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Topic: Headphone and midi- please help if possible... - Page: 1

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I am interested in using my X-session (not pro) midi controller to crossfade both audio and video. It works amazing. I use an external soundcard. I also use the club's mixer

my question is,

When I want to hear the song in cue in the headphones, I am hearing whichever side the crossfader is on. Not good

I wanted to know if I can get the headphones to work the way they were before I assigned the crosffader to link video and audio.

In other words,

If I have LINE 1 CUE pressed on the mixer, I want to hear line 1 in the headphones, even if I move the crsssfader back and forth.

is this possible?

Thanks so much,


Posted Sun 14 Jan 07 @ 10:02 pm
yes press the button "pfl"

on the skin

I am doing the same thing.

What is plf.

the skin I am using is vmix 4

Can you defintly hear the music in cue

like this :)

Or simply hit TAB on your keyboard to switch side for prelisten ;)

Wait a sec,

so you are saying that before when I used the club's mixer as normal I would use the CUE on the mixer to hear the next song in my headphones. Now if I want to have my midi device crossfade audio/video, I can no longer use the CUE on the mixer, I have to hit the keybaord each time?

I am confused.

Any way to still use the CUE on the mixer as normal?

When I hit PFL, the only thing that happens is that side of the panel lights up. NO difference in what I hear from the headphones plugged in to the mixer.


well you could play the next song , and use the preview channel on the mixer if you have one.

Skyy, I wish we were on the same page here. I feel lost.

Are you callling the "preview channel" the CUE button on the DJ mixer? If so, it doesn;t work like normal now that I have the midi doing both audio and video.

Thus, my dillema.


try mapping the pfl , to the cue button on the midi control

Oh wait, here is my prob- there is no CUE button on my controller. Would I have to make them? So is it a definitive NO that once I go this way, I can no longer use the CUE buttons on the pioneer mixer?

I have to make cue buttons on the X-session?

thanks for trying with this...

Hoffman, what are you trying to do?

If you have an external mixer, and two times stereo out (one for each deck in VDJ) going to two channels of the external mixer, you would of course prelisten by using cue button on each channel on that external mixer.

When you add a midi controller to that, it can be used to map all features/controls in VDJ...

BUT, you only want to map the midi crossfader to the video crossfader in VDJ, or else it would also cut the audio signal (and that you dont want, if you are connected to external mixer)

It other words :
- Crossfader on external mixer : audio crossfade
- crossfader on midi controller : video crossfade

If you want the midi controller to control BOTH, you can only operate into ONE channel at the external mixer, and have to prelisten directy at soundcard, using SOFTWARE CUE, that is done as described above in this thread

hope that helps ;)



so if I definitly want the midi to crossfade audio exactly with video, I lose being able to use the CUE headphone buttons on the club's external mixer?

I wouldn;t want to use the external soundcard to do this becuase I can't flip between line 1 & line 2.

Can I make 2 buttons on the midi just like the CUE buttons on the mixer?

I saw something in create shortcuts under SYSTEM VOLUMES and it has "headphone crossfader" and "headphone mix." Do these help me?

appreciate your patience as always.

One solution would be getting a hardware mixer that crossfade the audio signal in real hardware (crossfader on external mixer), but also sends a midi signal to VDJ at the same time, that you map to the function video_crossfade.

The only mixers I know that does this are these:
- Nuo 4 & 5
- Pioneer DJM 800

That would let you prelisten at two channels at your external mixer, just like you are used to.

A cheaper solution for audio/video crossfade at ONE crossfader, is to get a midi controller that has a soundcard built in, with headphone out.
Such controllers are:
- Hercules mk2
- BCD2000

These would let you mix and prelisten ON THE CONTROLLER, and use one channel to your external mixer.

Alternatively you can use a normal midi controller (like X-Session), pluss a dual soundcard, where you would have master out at one channel out of the souncard, and prelisten at the rear out channel at soundcard. This would work just like Hercules/BCD2000 mentioned above, and ONE master out would go to your external mixer. Prelisten would be done directly at soundcard, and NOT at external mixer.

For this solution, you would need to switch side for prelisten IN SOFTWARE, with shortcuts, or PPL button in skin. (you can also use the function AUTO HEADPHONE in VDJ options to auto switch side).

In the END, I would recommend you using AUDIO crossfade at your external mixer, and MIDI crossfade at controller. You see, this would make you able to control them independently, in a creative way, and I bet when you master that, feel comfortable with that, you'll like it ;)

If not, do as mentioned above... ;)

"Alternatively you can use a normal midi controller (like X-Session), pluss a dual soundcard, where you would have master out at one channel out of the souncard, and prelisten at the rear out channel at soundcard. This would work just like Hercules/BCD2000 mentioned above, and ONE master out would go to your external mixer. Prelisten would be done directly at soundcard, and NOT at external mixer.

