmm... Please,, Go on..
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 1:23 pm
paulettecerra wrote :
Hmmm... Please,, Go on..
skyfxl wrote :
that is because they lock their video files down tighter than fort nox
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
you can crack the drm but it is ilegal.
Hmmm... Please,, Go on..
Yes, please go on.
Apple Legal http://movies.apple.com/legal/trademark/piracy.html wants to know more...
Just playing guys. =P
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 1:39 pm
ConQuest, i'm starting to believe that you ARE Steve Jobbs and "ConQuest" is your handle....
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 5:18 pm
Apple DRM allows iTunes purchased songs to be played on Apple equipment or software ONLY
Some say this Apple "monopolization" is illegal (Norway does..hehe), some say its needed to keep the low prices.. .
Anyways, removing DRM is not allowed...
But there are ways ;)
Some say this Apple "monopolization" is illegal (Norway does..hehe), some say its needed to keep the low prices.. .
Anyways, removing DRM is not allowed...
But there are ways ;)
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 5:21 pm
That is why I don't buy apple...
they like themselves too much too share....
IPOD this.. Itunes here... MAC that... can only play on our stuff... can't build a MAC... MACs are expensive....
what a waste of time and money....
but hey .... if you like Apple and Mac's ... more power to you... and more money in my pocket.
they like themselves too much too share....
IPOD this.. Itunes here... MAC that... can only play on our stuff... can't build a MAC... MACs are expensive....
what a waste of time and money....
but hey .... if you like Apple and Mac's ... more power to you... and more money in my pocket.
Posted Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 6:35 pm
low-fat-al wrote :
That is why I don't buy apple...
they like themselves too much too share....
IPOD this.. Itunes here... MAC that... can only play on our stuff... can't build a MAC... MACs are expensive....
they like themselves too much too share....
IPOD this.. Itunes here... MAC that... can only play on our stuff... can't build a MAC... MACs are expensive....
microsoft has now realized the advantages of having an "end to end" solution (at least on their digital music players, because windows pc's are still generic junk and if they were to start trying to build there own computer's ALL of their windows distribution channels like Hell, Phony, Compaqted $h!t, etc. would start shopping for alternatives like Linux or Mac OS in a heartbeat), as they're now calling it for their "zune-to be discontinued" brand:
"Zune is Microsoft’s music and entertainment platform that provides an end-to-end solution for Connected Entertainment."
Wow! What a concept! =P
QUALITY CONTROL between hardware and software. Just like a Mac and just like iPod and iTunes, which is why they work SO much better than the competition who are now coming to terms with the fact that quality control = reliability = productivity/entertainment = customer satisfaction = brand loyalty.
For years I've called it "seamless integration", a term that I actually had picked up from my network admin days over at Xerox and later applied to other employers' products. ;)
When the software is high quality and the hardware that it runs on is as well, then you end up with a better product, like Macs and iPods and they're seamlessly integrated software, Mac OS X and iTunes.
low-fat-al wrote :
what a waste of time and money....
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I mean the masses have been wrong before, that's [in part] why there are so many windows users. Luckily, as people start becoming more dependent on things, they start DEMANDING higher quality products because they want relibility, to be productive and/or entertained, and want to be satisfied as customers, which later leads them to purchase from that manufacturer [Apple] who introduced them to all those qualities after not having ever had them with other manufacturers' products [microsoft].
low-fat-al wrote :
but hey .... if you like Apple and Mac's ... more power to you... and more money in my pocket.
Same here! =)
Hey, if you make money off of Apple products too, more power to you! =)
After having COMPLETELY DESTROYED all of the nay-sayers "predictions" that the iPod and iTunes would fail, there is only ONE digital music player [out of the hundreds, if not thousands available] that has not only achieved 70+% market dominance consistently for nearly 5 years itself, but is SO strong and in demand that it has created a billion dollar 3rd party accessory industry as well:
You see, there is a BIG difference between a company like Apple becoming dominant in it's marketplace
Once a criminal organization, always a criminal organization I always say.
This iTunes mess is definately something that we're going to have to find neutral ground on though. I see both sides of the argument, but Apple knows what's best NOT to keep it's dominance in the online music distribution marketplace where it hardly makes any money at all (Steve Jobs stated very clearly after the introduction of the iTunes music store/iTMS - now just called the iTunes store- back in April of 2003 that the purpose of the store was NOT to really make money itself, but to sell iPods, and he was right.
