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Forum: Old versions

Topic: VDJ Forgetfull

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I've found VDJ cen get forgetfull with files and folders, has anyone else had this? 2 examples, I have a folder with just music videos on it, yesterday when preparing for a gig, I was going to add a certain video to my playlist, according to VDJ it wasn't there,(some others were missing too) ie, not showing in the video folder. I manually looked in the folder through windows, and it was there, I removed the folder from favourites in VDJ, re added it, still not showing. Eventually, I found the only cure was to copy the folder to my other hard drive, then delete the one that wasn't showing all videos, then pointed VDJ to the new folder and all was fine again! The missing videos had previously shown up fine.

I also have another folder full of music, (again in favourites) but every time I select it, I have to re-select "show all" as VDJ doesn't remember that 'show all' is set on that folder. I have to do this EVERY time I select that folder, no other folders in my favourites do this.

Ideas anyone?

Posted Sun 16 Apr 06 @ 12:37 pm
Show all is not sticky, and have to be selected each time you run vdj

Also, right-click the folders in question, and choose "add to searchdatabase" to make them show up in local database search.

If you do not select "show all" for a main folder, the sub-folders wil not show its content, when you are looking in the main folder.


In vdj browser you cannot see hidden folders.
Right click on the folder you had problem with and check if its marked as hidden.
Thats if you look directly for a folder/file, if you use the search try to update the local database, and if you swap drives etc, delete drive letters you have no access (right click in local db->delete cd.... a feature in question now -)

"Show all" is global for all favorites folders, i'd like to have it set per folder like you if this is what you meant.

I hadn't realised that "show all" was not sticky, I think this should be made an option.

Re the disappearing files, it wasn't folders hiding, it was files. Previously it had worked perfectly. For instance, i have a folder, just on the root of a HD called "Videos". In that folder there are maybe 250 music video files, (divx), if Iclicked on the folder (which was set as a favourite) all worked fine, I could search etc for specific tracks, no problem. Then, last week, i clicked on "videos" tried to search for a video I knew I had, nothing, in fact there were maybe 30 videos that VDJ could no longer see! As i said, the only way I could get VDJ to see the missing files again was to copy the "videos" folder to another location, delete the original, then point VDJ to the new folder, it then saw 'ALL' the video files again. Strange!

What extension have this files, .avi ?

yes, they're divx avi files.

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