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Topic: Karaoke? Support for .zip files? - Page: 1

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anyone tried the kj stuff yet?

Posted Fri 11 Jun 04 @ 3:06 pm
I have thouroughly tested the karaoke files and they work great ! There is no support currently for zip files containing the 2 files. I can speak to the development about this.

please do because I have about 18,000 zipped karoke tunes and I'm not about to unzip them all




Did I say ditto?

ditto... thats what u said :) and I say it too... ditto :)

most karaokefiles are zipped... so... ditto :)

hi all, what kind of karaoke format you guy are using from? is it cdg, vcd or dvd. thx.

whats the karaoke support now just mp3g?


We don't support a cracked version and the user of this one.

So, use a legal version and you will find answers.


mp3jrick, could you say DITTO once more please? :p

I'll do one better, i'll say it in the FX dialect.......

Di Di Di Di Di Di Dit t t t t t to.........

Dam does this program shine, I love it!

iam' having problems playing mp3g' do the words suppose to light up as in a regular cdg machine all i get is black text with no change

can i rip all my cdg,vcd and files and converted them to mp3 files? would it work?

I would like to see VDJ support of .zip files.
Oh, wait, mp3jrick has already requested it.

i think evryone here agrees on the zip file issue i just got a 160gb hdd but iam afaraid after i load my cdg's and cd's i will cut it close so zip for mp3g would be nice.......dito

Maybe a stupid question, what is a karaoke zip file? Is it all your karaoke files converted to just one zip? If so, how would a program read this without unzipping? Never too old to learn.

karaoke zip-file is a zipped file, where one mp3 file (music) and one lyric-file (graphics) are inside....

so one zip-file for one karaoke song...
for example : tom jones - kiss.zip (got the music and the lyrics inside)

and programs can read zip-files. All skins for vdj for example are zip-files... (graphic+code inside)


Ok, thanks. The program that I use to rip a cdg disc don't make a zip file. Just two seperate files (one words, one song). No wonder I had no clue.

