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Topic: DAC3 crash recover - Page: 1

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just installed dac3 mapper successfully and operated the unit with ease.
checked the c:/program files/virtual dj folder to be sure the mapper.dll is in the right place.
everytime i close vdj with the dac3 connected the crash/recover error message comes up and the program closes with difficulty, usally with task manager.
with the dac3 disconnected the program closes normally.

nice to be here in vdj land. i have been a RED5.3 user for 5 years.

any hints? thanks

Posted Mon 27 Mar 06 @ 9:29 am
Working on the same issues here.
3.4 has caused some problems with the mapper, its design was based on 3.2.
I found initialization with program start up to be part of it with the dac screen indicating normal and proper connection with the program but dead buttons.
Last night I overwrote 3.4 with 3.2 and gained some stability with the panel buttons but still had a crash when closing the program.
Tonight I plan a full uninstall (including the vdj folder in program files) with a reload of 3.2 and a fresh mapper install.
When it works it works really sweet, I am very impressed with the basic operational control and more impressed with the ability to change parameters of the controller functions particularly with video.

JPBoggis deserves a lot of credit for his labors for this, without him we'd have no use for this controller at all. By the looks of the user guide he spent loads of time writing this, serious kudos to him again.
From what he indicates, there is even more user control modifications planned for the next version 2.0.
If users here have any desire to scratch but don't want the extra hardware needed to do so this little baby does a hell of a job.

I know there are not large numbers of users of this control here, so if you'd care to share your experiences with please do so.

Finally, do back up your vital information in the program, I had a crash that took out my internal database rendering the famed "internal database corrupt" message, and nobody wants to go there.

I've successfully used the v1.0 mapper with VDJ 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 without any issues. The only problems I've had with crashing is using TCV under v3.4. If I use the DAC-3 only, I have no problems.

It's possible that some combination of settings in VDJ and possibly a bug with certain settings in the DAC-3 mapper that might be causing the instability. If I can replicate the problem and make it crash on my system, I should be able to determine the cause.

The only time I've had the dead button problem is using the mapper in VDJ 3.4 after a TCV crash and recovery. VDJ seemed to stop sending the button press events to the mapper, but the LCD displays still worked correctly.

I still use VDJ 3.2 for development of the mapper at the moment due to the anti-debugger feature in 3.3 and later that makes it impossible to use the C++ debugger to trace the cause of crashes.

actually rick when i first loaded the mapper and hooked up the dac3 i got the initial light blink on the dac3 buttons but not on the dac screen (i.e. no code numbers) , and then no button control immediately afterward. but the controls worked on the GUI with the mouse. So i restarted the computer and again dead buttons. so i restarted the computer with the dac disconnected and dumped the whole program and reinstalled it with my saved data and reinstalled the mapper and it lit up and worked. with the initialization codes on the dac screen working per the user guide but in every instance i got the crash message on closure and sometimes had to close with task manager. i am a fresh victim so i don't have 3.2 to play with. what now?

Thats nearly my exact scenerio Paul.
Nothing changes without a full strip out and resinstall.
I will reset you for a 3.2 install to try.


Ok, here's the latest poop on this thing.
I stripped the program completely out of my system.
I then restored back with a fully functioning 3.2 version like nothing ever happened.

When I rebooted and started VDJ without the mapper I had dead buttons despite enabling in vdj.
I then checked device manager and had it listed with no errors.
I then swapped out the usb cable just for shits, no difference.
Then I placed just the dll in the vdj folder, still dead absolutely nothing except clock light reading bo99is and the 1.0 version.
Now i'm figuring I have a bad dac 3 as neither the program mapper or the new mapper do anything but light up the clock screen.

So then I plug it into my back up laptop and bam it comes to life, lights bells and whistles.
Then I placed just the dll in the vdj folder and bam it too came to life, shit here we go.

Then I closed the program and got the windows call home crash window, now THATS consistancy.

So I then opened up the vdj folder and removed the dll to revert back to the program mapper and isolate the crash.
Open the program and I see b099ls on the clock window, now figure that.
I had removed the mapper but the dam thing is still in the program apparently installed somewhere else.

Then I closed the program, and BAM the crash window again.

