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Topic: Controller purchase - Page: 1

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PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hey guys...how are you all doing in VDJ land? Good, I hope...(",)

Anyway, I'm finally thinking about getting myself a controller for my dj'ing. I've been using keyboard and mouse since I started, which is fine cos I don't do any scratching or anything, but I guess I'm looking for something a bit more professional that I can build into a box and not have the need for seperates (like a keyboard and mouse...:o|)

So, anyway, I love the look of the DAC 3, but at £350 odd I'm not sure I have the funds to be able to go as far as that. So I look at the DAC 2, at only £200 it's a bit more reasonable. But I'm not sure. I've been checking them both out on various websites and by far the DAC 3 seems a lot cooler than the DAC 2, but I've seen quite a few posts about problems with the DAC 3 on the VDJ forums. Don't wanna spend a fortune on some hardware only to be shot down in flames before I've even started!!! So, I have a few questions which I'd be grateful for answers to please if you don't mind.

1/ Be honest. Which is better. DAC 2/DAC 3 or something else? I've also looked at the Hercules DJ Console MK2
2/ Do the DAC's plug into your mixer or is it just an external controller with no sound capabilities whatsoever (judging by what I've read, they are only external controllers, but i just wanna check)
3/ Would the addition of a DAC 2 or 3 take away the need for a keyboard and mouse or would I still need them anyway?
4/ When you scroll through your recordcase using the DAC, does it appear on the display window on the unit itself or does it interact with your pc screen? EG: If i spin a DAC wheel, will i see the tracklist on my monitor react or is it just the unit window?
5/ Would using either of the DAC units or the MK2 reduce the performance of my computer whilst gigging?
6/ Is it better to plug the controllers into a powered usb hub or would it be fine going straight into the USB on my board?
7/ My system is currently: SEMPRON 2800 (about 2.6ghz), 1.5gb DDR, 5200 agp with 128mb, 5.1 internal soundcard, 40 gb ide with o/s and VDJ 3.1, 160gb ide split into music and karaoke, 7,500 tracks. Apart from the graphics card, is this ok? (Oh - anybody know where I can get a reasonably priced 6600gt 256mb ddr3 agp card? - they're becoming increasingly difficult to find!!!!)
8/ If I was to go with a Hercules MK2, this would replace my mixer, yeah?

Ok, that's enough for now. My brain's starting to hurt with all these questions...:o)

Sorry for asking...as I'm sure they've been asked a million times before. A famous man once said "the stupid questions in life are the ones you DON'T ask...".

Pretty sure it was Norway, actually...:o)

Cheers...and keep spinnin'...(",)


Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 1:25 pm
HaywardPRO InfinityMember since 2005
1,2) I have a DAC2 and HDJC1 plugged directly into my Dell Inspiron 9300 (2GB, EXT HD) laptop and VDJ4 works fine with both.
3) I find that I still use the keyboard and/or mouse because of habit, but most functions can be controlled from the units.
4) You can scroll through the songs with either unit and it looks like you are using a mouse onscreen.
5) Both DO NOT affect performance
6) Other users have noticed performance improvements after plugging the HDJC controller into a powered hub
7) This seems fine to me but someone more knowledgable should respond to this.
8) you can use the HDJC controller and an external mixer at the same time (matter of choice and settings) and you can find out more right on this site.

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 5:15 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I have both, DAC 3 hands down wins that contest in many ways.
Bigger jogwheels, and much much smoother to the touch.
The 3 is usb powered where the 2 uses a power supply.
As for usage assignment, that is totally up to you.
Johnathan Boggis is ready to release the next version which is user mappable to utilize more of what we might use the keyboard for in shortcuts.
You can download the mapper and user guide from the site here under plug ins, external tools and be able to read all about it. It is the 3.x version but you will get the idea.
I have had no personal issues nor support issues excluding a svs pk 2 problem, no overhead load on the system with this controller either.

As for a mixer, I use the m audio xsession and love the combination, more midi controlls than I will ever need. Check my blog for the visual set up. The xsession is small but quite powerfull, (and inexpencive).
Cheap enough to own a back up, which I now have.

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 5:27 pm
Quote :

1/ Be honest. Which is better. DAC 2/DAC 3 or something else? I've also looked at the Hercules DJ Console MK2

It really depends on your requirements. I don't own a DAC-2, but comparing with specs on PCDJ site:

  • The DAC-3 has more buttons than the DAC-2, allowing control of more VDJ functions.
  • However, the DAC-3 is larger (3u) than the DAC-2 (2u)
  • The DAC-3 is USB 2, DAC-2 is USB 1 (This probably won't make much difference for a controller.)
  • The DAC-3 is USB powered. The DAC-2 uses a separate power adaptor.
  • Both controllers have custom mappers available plus the ability to create your own if you know C++.

