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Forum: Old versions

Topic: 4.1 not reading BPMs while anylizing

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I've searched, and found others having the same problem as me, but no reason or support from TEAM, so maybe someone has the answer? Maybe TEAM will chime in?

When anylizing files, the time will register, but BPM will be blank. Sometimes if there is a BPM already registered, it will remove it if I annylize it again.

Others have said if you restart the program and annylizing works, it'll work the entire time. I found other results. Sometimes, I'll pick a folder to anylize and it starts off good. Then at some point, it'll just stop getting BPMs. If I stop the process and go back, sometimes it'll work, sometimes it wont.

What's up???

Posted Thu 16 Nov 06 @ 5:58 pm
Got a call from a user in Atlanta last night on this.
It's the first I've heard of it and eservice has not had bpm complaints beside the usual inaccuracy ones.
I had the user manually analyze one track and then the files analyzed on load properly.
I haven't heard back yet, so I will be watching.

And if anybody has a problem like this, please contact eservice so there is a pattern to see, we can't look at every thread and post to realize a pattern, nor is it apparent unless you search like Brian did.

I recently ripped some MP3s and Virtual Dj would not find the BPM's of the track.

Then I loaded them into Winamp, and pressed "info" to look at the ID3 and they didn't have an ID3 tag, so I put the title and artist in the ID3 loaded VDJ again and they work fine now.

Interesting...I don't think that should be required though because mpeg2 files (video) can't have IDV3 tag info as far as I know. If I run my mpeg2 files through tag&rename, the files become unplayable.

I've had the same problem for a while. I found out when it happens and when it doesn't. If you start BPMing songs right after you load VDJ (and don't play anything on the decks), you will get BPMs. Start playing songs and all you will get the song length. After a while loading the song into the deck won't give a BPM either. Frustrating as hell because I like a analyse songs in the background while playing videos or music.

P.S. It is the same for MP3s or Videos

Same problem here, sometimes happens if i analyze many files, othertimes i don't know why.
I solve the problem restarting windows when it happens.

try the update to 4.2 :)

done to 4.2r1.
i'll report if it happens again

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