How about the ablity to play a short video clip that would loop while audio only was playing or could overlay videos already playing. This would be similar to a slid show but would be a short video file(30 second max). As an example this would make it possible to have an animated logo in the lower rught had corner. this would also allow ont to make a ticker tape comprised of a video only file that could be overlayed across the bootom of videos playing.
Posted Sun 22 Oct 06 @ 3:21 am
already requested in the New Features Forum
Posted Sun 22 Oct 06 @ 3:30 am
great idea, but don't people have enough problems mixing 2 video streams? Adding a 3rd would push the min spec even higher. Aka help my 400 dollar ebay dell laptop won't play video it must be a bug in the software...just a thought.
Posted Sun 22 Oct 06 @ 7:23 am
I play mostly audo only right now since I haven't bitten the bullet and spent $300 for a 750 gig drive. Even if it only worked when playing audio only it woud be nice. Running a slide show is nice but all I get is fadin from one to the next. If I could play a short video loop while still playing music on both channels I could produce something on adobe premiere complete with transitions and let it roll.
Posted Sun 22 Oct 06 @ 11:32 am