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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Hercules DJ Console Mk. 1 vs Mk. 2

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Hi - I'm considering buying a HDJC, and although I've searched the forums, I can't find a quick and simple comparison between the Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 versions.

As far as I can tell, the main differences are that the Mk. 1 is a 5.1 card and the Mk. 2 isn't - is this correct? Also, the Mk. 2 is more "vinyl-friendly" - is this the case? Any other differences I should know about?

If someone could post a brief comparison between the 2 versions, I'd be very grateful!

Also, are they both fully compatible with VirtualDJ 3.2 (previewing in phones etc)?

Thanks in advance!

Posted Mon 10 Apr 06 @ 2:22 pm
No replies to this message? I too would like a comparison between the 2 models because i want to know if its worth upgrading. Ive had a MK1 around a year now which hasn't really had any hardcore use. It's build quality is very poor, the cue/play buttons are rubbish and sometimes miss when i'm about to drop the best mix ever. Also recently the crossfader had started to fail so that the software fader does not match with the hardware fader position.

So has anyone upgraded and found it to better build quality and more reliable? I quite fancy some X10's but as i don'y play so much anymore i cant really justify spending that much. Or any other suggestion on decent hardware i could use to the same effect?

well, its been discussed over this forum many times before... ;)

But I'll repeat..

- the mk2 is ALOT better than the mk1
- the mk2 is super responsive
- the mk2 has far better general build
- the mk2 has better jogwheels
- the mk2 has 2x line in for external (timecode) analoge use

so, yes... the mk2 is far better;) I got it, use it every weekend at gigs for controller for VDJ

Now, lately there has been new controllers comming up, so you might wait a bit before you decide what controller to get...
Behringer finally released the BCD2000 and might be some good new comming from Numark too ;)


Thanks dj-in-norway, i did have a search on the forums but didnt find the discussions you mentioned. So did you have a MK1 console previously, and how long have you have your MK2?

I thought my MK1 was super when i first had it until the parts started wearing quickly. Any idea what they did to the cue/play buttons to make them more responsive, as from the pictures i've seen they look the same wobly rubber ones as the MK1.

I have had mk1 (still have it actually, but dont use it), and have had the mk2 since fall 2005... And use the mk2 like 2-3 nights a week, for 4-6 hours extensivly each time...

The mk2 has something like 8-10 contact points under the play and cue button, where as the mk1 had only two or something.

Dont remember the exact numbers, but there is a HUGE difference! The mk1 is very unresponsive for the play and cue buttons, and the general build is a bit toy-ish... it feels plastic and dont last long.

The mk2 has a far better general build (more metallic feel), and all buttons are super responsive. Hit play, and it plays... first try ;) Not like mk1, where you often had to press HARD two or three times before it reacted.. ;) hehe

Now, the mk2 is not a dj wonder tool... its far better than mk1. But its still the same size (meaning crossfader and jogwheels are pretty close, and its generally a bit small controller, but good for mobile gigs), and it does still have a BIT of the plastic look/feel, but still far better than mk1.

The ones I've talked to says the Behringer BCD2000 also have a bit of the "plastic" feel.. So I guess midi controllers are kinda made like that (as of now).

for the price, mk2 is for sure a bargain... an all-in-one mix box..

But for more money, you can get better things...
But that cost a lot more... ;)

But as said... Behringer released a model last week ot the week before.... and new stuff are comming from other brands as well. So there might come some great new contollers too.

Dj in norway

Thanks again, I needed the assurance that it wasn’t just the same kit in a different box. I think I shall be placing my order shortly and no doubt there will be another MK1 on eBay soon ;)

although I love the Herc MK2, wait a little bit.. ;)

There might be some new controller news comming real soon ;) hehe

Just so that you have a choice of what to get...

Hercules MK2 or XXXX

Cant tell yet what the XXX is, but its for sure worth considering ;)

Corp Staff will release news real soon ;)

hummm sounds interesting. I'm suprised there hasn't be more of these products realeased, i'm convinced they would be so popular even to the non DJ who just likes gadgets.

I think i can wait a short while and see what turns up.

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