I Was seriously considering getting the Pioneer, but then I stopped by the local music shop while at lunch and played with Technics a litle bit. It felt really, really good. Any experienced people out there have any input as to which is better. I know the Pioneer has more bells and whistles, but I will be using TCCD and VDJ for all the extras.
Posted Tue 18 Apr 06 @ 8:44 pm
the Technics SL-DZ1200 would be cool but the sound stretching is one of the worst out there. I heard that there might be an firmware update that can be performed at a dealer, not sure if that is even true, so if it was a choice i'd pick pioneer cdj 1000 , no question!
Have you looked at denon s3500's it has a motorized platter like the SL-DZ1200 but is much better performance.
Have you looked at denon s3500's it has a motorized platter like the SL-DZ1200 but is much better performance.
Posted Tue 18 Apr 06 @ 9:12 pm
Look at this :
A video comparing the sound between Denon, Technics and Pioneer cd-decks. Says it all...
I personally like Pioneer decks the most, but the Denon spinning platters are damn cool too :
A video comparing the sound between Denon, Technics and Pioneer cd-decks. Says it all...
I personally like Pioneer decks the most, but the Denon spinning platters are damn cool too :
Posted Tue 18 Apr 06 @ 9:28 pm
the technics has a firmware upadate, but its not public and it doesn't fix the timestreatch problems , due to hardware limitations, the denons are better
, look what pioneer do the CDJ from MKI has' only been upgraded, and MKi and II users will have to shead alot of money to be back in touch, the Denon units are soft upgradable :)
Essentially the denons own, but id w8 and see what numarkks new 7" TT CD perfoms like it has the potential to be used as a controller and use of mass storage class harddrives :| although it looks ugly
, look what pioneer do the CDJ from MKI has' only been upgraded, and MKi and II users will have to shead alot of money to be back in touch, the Denon units are soft upgradable :)
Essentially the denons own, but id w8 and see what numarkks new 7" TT CD perfoms like it has the potential to be used as a controller and use of mass storage class harddrives :| although it looks ugly
Posted Wed 19 Apr 06 @ 11:19 pm
ahahahaha the technics are a joke. sure they own the turntables industry standard, but they should have stayed out of the cd industry, thats where they probably lost so much money. Everybody knows that the pioneer a industry standard, the denons may have overthrown the pioneer a little bit here and there but yeah its still holding up. I have played with the denons and they are pretty nice to. If you want to get your money back if you intend to sell gear in the future 0probably invest in pioneer as they hold price. Umm the technics are good if u wanna play pacman when scratching, if u look at the video you will know what i mean. it's got digital distortion and even though they recon the firmware fixes this, i played with one with the updated firmware, its gone down but not completly lol :P
Posted Sat 29 Apr 06 @ 7:03 pm
the sldz are the best i have a pair and have no probs with them at all i have had pios and denons and the sldz have the best feel of all the decks. just dont scratch with the pitch lock on but then why would you as tts have never had pitch lock. and that vid is crap as it is well known its from dj al who is a denon rep. also it seems most pepole dont understand the use of the pitch lock/timestretch function it is not distortion it is a dsp fx. so dont diss stuff if you dont undrstand how things work
Posted Sun 30 Apr 06 @ 1:01 pm
I think the Technics CD players are much closer to using real turntables then the pioneer ever will be, they use the exact same motor as the SL1200 and handle virtually the same. ALso the looping and sampling is very nice..
I agree master tempo is done very badly and loading times are horrible.. But I love them with my computer setup where I use them with TimecodeCDs only anyway.. And in case of a crash I can pop in a normal CD anyway..
The Pioneers CDJ1000mkIII is not worth the upgrade IMO, but many will and you might be able to pick up a set of used CDJ100mkIIs soon enough.. I just got a DJM800 and that is a very nice mixer.. way , WAY better then the DJM600 and it has MIDI data on EVERY button, fader, knob and switch which is cool..
I agree master tempo is done very badly and loading times are horrible.. But I love them with my computer setup where I use them with TimecodeCDs only anyway.. And in case of a crash I can pop in a normal CD anyway..
The Pioneers CDJ1000mkIII is not worth the upgrade IMO, but many will and you might be able to pick up a set of used CDJ100mkIIs soon enough.. I just got a DJM800 and that is a very nice mixer.. way , WAY better then the DJM600 and it has MIDI data on EVERY button, fader, knob and switch which is cool..
Posted Mon 01 May 06 @ 12:29 am
hey paul... (sorry for going abit of the topic here).... but , is the 800 mixer working well with vdj?
I want to get it too;)
I want to get it too;)
Posted Mon 01 May 06 @ 3:27 pm
gah I do know what im talking about. Yes has the same motor direct drive as the SL series turntables. However I missed the fact that your putting the cd on the turntable? no you are putting it in a drive, the platter is only there for emulation of scratching. Hence the roating shit doesnt make a difference, and scratching wise pioneer are clearly closer than denon, technics. Think about it.... Though it does come down to what works for you I guess, turntables technics owns yes. CD's not so much so.