So I hope this sheds some light on things, I was carefull to keep track of the steps along the way to isolate this problem, it's driving me nuts, and it's doing it on 2 completely different systems.
The big problem is that in order to kill the crashes I have to completely remove all traces of the program.
An overwrite does nothing to cure the crashes.
I just don't understand how I can go from perfectly functional to DOA right out of the blue.


what was that first part again?

>When I rebooted and started VDJ without the mapper I had dead buttons despite enabling in vdj.
>I then checked device manager and had it listed with no errors.
>I then swapped out the usb cable just for shits, no difference.

This sounds like a problem with DAC-3 itself or connectivity between it and your computer. I remember some time back a user who simply couldn't get the DAC-3 to work successfully with either of their computers, no matter what they did (I think that was before the mapper existed, using the PCDJ MIDI drivers.)

>Then I placed just the dll in the vdj folder, still dead absolutely nothing except clock light reading bo99is and the 1.0 version.

It seems as though you are only getting one way communication with the DAC-3 - I.e: The mapper can send display updates to it but VDJ and the mapper do not receive button press events.

>So then I plug it into my back up laptop and bam it comes to life, lights bells and whistles.
>Then I placed just the dll in the vdj folder and bam it too came to life, shit here we go.
>Then I closed the program and got the windows call home crash window, now THATS consistancy.

* Have you customised any of the settings of the DAC-3 (If so, please send me the dac3_params.cfg file so I can try it.)

* What controls did you use on the DAC-3 before closing VDJ? I.e: Just the basic play/cue/pitch/jogwheel or any of the more advanced features such as video mixing, FX parameters, etc.

* What type of files did you play? MP3, video, etc.?

* Do you have anything else hooked up to VDJ besides the DAC-3? (I.e: MIDI controller)

* Do you get a crash if you start VDJ, do nothing and then close it?

>So I then opened up the vdj folder and removed the dll to revert back to the program mapper and isolate the crash.
>Open the program and I see b099ls on the clock window, now figure that.
>I had removed the mapper but the dam thing is still in the program apparently installed somewhere else.

This sounds like you may have two installations in different folders. When uninstalled, VDJ may have left its program files folder intact. When you re-installed, it may have installed itself into a different folder rather than overwriting this.

The mapper doesn't install anywhere besides the location you manually copy it to. It's only loaded at startup by VDJ if you copy the DLL file manually into VDJ's program files folder. If you delete it or rename it, VDJ should not find it at start-up and should not load it. Also, the mapper is only loaded if the DAC3 support is enabled in remote control.

>Then I closed the program, and BAM the crash window again.

Does the database save successfully before the crash?

Prior to native DAC-3 support (Using PCDJ MIDI driver), I had a problem where VDJ (v3.1 I think) crashed everytime I closed down. It saved the database so it didn't bother me too much, and the next VDJ update v3.2 cured it. I continued using the custom MIDI mappings (Similar to the basics of my DAC-3 mapper) for a few weeks until the mapper SDK became available and I had written a reasonably stable version of the mapper (v0.4, which I still have copy of somewhere.)

It's possible that you could have a defective DAC-3 that's causing the problems (Seeing that it wouldn't work even with the default VDJ mapper on one PC), or there may be an obscure bug in the mapper that's being triggered by something in your particular setup.

What operating system are you using (XP or 2000) and how up-to-date are you with system updates (I.e: Latest service packs, Windows Updates, etc. applied?) Both of my systems (Laptop and desktop) are fully up-to-date.

I thought it might have been the dac, but it worked plug and play no problem with my laptop with the default mapper. Then I installed the mapper and it worked also, it just crashes the program on close.
There are no other drivers for this unit from pcdj based on the user guide.

I agree with communications glitches, it is ittermittant because it works and then not and then dead buttons no matter what I do.

I have not changed any parameters at all, so i'm figuring there isn't a dac3_params.cfg file at this point.
I haven't been able to use any controlls on the dac 3, the buttons are all dead, the cue and play light up but do nothing including the jog wheels.

I am loading vob, mpeg 1 files and mp3 files.
No other midi or other controllers.
It opened normally and crashes on close every time on my back up laptop.

I agree on the multiple install but haven't searched for it, can't figure it or why.

