In config. / Extensions I see several decoders....what are these, how do I use them, Im not sure what add, delete and change means??
Could someone explain this in simple terms...thanks!
Could someone explain this in simple terms...thanks!
Posted Mon 20 Feb 06 @ 11:47 pm
delete: it's useless by default
change: maybe .wmv in windows media decoder if it doesn't work
change: maybe .wmv in windows media decoder if it doesn't work
Posted Tue 21 Feb 06 @ 1:39 am
Maybe someone could elaborate, because I did not understand djcel's explaination. Maybe there is a link that will give us a better insight.
Posted Tue 21 Feb 06 @ 6:46 am
Well if i didn't write more, i thought it was easy to understand. It works like that: you define a decoder to a file extension
(video decoder is an internal VDJ decoder whereas windows media player decoder use the codec of wmp)
I hope you have your answer: you associate an extension file (without the dot) to a decoder.
If not, it's better to ask a precise question
(video decoder is an internal VDJ decoder whereas windows media player decoder use the codec of wmp)
I hope you have your answer: you associate an extension file (without the dot) to a decoder.
If not, it's better to ask a precise question
Posted Tue 21 Feb 06 @ 12:12 pm