Quote :

2/ Do the DAC's plug into your mixer or is it just an external controller with no sound capabilities whatsoever (judging by what I've read, they are only external controllers, but i just wanna check)

Both are controllers only and have no sound capabilities. You will need a suitable soundcard (Ideally 2 stereo outputs if you wish to use an external mixer (Recommended.))

Quote :

3/ Would the addition of a DAC 2 or 3 take away the need for a keyboard and mouse or would I still need them anyway?

With my mapper, you can perform most functions from the DAC-3, including file browsing, video mixing, effects, samples, etc. You can browse through the files/folders using either jogwheels or up/down buttons. Not sure whether the DAC-2 allows this or not (Might do with one of the custom mappers.)

Quote :

4/ When you scroll through your recordcase using the DAC, does it appear on the display window on the unit itself or does it interact with your pc screen? EG: If i spin a DAC wheel, will i see the tracklist on my monitor react or is it just the unit window?

Neither the DAC-3 or DAC-2 have alphanumeric displays, so you cannot see song names on the LCD displays. However, the browser on screen will update and respond appropriately when browsing using the jogwheels.

Quote :

5/ Would using either of the DAC units or the MK2 reduce the performance of my computer whilst gigging?

They are all just controllers, so should not have any noticable effect on yoru computer's performance.

Quote :

6/ Is it better to plug the controllers into a powered usb hub or would it be fine going straight into the USB on my board?

The DAC-2 has its own power supply, so USB power should not matter. The DAC-3 needs to either be plugged directly into a powered USB port on your computer/laptop or a powered USB hub.

Quote :

7/ My system is currently: SEMPRON 2800 (about 2.6ghz), 1.5gb DDR, 5200 agp with 128mb, 5.1 internal soundcard, 40 gb ide with o/s and VDJ 3.1, 160gb ide split into music and karaoke, 7,500 tracks. Apart from the graphics card, is this ok?

That system should be more than adequate for playing music. The 5.1 soundcard will work OK, but you will get better results with a low latency ASIO soundcard, such as Maya44, U46DJ, etc. (Jogwheels will be more responsive, etc.)

You can also optionally use the DAC-3 alongside TCV with my mapper if you wish.

Quote :

8/ If I was to go with a Hercules MK2, this would replace my mixer, yeah?

The MK2 will control the software mixer in VDJ, which is adequate but not as good as a dedicated hardware mixer.

The MK2 is a good solution if you want a compact all-in-one solution (I.e: Laptop + MK2)

The DAC-3 or DAC-2 are best used in a rackmount case with an external mixer (You could also build a rackmount PC into the same case too.) Both can also be used stand-alone (No rackmount case) without any problem.

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 7:28 pm
Boggis, you should be far too busy working on that new mapper! You don't have time to give such long and time consuming answers! Now get back to work, your public are waiting ;o)

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 9:58 pm


Trust me ;)

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 11:10 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Posted Tue 19 Sep 06 @ 11:29 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hey guys...(",)

I ordered me a DAC 3 yesterday afternoon and it should be getting delivered today - wahey!!! I can't wait!!! Managed to get it for £329 from here here so i was quite chuffed with that. The guys down there were pretty cool and like I said, it should be delivered today. I just wish I wasn't working today so I could sit for hours and mindlessly fiddle about with the GAZILLION buttons and effects...hehehehe...:o)

Anyway, on another note, I'm looking at updating my case and stuff. Just wondering if anyone can tell me if it's possible to change the LED's on your mixer to blue? I use a small Numark DM1090x mixer (pic in my blog) and it has 11 led's overall. I'd really like them to be blue and I can pick up 3mm blue led's (i'm pretty sure they're 3mm each) for next to nothing. I'm also looking at some blue neon cathodes (courtesy of Xeon - thanks again man) but I'll need to wait and see as I'm not sure how to power these. Sad I know, but I just think it'd look pretty cool if they were all blue...:o)

So, anyway, what do you think guys? Can I change my mixer led's?

Any comments gratefully received.

Cheers...and (as always) keep spinnin'...(",)


Oh yeah - I'll keep you posted on my DAC 3 (woohoo!!!)

Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 11:03 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Yup, blue is pretty cool.
The dac is blue, the xsession is blue, the fast track lights are blue, they keyboard lights up blue and the monitor indicator lights up blue.
Total accident, but it does look cool as hell.

However, changing leds is not something I would ever attempt but good luck.
You are gonna love that dac 3, make sure you have SP 2 loaded.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 12:54 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Awww man, you're kidding. Why do I need SP2? I HATE sp2!!!


Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 1:08 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
The program was crashing without it installed, it was a long process to figure it out.
Search the hardware forum for dac 3 crash.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 3:47 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
So, let me get this right. The DAC 3 won't work properly unless you have SP2 installed? Man, that's too bad. I really hate all the stuff that SP2 brings.

Can someone please tell me this. I use VDJ 3.1 on my dj machine. What version of the Mapper should I be using? Is the latest version the one that's on the download plugins page just now? Version 1.2 i think it is?

Will I be ok to use this with 3.1? Where should I install the file to?

Do i install SP2 first and then the mapper before even connecting the DAC 3?

Sorry guys...spot the DAC novice.


Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 4:32 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Why did I mention it..........

Ok, so load it up without sp 2.
Save it to the vdj program file folder, then unzip it to that folder.
Start the program, open config, enable in remote control.
Close the program and re open it.
As it opens you should see the dac screen read bo99is indicating it is enabled.

Print out the user guide that is now in the vdj folder to get familiar with how it works and customized.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 5:54 pm
Quote :

Will I be ok to use this with 3.1? Where should I install the file to?

You will need to use VDJ 3.2 or above. Native DAC-3 support was not available in VDJ 3.1 and earlier (You can still use it as a MIDI controller, but will not get the benefit of lighted buttons, LCD displays, etc.)

A new version (v1.3) will be released very soon that has been optimised for VDJ 4.0 and will allow you take advantage of many of the new features.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 6:17 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thanks for this. Am I better to just go ahead and install sp2 then?



Posted Thu 21 Sep 06 @ 7:31 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
well i hate sp2 too..., but i only have a dac2..
@Pionara, try it with sp1 first, you may have more luck than Rick had.

Posted Fri 22 Sep 06 @ 1:32 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok, here goes.

I posted this thread earlier on tonight before i went to work. I'm sure it's my graphics card that's causing me the problem, so I've just come in and am scouring ebay for a 6600gt and managed to fine one!

Do you think this card will be ok?

Hopefully now I can use 3.4 or even 4.0 and my funky new DAC 3 without any hassles. At last...(",)



Posted Fri 22 Sep 06 @ 1:52 am
You may not need SP2 if you use VDJ 4.0 and the new 1.3 mapper (Hopefully will be released after the weekend), but you will probably still need it if using VDJ 3.4 or earlier - You can always try it first without SP2 installed and see if you have any problems.

Posted Fri 22 Sep 06 @ 11:17 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Nice one, thanks for this.

In all honesty, if the only problem that the mapper causes when not used with SP2 is a crash at shutdown, then I'm not really that bothered. It may just take me a bit longer to reboot the program, but I've got a cd back up anyway.

I got the DAC 3 delivered this morning and really wish I wasn't at work cos I'm itching to go home and use it!!! It's terrible!!! I've had it out the box and man, isn't she a beauty???

As long as I can get the dac 3 up and running then i'll be happy. I'm going to spend all night tonight on it and version 3.4 and 4 to try and get used to it. I'm expecting my 6600gt to be delivered tomorrow at some point so hopefully, all going well, i should be good to go for tomorrow night.

I've also just seen a 3.2 install file for download from the support team (thanks support team) so if 3.4 or 4 is really not working, i'll install 3.2 instead and use that tomorrow night.

Couple of questions if you don't mind please:

1/ Do you think the graphics card listed above will be ok?
2/ Would it be a good idea to uninstall vdj completely and then just install whichever version i want to use? At the moment i've just installed update over update since 2.6 or something. Not that I've noticed any problems with it or anything, but the last update i had was 3.1 and it was just glorious. My machine handled it well, and, in all honesty, the only reason i'm going to 3.4/4 is because of the dac 3. I really hope this card does the job...*fingers crossed*. In anycase, i think what i'll do is install 3.2 and 4 as 2 seperate versions.

That's all for now. But hang on to your hats for tonight...I'll be frantically asking questions i think!!!

Cheers...and keep spinnin'...(",)


Posted Fri 22 Sep 06 @ 12:16 pm
It will typically cause a crash at shutdown after VDJ has saved the database. If the database (Cues, BPM, etc.) are important to you, check that this is actually saving OK (E.g: Edit comment of a file, exit (Crash), then load VDJ up again and see if the comment is still there.) You won't need to re-install VDJ after the crash. Just load it up again as normal.

You should be OK installing different versions of VDJ over the top of each other, but if you have problems and want to be sure that this isn't the cause, it's a good idea to install from fresh. Backup your database, shortcuts and anything else you want to keep (Skins, plugins, etc.) to another folder. Then uninstall VDJ and delete its Program Files folder (C:\\Program Files\\VirtualDJ) If you want a totally clean install, also go into the Windows registry editor and delete the VirtualDJ entries. Then install your prefered version of VDJ.

Posted Fri 22 Sep 06 @ 7:05 pm