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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Help for xml (making a DENON DN-S3500 skin)

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Hello DJs all over the globe!
I need some help in xml

I just finished making my first skin but when I try to load it in VDJ 3.2 it shows me an error message
"Invalid skin file (Error line 0 in the xml)

I made this skin by looking at other xml skin files
I cant see where am I wrong. By the way this skin is 1280x1024. I dont know if this affects.

Any help would be very great!


Posted Thu 16 Feb 06 @ 5:06 pm
I remember the same error during the developed of my skin, it's necessary to make the skin step by step and try any little modify after the xml modify.
I use the "syn Text Editor" and it's a very good freeware software, normally I make modify, save xml, make zip and try to open with virtual dj, if there is same error I can come back in the skin modify and try to check the error.

you can open the xml with internet explorer. then you can read the rong line.(maybe ...not all the time)
or you sent me and i'll check for you what's wrong.

ps: you don't have to zip the files for testing..
just put the 2 files in the skinmap..

I have already opened the xml with internet explorer but you see, the line in which there is the error is line 0. I cant find anywhere the line 0. The xml begins with line 1.
Thats why I cant find the error. Thanks for your offer. I'll need your email address

it's in my blog

Im sorry John but i must be blind. I cant find it!
Email me (--@--.--) and in reply i will send you the xml. just tell me in your mail if you need the .bmp file too.


Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry petros_7 no email address is allowed from a demo user

the system has hidden my email cause im a demo user...

The demo lasts for 20 days. Would it not be logical to buy the program first and then spend time creating the skin?

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Hi Petros

I tried to send your xml back to you, but i think it's going wrong.

but you have to delete al the --> and

its ok
thanks for your interest djjb

those are the comments, they dont interfere to the code

tell me if you succeed in making this skin, id be interested in using it..


Hello Scorpionred67

I think the Denon skin was made for VirtualDJ 5.xx
Your version of VirtualDJ is either 3.4 or 4.2, so this skin isn't compatible with your version of VirtualDJ, thus giving you an error on line %i.

If you want to update your version to 5.2 you will need to buy the Professional Edition.
You can get a discount on the price at the bottom of this page : http://www.virtualdj.com/buy/index.html

When you get an error at line 0 you need to check the error using internet explorer there is no line 0 but if inter net explorer tells you an error you need to fix it for example <skin name="mixer dj' version="1" width="1200" height="700"></skin> would generate an error at line 0 because the name="mixer dj' did not close with parentheses so you fix it to name="mixer dj" another example would be: <skin name="mixer dj" version="1" width="1200" height="700"><skin> because you never properly closed the skin element but rather you started another one. If you dont know what im talking about then you dont know about xml editing and thus you shouldnt be a skin developer.

O.M.G. that was funny ... some guys do care about our entertainment .. lol

but at least i can say ..thats what i call a fast reply !!! hehe

Correct! I just started with this and I've gotten that massage so many times! Luckly I Knew what i had just rewritten and found it. its allways that i forgot to finish it with a ".that gives you the "error at line 0" bit.Get that magnifying Glass!..he,he

Seems a bit daft killa to go out and find then reply to a two year old thread.

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