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Topic: New User Help!!!!!!!!!! - Page: 1

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I Download The Demo Vesion 3.4 & Timecode Cd ,But When I Play It comes With Whistel Sound...
For This Test I Use My Technics Sldz1200 & Hp Pavilion zt1200 Laptop With No Pro Soundcard...
What To Do?

Posted Wed 19 Apr 06 @ 11:03 am
Try Using ASIO4ALL (a small program that transform your common soundcard into an ASIO one) and configure VDJ in low-latency timecode mode.

Then select your line-in as input source.

The sound you're hearing is the timecode himself, usually it is muted, and computed by VDJ to apply your movements to the mp3 files.

I Use The Asio4All Progrem Already....
And Configure Vdj In Low Latency....
What To Do With The Whistel Sound From The TimeCode CD?

You have to mute your line-in (or your mike in, the one you use) in the audio properties screen of windows, to avoid the sound of timecode reappear in the output.

And you have to select the good source for recording in the same screen.

If I Mute The Line In Or Mic ,The Time code Will Continue Work?

You have 2 screens,

- one for what youre *listening*, so here you have to mute the timecode.
- one for what youre *recording* which is independant from what youre listening, so just select the input you use for timecode here, and adjust the level to avoid saturation.

After that, in VDJ you should be able to see the timecode signal in the sound config panel of the low-latency mode.

To help you find these windows screens :

-Run/Parameters/Config Panel/Sound.

Then you'll have several sub-pages, especially one where you'll find 3 "volume" buttons, one for wave Playing, one for wave Recording and one for MIDI Playing.


Thenx Again.... But Now I Cant Scratch Back! What To Do Now?

What do you mean by scratch back ? Reverse ?

Yes! Thenk You Very Much!

When I Touch The Platter The Music Stop But No Revers....

just to make sure, check that you DO NOT have backwards mute plugin activated in VDJ.
Look at the scratch plugin settings..

Where It Is?

look in the EXTENTION tab, in the Virtual DJ configuration pannel

The Left Deck Is On Empty.....

ok.. thats not it then.. hmmm

what % timecode quality do you have?

and have you choosen vinyl or cd in the timecode options?

I Use With The CD & When I Reless The Cue Button In My Deck The Music Start But No Revers...
The % Of The Timecode Quality Is 0%


Try this to get the timecode quality % up...

1) LOWER the line-in at your soundcard (make the sound level lower by adjusting the line-in slider)

2) If your soundcard does not have such a slider, try burning the cd at a lower volume (use a wave editor to lower the volume).

Reason is that the Tech decks might have to loud volume for VDJ.
I had to do nr2 for my Pioneer decks, for it all to work.

Worth a try.

And also, just for the sake of testing, choose VINYL and NOT cd in timecode setup.
Because your cd-decks are vinyl emulation decks. See if it makes any difference