Posted Mon 01 May 06 @ 5:09 pm
The DJM800 is very nice.. but since VDJ has limited MIDI support you will run into the same problem as with anything that uses NoteOn and ControlChange events (as VDJ cannot tell the difference between them.. at leats not yet..)
Works beautiful with my djDecks setup (as does the BCD2000 by the way..)
I grew up on SL1200s and find mixing with the technics CD players to be much closer to mixing with vinyl then using CDJs
The DJM800 is very nice.. but since VDJ has limited MIDI support you will run into the same problem as with anything that uses NoteOn and ControlChange events (as VDJ cannot tell the difference between them.. at leats not yet..)
Works beautiful with my djDecks setup (as does the BCD2000 by the way..)
I grew up on SL1200s and find mixing with the technics CD players to be much closer to mixing with vinyl then using CDJs
Posted Mon 01 May 06 @ 7:17 pm
I've had a go on the technics cd decks, and have to say I was impressed with the feel, much more realistic than the pioneers. I did find one MAJOR problem though - pitch bending. If I'm mixing on vinyl, I tend to give the spindle a little twist if i need to nudge the track forward a little. There's no spindle on the technics, and no pitch bend buttons either - all you can do is try to flick the platter forward, which doesn't work very well. I guess this isn't a problem for scratch djs, but it's a major flaw if you're into beat mixing.
Have you tried the numark cd turntable? If you can get over the fact that it's a Numark, it's a very good machine. The vinyl emulation sounds far more realistic than either the technics or pioneer decks, and it's got a full size moving platter complete with spindle - you can even put your own vinyl on the platter to use as a scratch surface if you want it to look as realistic as it feels! Why they didn't give that deck a tonearm as well i'll never know... ;-)
Have you tried the numark cd turntable? If you can get over the fact that it's a Numark, it's a very good machine. The vinyl emulation sounds far more realistic than either the technics or pioneer decks, and it's got a full size moving platter complete with spindle - you can even put your own vinyl on the platter to use as a scratch surface if you want it to look as realistic as it feels! Why they didn't give that deck a tonearm as well i'll never know... ;-)
Posted Tue 02 May 06 @ 2:57 am
You dont need a spindle or pitch bend buttons just be gentle and give it a flick and its fine. Im not a scratch dj i beat mix and have no probs at all you will get used to them. and all the cd decks have probs same as the software just look at each forum.
Posted Tue 02 May 06 @ 2:24 pm
The CDJ1000mk3's are a bit pricey imo, I think you get more bang for your buck with the CDJ800mk2's, I even think the silver finish gives them a nicer look over the 1000's.
The Technics have been around for a while now, I heard they would be releasing another Unit pretty soon, it's about time they did, things have been pretty quiet on the Technics front for a while now. The drop in price we saw on the SL-DZ1200 was a clear reflection that they were having difficulty shifting units, infact from all the clubs I've been to since the SL-DZ1200 was released I've never seen the SL-DZ1200, neither does any DJ I personally know have them. But they are very nice looking decks, quite possibly the best looking CD decks out. I'd imagine they do stay true to the vinyl feel, and the active platter is a matter of preference, I think this preference is a major influencing factor in what DJ's buy.
But whilst most CD players offer scratch emulation as there key feature, I don't think it's fair to say that the aim of each unit is to come as close to Vinyl as possible, I think many see the CD player industry as a greater step forward, where by the CD player doesn't emulate a Vinyl deck, but rather creates another feel/look/experience.
But respect to them all, Pioneer, Denon, Technics and Numark, I think all of them offer unique products, each with their pros and cons, but it's a fact the Technics are a controversial product, some love 'em with a passion, some hate 'em with a passion, I've never tried them so I can't testify here.
To those that use the DZ1200, how do the DSP effects sound?, I haven't yet ruled out buying one/a pair.
The Technics have been around for a while now, I heard they would be releasing another Unit pretty soon, it's about time they did, things have been pretty quiet on the Technics front for a while now. The drop in price we saw on the SL-DZ1200 was a clear reflection that they were having difficulty shifting units, infact from all the clubs I've been to since the SL-DZ1200 was released I've never seen the SL-DZ1200, neither does any DJ I personally know have them. But they are very nice looking decks, quite possibly the best looking CD decks out. I'd imagine they do stay true to the vinyl feel, and the active platter is a matter of preference, I think this preference is a major influencing factor in what DJ's buy.
But whilst most CD players offer scratch emulation as there key feature, I don't think it's fair to say that the aim of each unit is to come as close to Vinyl as possible, I think many see the CD player industry as a greater step forward, where by the CD player doesn't emulate a Vinyl deck, but rather creates another feel/look/experience.
But respect to them all, Pioneer, Denon, Technics and Numark, I think all of them offer unique products, each with their pros and cons, but it's a fact the Technics are a controversial product, some love 'em with a passion, some hate 'em with a passion, I've never tried them so I can't testify here.
To those that use the DZ1200, how do the DSP effects sound?, I haven't yet ruled out buying one/a pair.
Posted Wed 03 May 06 @ 4:51 am