I always back up my files, in this case I uninstalled the program and then removed/saved the whole vdj program file to my restore folder. Then I cleared the registry, it was clean install.

I am using XP Professional and did a fresh windows install back in January although it didn't need it.
This system is clean and never sees the internet btw.
Most of the windows updates pertain to internet security, and I have been using this os for 2 years now with no trouble at all as is.

Thanks for looking at this, I may be forced back to my dac 2 for now, I have a video gig this weekend and time is running out to test and feel confident with the 3.

I was just funnin' abouty the "first part" thing. but thanks for the rehash. It did yield one thing for me. And I quote:

"The mapper doesn't install anywhere besides the location you manually copy it to. It's only loaded at startup by VDJ if you copy the DLL file manually into VDJ's program files folder. If you delete it or rename it, VDJ should not find it at start-up and should not load it. Also, the mapper is only loaded if the DAC3 support is enabled in remote control."

I am not so sure ALL of this is true. I have a downloads folder on my C: ops drive. Every program I download goes there in it's downloaded form. zip...whatever. Since you told me not to unzip the mapper in VDJ folder i did so in a mini folder in downloads. Then I proceded to try and cut and paste the dac3mapper.dll from the minifolder to the VDJ folder and guess what? It ain't even in the minifolder from the gate. Some how the mapper.exe which I ran from the minifolder went ahead and installed the .dll in VDJ all by its lonesome. When I went looking for the thing it was already there so I don't know how you manually pasted the .dll into VDJ when it is not even available to copy out of its new residence. Am I off track here?

I am running a 2200+ Athlon TBIRD or something chip on an ASUS A7V8X MOBO so it ain't no dawg.
1G RAM 400 G WD hard drives and a shaved down XP PRO OS. audio optimized SP1
It is not even my super shell gig box as it might have WORD on it but not much else. No games nothing. Sound Card Waveterminal 192M breakout box. 500W psupply and plenty of extra fans for chip and rackmount servercase. filtered of course.

Iwas running mp3s only. Like I said after the second restart I got the good code flickers on the DAC screens and it played great so I did get to play the thing (once)(now it won't play with the DAC3 only show working timers). I have no custom DAC configs and I run it stock off the USB . hell my mouse is even PS2. I do have an external hard drive in an adjacent USB port but it is a backup ..the dedicated music drive is in a rmoveable bay onboard. D:

the only thing i did in config was to enable auto detect in the DAC3 box.

this might be something else to consider:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;

everytime i close DAC3 and get the crash - recover error i noticed one other peculiar quirk.
this has to do with right click on desktop - properties - settings. DAC3 operation is jackin' with my resolution without permission. my samsung syncmaster 172N runs at 1280 X 1024 and DAC 3 is screwing it down to 1024 X 768 after i use the shutdown option instead of recover. all my icons get spewed and i have to reset the resoultion etc. this sucks.

i just tried the thing 3 more times. every time it messes with screen resolution changing things to 1024 X 768 and sometimes it undoes the auto detect button . the last three times i get the check codes and no button functionality. if i mouse load a song the displays on the Dac emulate the monitor but the buttons still don't work. tag you're it

To add, as I was too pissed off and tired to post my follow up last night..........

I did in fact search my system, all 4 drives, and found the dll in 6 different places.
I found it in the recycle bin and also in 4 of my saved vdj folders from doing my restores each and every time I have had to reset and reload the program.
It was also in the vdj program file folder where it should have been.

So at this point I deleted all but the one in the vdj folder and opened vdj.
AND IT FREAKING WORKED!!!! However, upon closing the program I again had the infamous crash window.
So, now one more time folks, lets rip the dam program out and resinstall it from soup to nutz figuring this is the answer. It needs the one dll only on the system and a fresh, clean install and were going to have this down.

When I opened up the program this time, without the dll in place I still didn't have the default mapper.

I load up a track and get the play button light but every button is dead. I didn't dare install the mapper at this point because I don't want my system crashing.

Ok, so now what.................this is getting really old.


It looks like VDJ staff have created an auto-installer for the mapper (Similar to skins) to make installation easier. This probably just moves the DLL to the correct location (VDJ Program Files folder.)