THAT is why SO many other online music services who came into the market expecting to de-thrown iTunes have gone out of business, because there is no money to be made unless you have a seamlessly integrated *cough* end to end solution * cough* =P that INCLUDES a hardware device for the seamless and intuitive playback of the content purchased on the software service.
Apple's "FairPlay" DRM was NOT integrated into its iTunes content because Apple wanted to be like monopolysoft and hoard sales of an inferior product and/or service through illegal business practices, it was integrated to satisfy the music labels' demand for anti-piracy measures in order for them to sign on to the online content distribution deal in the first place.
State sponsored piracy such as what the countries of Norway and others are proposing by requesting that the DRM be removed, are just going to revert the music industry back to the rampant state of illegal use and theft from the ARTISTS [I really don't care what happens to the corrupt execs at the labels] who won't have as much incentive to create good work if they just feel that that work is just going to be stolen anyway.
Apple played a HUGE part in SAVING the artists and the music industry on April 28th of 2003 when the iTunes music store was introduced. Apple gave consumers the ability to purchase ONLY the songs they wanted at a reasonable 99 cent price, and gave the consumer the ability to NOT have to pay $15-$20 for a cd that maybe had 2 or 3 good songs on it OR have to resort to illegal piracy activity in order to just get those 2 or 3 good songs.
This state sponsored piracy is just backed by corrupt corporations like microsoft who want a piece of the pie that Apple made, and/or un-insightful governments who don't realize that some measures need to be taken to prevent the illegal "sharing" of files from a legal purchaser's/owner's device to an illegal owners device. Illegal because the content was NOT purchased by that user.
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 12:55 pm
all fair points would be nice if they put vdj on the friendly list of aplications :)
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 1:03 pm
skyfxl wrote :
all fair points would be nice if they put vdj on the friendly list of aplications :)
I'm sorry sky, I don't get what you're trying to say about "the friendly list of applications". =(
Please explain. =)
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 1:05 pm
well the drm says itunes = ok
virtualdj = no
real player = no
virtualdj = no
real player = no
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 1:11 pm
skyfxl wrote :
well the drm says itunes = ok
virtualdj = no
real player = no
virtualdj = no
real player = no
Oh, I see.
Yeah, I obviously would like VirtualDJ and iTunes file formats to play nice as well. Like I said in my post above, some sort of neutral ground is going to have to be found, but only time will tell whether that will make it any easier for us as VirtualDJ / Virtual Vinyl users.
As far as Real Player, I hope they die a horrible death starting with Un-Real CEO Rob Glaser. They were so desperate to get in on the iPod/iTunes eco-system that they ended up supporting piracy and hacking Apple Fairplay DRM.
Unluckily for them, their hack and their petition to try and garner support against Apple got SEVERELY massacred by both Apple and non-Apple product users.
LOL!!! Their petition was taken down in about 24 hours bcuase of all the negative publicity that Real Networks got in it's ill-fated desperate attempt:
"Real gets flamed over iPod campaign"
"...a campaign and petition to get music fans to support the company's open stance--hasn't worked out quite as it might have hoped, after some people besieged the petition with obscenities and anti-RealNetworks postings."
Again though, I hope that we can get some "seamless integration" between iTunes and VirtualDJ / Virtual Vinyl because as you all may have learned by my post above, "seamless integration" is at the heart of quality control which is at the center of a MUCH more reliable, stable, secure, user friendly and feature rich user experience.
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 1:41 pm
yeh hope real dies aslo
there player has to many anoyancies like personalised adds
having to sign in to get the free usage
there player has to many anoyancies like personalised adds
having to sign in to get the free usage
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 1:44 pm
dj schmidty wrote :
ConQuest, i'm starting to believe that you ARE Steve Jobbs and "ConQuest" is your handle....
... and your game.
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 3:39 pm
frd1963 wrote :
... and your game.
dj schmidty wrote :
ConQuest, i'm starting to believe that you ARE Steve Jobbs and "ConQuest" is your handle....
... and your game.
Posted Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 4:04 pm