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Topic: You guys win. I gave up the laptop, using a shuttle for videos now - Page: 1

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It was a long battle to prove that you could mix videos on the laptop. I lost. Shuttle won. If you can't beat em, join em I guess. Yes that does make a 4th computer that I've bought to try and mix videos with. I still think I've spent less than a full DVJ setup though.

So from now on, all my posts will be regarding VDJ on the shuttle and not on the laptop.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 1:55 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Can you give us the configs of this shuttle ;-)

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 2:00 am
What you on about. with my ASUS A6 entertainment laptop with 1.6 dual processor and nvidia on board plus external 5.1 sound card I mix video live 3 nights per week. SWEEEEEEEEET. :-)

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 2:39 am
Glad to see you're using a shuttle, and not some dinosaur rackmount behemoth!


I have posted a million times, if anyone is hell bent on buying a laptop for video mixing, the HPZV6000 series with the athlon 64 processor and the 128 / 256 ati radeon card is the cat's ass... I own four of them, and they work like gang busters... best of all, you can get them on ebay for about $500 to $599......

simply the greatest dj laptop known to man!


Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 2:59 am
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Sad to hear about it anewsome... I know you have been really trying to get a laptop that does the job well.

I'll be trying again soon with a new laptop because the one I bought also doesnt work well with vdj. Would've thought the $ you have spent anewsome is enough to have got the new pioneer decks.

I'll make sure I have the full input from vdj team when purchasing my next laptop... I still think shuttle and rackmount pc's are gay, so I'll do my best to avoid them.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 9:00 am
l_rids wrote :
Sad to hear about it anewsome... I know you have been really trying to get a laptop that does the job well.

I'll be trying again soon with a new laptop because the one I bought also doesnt work well with vdj. Would've thought the $ you have spent anewsome is enough to have got the new pioneer decks.

I'll make sure I have the full input from vdj team when purchasing my next laptop... I still think shuttle and rackmount pc's are gay, so I'll do my best to avoid them.

exactly. you bought a new laptop and you can't mix videos with it. i'm familiar with that a bit. frustrating isn't it.

i too used to think shuttle pcs and rack mounts were stupid, until i bought three laptops (even after forum advice),.. and they didn't do the job properly.

i wished that someone was listening to this,.. probably not but atomix would have saved me a LOT of time and money if they just sold a vdj setup with certified hardware, software and everything all bundled, tested and ready to go. i realize they're not a hardware company but neither is serato, and they seemed to have figured out the hardware bundle thing pretty well.

oh well, back to burning in and testing the shuttle pc. i've got a lot of work to do.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 12:04 pm
djcel wrote :
Can you give us the configs of this shuttle ;-)

well what i wanted and what i got are miles apart. i wanted the best shuttle they make with the fastest processor, most ram, fastest bus, etc.

what i got was was what was in stock at the local frys, which isn't bad but certainly not top of the line but is still a good system.

my shuttle has a dual core amd fx2 4600 processor (i think, it's 2.4ghz dual core) with dual 512mb l2 cache. 2gb of 400Mhz ddr2 ram. and absolutely ridiculous nvidia 7900 (i think) video card with pci-e x16, 512mb ram, dual 400mhz ramdac and 550mhz core clock. shuttle also has a hard drive that i installed. also has a 500gb sata hard drive.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 12:12 pm
Steve Lynch wrote :
Glad to see you're using a shuttle, and not some dinosaur rackmount behemoth!


I have posted a million times, if anyone is hell bent on buying a laptop for video mixing, the HPZV6000 series with the athlon 64 processor and the 128 / 256 ati radeon card is the cat's ass... I own four of them, and they work like gang busters... best of all, you can get them on ebay for about $500 to $599......

simply the greatest dj laptop known to man!


What up Steve Lynch, I was checking out your recommendation & I came across this. What would you recommend? Actually anybody can answer.
I'm not buying a rackmount/shuttle. It's either a laptop or f**k the video thing.

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 5:34 pm
Chris Davis wrote :
What you on about. with my ASUS A6 entertainment laptop with 1.6 dual processor and nvidia on board plus external 5.1 sound card I mix video live 3 nights per week. SWEEEEEEEEET. :-)

Would you give some details about your laptop, please?