For this solution, you would need to switch side for prelisten IN SOFTWARE, with shortcuts, or PPL button in skin. (you can also use the function AUTO HEADPHONE in VDJ options to auto switch side). "


I think I got the bad news here. 1) I do have a Pioneer 800 at one club, but not both clubs, so I want to be comfortable and consistent wherever I work.

2) I know about the hercules but do not want to use it's soundcard or like the quality of the equip.

I do not want to go with a dual soundcard for many reasons... Have a great Presonus Firebox, etc...

3) I AM doing your other option now, which is crossfading audio on club's mixer and the video on x-session. It's startinm to get annoying and that is what led me to today.

Is there a way to just assign buttons on the midi to cue music? In other words, I hit "button 1" and hear panel 1, I hit "button 2" and hear Panel 2?

If no, I guess I am stuck.


But what I don't get is at home, the volume line levels on my external mixer still control volume out. In other words, when I raise the level 1 slider, volume goes up.
The external mixer seems to function the exact same as it did before I assigned the crossfader to do both aud/vid EXCEPT when it comes to the prelistening.

I have learned a lot.

Prosonic Firebox is ALSO a dual soundcard (meaning it has 2 or more out... One for master, one for headphone.... OR, one out for each deck of VDJ... depending on what setting you want).

The Pioneer DJM800 will do exactly what you want;)

But for the club that does not have that mixer you have 2 solutions:

(1) Map both audio & video crossfade to X-Session :
- This way you need to prelisten DIRECTLY at the Prosonic at one channel out, and have master out at other channel out, going into one channel of your external mixer. All crossfader (mixing) is done at the midi controller. Prelisten would in this setup be done in software using software cue buttons (or shortcuts)

(2) Map only video crossfade to the X-Session :
- This way you would use two separate outs from the Prosonic to two different channels at the external mixer, and use the crossfader on the external mixer to fade audio (only), and video crossfade (only) at the X-Session controller. Prelisten would in this setup be done on the external mixer using cue buttons.

You can asing midi buttons to switch side of prelisten in VDJ yes, in the (1) setup above, or you can use AUTO HEADPHONE in VDJ option to auto prelisten on the active deck (the one you are woring on).

Nor, just to make life easier, let's assume I do not have the Pionerr 800 to use. This way I create the best scenario at home and use it the same every time.


As far as my Presonus Firebox now, I have 2 ins (L & R) going to CD player 1, 2 ins (L&R) going to Cd player #2. I also have 2 outs (L&R) going to Line 1 on mixer, and 2 outs (L&R) going to line 2 on mixer.

The only thing free on the Presonus, is a headphone jack on the front, and 2 main outs on the back.

As far as your option #2, that is what I am doing now.

How would I prelisten at the Soundcard level? What will I hit when I want hear left cd player, right cd player?



If you are going for #2, you would only use X-Session for VIDEO crossfade.
And as you say above, you have 2 outs (one for each deck in VDJ) going to an EXTERNAL mixer.
This setup you would prelisten at the external mixer... By pressing cue button on the channel you want to prelisten, at the external mixer.

In this setup the OUTPUT in VDJ soundcard setting would be set to EXTERNAL MIXER.

In solution #1, the OUTPUT in VDJ, would be set to SPEAKER + HEADSET.
In this solution would you prelisten at soundcard. But NOT in #2, where you prelisten at MIXER.


a lot of miscommunication on this one. (must be Sunday :-)

I know this is what I do now. I am trying to do something different.

I WANT the audio and video to go together from the crossfader at the x-session.

Can I make prelisten cue buttons on the x-session???

Right now in VDJ I have the SOUNDCARD setting in VDJ on "3-lines mixer."
If I change it to HEADPHONES, is this the solution?

In your "solution #1", where do my headphones get plugged in? Still external mixer or the soundcard?

I am soooo lost now.

This is going to make the "worst post of 2007" come Dec 2007

Hoffman wrote :
a lot of miscommunication on this one. (must be Sunday :-)

I WANT the audio and video to go together from the crossfader at the x-session.

Lol ;) right... solution #1 then...

Okey, then you need to MAP the audio_crossfade, PLUS the video_crossfade, function on VDJ to SAME midi (crossfader on X-Session). And since this also cuts the audio (audio crossfade), you have to got to VDJ soundcard settings and choose OUTPUT = SPEAKER + HEADSET.

Now, this will give you the following TWO signals out from your soundcard:
- ONE channel will be MASTER out (this goes into one channel of your mixer, or speakers/amp at home)
- OTHER channel out will be HEADPHONE OUT, where you prelisten/cue.

To choose side for prelisten, you can hit PLF in skin, TAB button on keyboard, AND MAP to X-Session yes;) You can make a shortcut for DECK CONTROL >> SELECT to a midi button on X-Session to swap prelisten , or use two buttons for active select deck 1 or deck 2.

Btw, setting AUTO HEADPHONE on in VDJ options will auto select the active deck (last loaded track) to be the deck you prelisten at
