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Can someone tell me if there are a maximum amount of favourite folders we can have?

I used to be able to have 6 but now when I try to set one as a favourite it just removes one that was already there. Problem is since I re-arranged my music a couple of days ago I now only have 2 folders set as favourites but I can't seem to be able to set anymore.

Is there a setting somewhere to change this? I am using VDJ 3.4.



Posted Tue 04 Apr 06 @ 9:46 pm
I have 5 or 6 favorite folders in VDJ with no problem.

You maybe should try to re-install the program.

But i'll try to see where the problem could come from.

In the registry (using regedit to open it), the favorite folders are named like this: Favorite_1 ; Favorite_2 ...
It's strange you can't create another favorite folder.

Make a backup of your VDJ folder and reinstall the software. It should fix the "bug".

Try re-scanning your drives. Since you re-arranged your music, maybe some of the paths have changed.

Hi Thanks for the suggestions guys!!

I have got the problem sussed after trying your ideas. I did a complete reinstall of VDJ but only 2 extra favourite folders appeared - the standard "music" and "playlists" folders which then gave me a maximum of "4 favourites" - obviously there were still some missing!!

The problem seems to have been the Registry as you mentioned. I went into the registry and found the details..... There were 10 favourite folder paths in there.......... even more than I thought there should have been!!

So I then went back to the location where these folders were initially (My Desktop) and created new "empty" folders and titled them with the old titles - I got the old titles from the registry...... I then was able to see the favourite folders again in the VDJ program and then finally remove them.

So it's maybe a good idea to remember not to remove or re-title folders from their positions until you remove them from your favourites - as they will still be set as a favourite in your registry - trouble being they won't show up in virtual DJ again to then be able to remove them at a later date.

Thanks for the help!!



Vdj support up to 10 favorites.
The problem is:
1. when you try to set more, it overwrites favorite #10 everytime.
2. When you rename your favorites outside vdj OR you use favorite folders that are offline (eg. in an external drive not connected), you can't see them in vdj browser but they are still in registry.
So no more favorites if all 10 favorite paths are already set, even if they dont show up in browser (offline)
In some cases you have to manually edit the registry.
Just select the registry key (eg. "favorite_5......" and delete, its safe, or double click and edit the path.
Hope this helps.

very informative question & answers.


I could only have 6 favorite folders too, so what I did was to bring up a music folder that I wanted as a favorite and saved it in my playlist, now I have about 15 folders in my playlist that I use as my favorites.

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