Posted Sun 26 Nov 06 @ 9:57 pm

You seem to have a lot of money to burn, and are very impatience. I have watched your frustration with video. I have seen you buy laptop after laptop. I did not see any rhyme or reason for this, because I did not see any research on your part. Maybe there was some research, but I did not see it. I think laptops are "Gay", but there are plenty of people that use them, and have great results with video. So who am I to condemn laptops? I have just seen more issues with laptops, and have made the decision to go with a SFF. Now, you have bought a Shuttle, and not the one you wanted. Why? You mean to tell me, you needed one so fast, that you could not wait to get the one you wanted? There was no place in the whole USA, that had the one you wanted? Money is clearly not the issue, and with FedEx, you could have it the next day. What made you go with Shuttle, instead of your own custom build? I can see if you don't have the time, but you could have had it built for you. With Shuttles, you have to use their components, and they have some of the smallest power supply.

Now, I have saved the best part for last, because some may overlook it. I have seen your setups, and some of the promotional material. I have no problem saying I have a great deal of respect for your skills as a DJ. It is evident, that you have a commitment to excellence, that I and others can appreciate. You have not gotten to where you are, without a lot of passion. Also, your computer skills are far above mine. So, I can't understand why you are unable to get video to work. I can tell you now, if you don't stop, and take a deep breath, you will continue to spend money, and not get the results you want. In the meantime, I hope this Shuttle works for you.

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 12:09 am
A Man and His Music wrote :

You seem to have a lot of money to burn, and are very impatience. I have watched your frustration with video. I have seen you buy laptop after laptop. I did not see any rhyme or reason for this, because I did not see any research on your part. Maybe there was some research, but I did not see it. I think laptops are "Gay", but there are plenty of people that use them, and have great results with video. So who am I to condemn laptops? I have just seen more issues with laptops, and have made the decision to go with a SFF. Now, you have bought a Shuttle, and not the one you wanted. Why? You mean to tell me, you needed one so fast, that you could not wait to get the one you wanted? There was no place in the whole USA, that had the one you wanted? Money is clearly not the issue, and with FedEx, you could have it the next day. What made you go with Shuttle, instead of your own custom build? I can see if you don't have the time, but you could have had it built for you. With Shuttles, you have to use their components, and they have some of the smallest power supply.

Now, I have saved the best part for last, because some may overlook it. I have seen your setups, and some of the promotional material. I have no problem saying I have a great deal of respect for your skills as a DJ. It is evident, that you have a commitment to excellence, that I and others can appreciate. You have not gotten to where you are, without a lot of passion. Also, your computer skills are far above mine. So, I can't understand why you are unable to get video to work. I can tell you now, if you don't stop, and take a deep breath, you will continue to spend money, and not get the results you want. In the meantime, I hope this Shuttle works for you.

I did not get the shuttle that I wanted, because I wanted the top of the line model which was not in stock to pick up locally. Ordering it and having it here by Tuesday was really not an option either, since I would have zero time to set it up and get it tested and loaded with videos for Friday gig. Even having it built by yesterday will be cutting it close, given that I'll spend every free minute of the next week going through videos, setting cue points, bpms, making virtual folders, etc,... and most of all, testing to make sure it's stable.

I don't see the shuttle I got as being a sign of imaptience at all. Even though it's not the best one, it's still way above the spec required and reported to work for mixing videos. I don't see a problem with that.

And no, I don't have a lot of money to burn. Quite the opposite. Fact is, I've been hired and am being paid to MIX VIDEOS for a client. I only see a small number of choices how I can choose to deal with the fact that I've been hired to mix videos:
- I can tell them I don't have the equipment to mix videos (I've already told them I do)

- I can purchase a couple DVJ, video switcher, 3x monitor, coffin, etc and burn a STACK of DVDs to DJ with (about an $8,000 investment, minimum)

- I can limp in with laptop solution which kind of works but is no where near ideal

- I can purchase what I need to, within reasonable limits in order to deliver what I was hired for and what I promised I could deliver.

I chose the last one. It was really the only option anyways. By the way, I chose the shuttle because of the size. It's kind of a custom build. I just had to install the video card, memory, hard drive, cd-rom drive and processor. the motherboard, power supply and fans were already installed. I only need the power supply to be good enough to power the compents that are in there. As long as it's reliable, it should work.

I also had to go with the shuttle because I can still carry it on a plane with no problems. The tour that I just did last month, I'll be doing again as well as some other travel gigs that I'll need to get to with gear. My video setup is so specific and VDJ is so fragile, it's not like I can put in my contract rider to have a PC with this spec there on site so I can show up and just plug in and start mixing videos (although that's exactly what my DVJ friends do, the have their DVJ, mixer, setup in their rider). Me,.. I plan on taking my shuttle with me.