>When I opened up the program this time, without the dll in place I still didn't have the default mapper.
>I load up a track and get the play button light but every button is dead.
>I didn't dare install the mapper at this point because I don't want my system crashing.

It does sound like a communication problem of some sort between VDJ and the DAC-3, especially if you get unresponsive buttons but working lights/displays when only using the default built-in DAC-3 support in VDJ. The code to communicate with the DAC-3 is built into VDJ, so there could be a bug in this.

One thing you could try is downloading the PCDJ FX update for the DAC-3 from the Visio Sonic website. You should be able to install and run this as a trial to see if the DAC-3 works OK in PCDJ. If you get problems in PCDJ too, the DAC-3 is probably faulty.

The crash at shutdown could be caused by the communications problem with the DAC-3, or could be a bug of some sort in the mapper. Unless I can get it to crash on one of my systems, it will be difficult for me to debug and find the cause. Both my desktop PC and laptop are WinXP SP 2, but I have also got an old 1Ghz Win2000 PC that I can try installing VDJ 3.2 on to see if I get any problems.

There is no way I am installing anything from Visiosonic on my machine.
I may just return it, this is rediculous.

I see you've made a change in softtware doctordeeptrack.... It's good to have you here.

Omega One

I've now got VDJ 3.2 up and running on my old Win2000 PC (SP 4), and I'm getting the crash at shutdown issue. Now that I can replicate the problem, I should hopefully be able to find the cause and fix it.

I don't get any problems with the DAC-3 buttons though - It still works OK even after recovering from the shutdown crash.

still no luck with the mappper.dll
here's something weird.
when i do a windows search to find the dac3mapper.dll file i get no results.
if i delete the .dll file from c:/program files/virtualdj and send it to the recycle bin windows search will find it. if i restore the dac3mapper.dll to program files/virtual dj windows search again will not find this 144KB file. is it a ghost? i tried this on two different XP Pro computers with a gig of ram and 2.0 or better AMD chips. same results , no findy unless i delete it. then it shows up in the recycle bin on windows search. restore to resident folder, no findy.
the displays on the dac3 will zing numbers but no button control and of course the cursory crash on closure.
still trying

The crash at shutdown is a know problem that's currently being looked into. Are you running Windows XP service pack 2? If not, try applying this. The crash problem does not occur on my desktop and laptop running XP SP2. On a Windows 2000 machine that I'm testing with, the crash occurs after the database has been saved (At the point VDJ tries to unload the mapper), so you shouldn't get any data loss.

The dac3mapper.dll is an ordinary DLL file - I don't know whether the .EXE installer file (Which VDJ staff created) does anything special with it, but I had no problems removing the DLL after installing it using this on a Windows 2000 PC I've been testing with.

The unresponsive buttons problem isn't caused by the mapper. I think this is either a hardware problem with some DAC-3's, or a bug in the DAC-3 driver code built into VDJ, which communicates directly with the DAC-3, sending display updates to the LCD's and receiving button presses, etc.


I will trust the code stuff to you Mr. Boggis 'cause you are the expert. All I can be is a guinea pig. I can tell you that I pre ordered the DAC well before they were released back when and I would hope that the first batch was well tested before they released them to the PCDJ faithful but I will do some more checking on the complaints section there.
Meanwhile here in VDJ land "Are me and MP3 Rick the only people with a problem?"
Where are you guys? Pipe up here and lets get some sypmtoms. Out of over 1million users I would say a 2 people problem is really awesome.
Here's another hiccup. It worked perfectly..............once. This should be repeatable. Let me see. How did I do that?
I abhor SP2 and will not install it. I have worked long and hard to trim down windows and SP1 to make a streamlined system. Any alternatives.
Thanks JP

do some boards have 1.0 and 2.0 in different locations?
if not i wiil go and buy a 1.0 hub and give it a whirl
thanks for the tip

Been following this closely...

Well, Lucky ME .. no problems adding the DAC3 and updating the mapper.

And my new system obviously has USB 2 connects.

It's a "quirk".

Just like one of my decks playing fast and locking on the fast tempo and not being able to adjust it back (from time to time). Happens on both my new CPS, and an old laptop playing just audio.

I've come to expect the unexpected in the world of computers ... LOL