I can't understand why video doesn't work either. I mean, it does work but it doesn't work perfectly in the past. If I have 1 failure in 20 performances,.. well that's too many failures. Way too many failures. If I can attribute the failure to bad video rip, hardware, os or whatever, then vdj gets a free pass on that but that's usually not the case.

I love laptops, and I'll continue to use laptops for audio only gigs. At least I'm still sitting at ZERO failures with laptops mixing audio only.


Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 1:18 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I believe you made the right choice.
However, I went with a pretty basic Shuttle and wound up with everything I needed.
It built right into my prior smaller gig box perfectly, you would never know it's even in there.
In my blog if you want a peek, it holds 2000G of storage.
Just upgraded it with a dual core processor also, it cost me a lot less than 3 laptops...er even one good one actually.
Don't forget to dl the tools, you can adjust the fans and monitor everything in the system.
BTW, if you check the accessory page you will find a back pack for it just for traveling.


Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 1:53 am
mp3jrick wrote :
I believe you made the right choice.
However, I went with a pretty basic Shuttle and wound up with everything I needed.
It built right into my prior smaller gig box perfectly, you would never know it's even in there.
In my blog if you want a peek, it holds 2000G of storage.
Just upgraded it with a dual core processor also, it cost me a lot less than 3 laptops...er even one good one actually.
Don't forget to dl the tools, you can adjust the fans and monitor everything in the system.
BTW, if you check the accessory page you will find a back pack for it just for traveling.

Good lookin out Rick. Yeah that's basically the same shuttle box I have. Socket 939 box. I also bought the carry bag, and the xp17 monitor and the carry bag for that too. Although, I'd be more comfortable with a hard case. Since no one else transports or loads my gear, I'll be alright with the carry bags for now.

System seems pretty stable so far, I've played over 24 hours of video with no glitches. However, I've had about 20 lockups and display problems while working with virtual folders, setting bpms, etc. No crashes but the program just stops responding or the display won't update when I click, can't scroll files, etc. I think it might be something buggy in the virtual folders (today is the first time i've ever used a virtual folder in vdj).

I'm gonna spend a few hours now mixing with timecode/videos and see if it performs flawless. If I get no lockups or wierd display freezes, I'll assume something is wrong with virtual folders and just not use those any more.

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 2:33 am
anewsome wrote :

System seems pretty stable so far, I've played over 24 hours of video with no glitches. However, I've had about 20 lockups and display problems while working with virtual folders, setting bpms, etc. No crashes but the program just stops responding or the display won't update when I click, can't scroll files, etc. I think it might be something buggy in the virtual folders (today is the first time i've ever used a virtual folder in vdj).

I'm gonna spend a few hours now mixing with timecode/videos and see if it performs flawless. If I get no lockups or wierd display freezes, I'll assume something is wrong with virtual folders and just not use those any more.

It's a known problem. Hope it's fixed.

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 6:36 am
mariushallangos wrote :
Would you give some details about your laptop, please?

Off the shelf...

ASUS A6000 series entertainment notbook
Model : A6T-AP020P
System Chipset : C51MV(C61)+MCP51
AMD® Turion®64 X2 Processor TL-52 (1.6Ghz/1M)
Memory :2x 512MB DDR2 533/667MHz SDRAM
Hard Drive : 100GB 5400RPM PATA
Optical Drive : 8x DVD Dual Layer with Light-Scribe
Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce Go7600
Video Memory : 512Mb Turbo Cache Memory (256Mb Dedicated plus 256Mb shared)
Web Camera : 1.3Mega Pixel CMOS Camera
Display: 15.4” WXGA with Colourshine Technology (1280 x 800)
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Edition
8 Cell (Li-Ion) Standard
Up to 2.0 Hrs Battery Time
Up to 4 Hrs Charge Time
Heat Emissions 90 Watts
Expansion Slot:
PC Card Slot: 1x Type II PCMCIA 2.1 Compliant
Mini-PCI Slot: Wireless LAN Card Installed
Expansion Ports:
1 x Headphone-out jack
1 x Microphone-in jack
1 x Line-in Jack
1 x RJ11 Modem jack for phone line
1 x RJ45 LAN Jack for LAN insert
4 x USB 2.0 ports
1 x IEEE 1394 port
1 x TV Out (S-Video)
1 x Type II PCMCIA 2.1 compliant
1 x DVI Port
1 x VGA Port
Multi-card Reader : Built-in card reader: SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO
Sound : Built in Intel High Definition Audio Compliant Chipset
SoundBlaster Pro Compatible
Built in Stereo Speakers (1.5w)
Wireless : Integrated Wireless 802.11g (Mini-PCI)
W-LAN Antenna : Antenna for 802.11g
Modem : AC’97 56Kbps v.92 MDC Fax Modem
LAN : Integrated 10/100 Base T PCI LAN
Bluetooth : 2.4Ghz Integrated

I also use an external USB 5.1 sound card.
I have never had any issues with VDJ video with this set up.
Hope this helps.


Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 8:37 am
Chris Davis wrote :
I also use an external USB 5.1 sound card.
I have never had any issues with VDJ video with this set up.
Hope this helps.

& this is all when your're running tcv & video at the same time?

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 2:30 pm
@A Man And His Music

I should also note that this really isn't the 4th computer I bought for mixing videos because they didn't work. I've only bought 2 computers for mixing video and they didn't work. Purchase history goes as follows:

1. Dell Inspiron 5150 - Hardware acceleration didn't work, my fault for not researching properly
2. Dell Inspiron with ATI graphics - VDJ 3.x hardware acceleration did not work 4.x might have, notebook was stolen
3. Dell Inspiron 5105 - VDJ 4.x video mixing worked pretty well. System died, motherboard replaced under warr.
4. Shuttle PC - Works fine so far. 2 hours of heavy mixing last night with TCV

So really, only 1 and 2 were a bust and yes that was my fault for not researching. Since then I've kept my eye on the posts that people say video works awesome and I see a trend there, Nvidia graphics, .. not ATI. It's psuedo-scientific research but I think I'm right. This is one of the reasons why I used Nvidia for the first time in the Shuttle.

Also, the laptop in #3 was working fine until it died. It would not power on. Dell replaced the motherboard under warranty and it has been acting weird since the motherboard was replaced. Sometimes the battery won't charge, sometimes the laptop will not power up on battery only, the TV output is not right and the ati video driver causes random blue screens (not VDJ related, just regular windows). So I obviously can't depend on that computer until Dell fixes it correctly. I've went with a fresh windows install on it so we'll see if that fixes it. If it still acts weird, it's going back to Dell. Obviously, I HAVE to have a gig computer while I sort out whatever is wrong with the 5105. It's not like I can put all my video gigs on hold until I get a working computer.

Ya feel me?

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 6:41 pm
NiemsPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I think they should put a BIG sticky on the forums that say Dell is a big no-no!

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 7:25 pm
Niems wrote :
I think they should put a BIG sticky on the forums that say Dell is a big no-no!

I used to swear by Dell. I used to tell everyone that Dell are the best bang for the buck. Take any laptop and compare it to Dell. Same spec, Dell is usually at least 30-40% cheaper.

I own 14 personal Dell computers and I've had the system board replaced on 3 of them. Now granted, I didn't pay for any of them to be fixed since they were under warranty but still it concerns me. I know it's only my own personal experience and has nothing to do with their overall quality but 3/14 failure is WAY higher than the the percentage of failures on other computer brands I have. My Toshiba Pentium 133Mhz laptop (yes that's Mhz) is still running fine to this day, happily working as a DMX lighting controller. That laptop has outlasted every piece of computer equipment I own.

I'm still sticking with Dell for now though,.. but I'm a little more cautious after this last motherboard failure. Especially since the new motherboard isn't exactly working correctly.

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 8:14 pm

I feel ya, my brother. Let's get this straight, I am not the enemy. My tone may put some off, but I want you to succeed. I WANT YOU TO SUCCEED. You were here way before I got here, and I feel this has gone on way too long. I am a scientist by education. If I give 100 rats a dose and it protects 95, this is good. If I continue to get the same results over and over this drug works. It's the rats that have the variable. We try to find what that is, but if it does not kill anyone, it goes to the next phase. Even it it kills a few, we find out why, and put a warning on it. Now I have said before, I am not that good with computers. However, I would think that software would follow the same path. If it works for 95, then we need to find the variable in the other 5. In your case alone, you have 4 out of the 5. You can't be that unlucky. You are out-spoken, and I respect that. I am also impressed with your setup. None of that means jack, if you can't do video like the rest of us. I have nothing against Shuttles, but think they are too limited. The last time I looked they only had 2 expansion slots. Maybe I need to take another look. My Small Form Factor will fit on a plane, and is only a little bigger then a Shuttle. Again, I hope this works for you.

Posted Mon 27 Nov 06 @ 8:41 pm