Hi everyone......been enjoying reading the forum and learnig about VDJ......BIG FAN! Anyway If I go with an external mixer, like the Numark DXM01 and the MAYA44USB Soundcard confiuguration, how do I cue, start/stop and advace the MP3 tracks? I was using my MK2 Console, but want to upgrade to the mixer set up....I dont have and turntables or CD players yet...ok stop laughing, but starting out slow.......Do I need to use my mouse to do this in VDJ??
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 3:39 am
if you have an MK2 then dont buy a Maya 44, the Mk2 IS an ASIO soundcard, in that case you can use the mixer together with the MK2 to control VDJ.
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 3:36 pm
Great thanks........So I will always need the MK2 In conjunction with the external mixer, is this a common set up? Im sure there are many different ways of using hardware and software applications, is there an external controller, other than the MK2, available to control VDJ? So what are the advantages to using an external mixer instead of the MK2?
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 3:56 pm
No you dont always need it but as far as a soundcard the MK2 will work great. It is possible to split (or use 2 cards instead) the sound from say an internal (on-board) card in you pc and use just an external mixer but you would still need to operate controls with either a mouse ot mk2 because the external l only give you volume control and fading from each channel. Not really sure there is an advantage as both will kind of do the same thing but a mixer will be built tougher, but again not using a MK2 i have no idea how its built but i'd guess it not metal.
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 5:12 pm
Your right, its very light weight plastic, and the fader is right by the "Jog-Wheels" if your fading a mix and hit it by accident, then you advance,or set back the track.....not good! The functionality of the MK2 is great, but it needs to be screwed down or something....one other question,if I purchase 2 cd players and use Time Coded Cd's will those cd's control the MP3 that is loaded in the decks, then I can que the track from thecd player insted of the MK2, Is that how the turntable set up is, I see the TCV spinning, but odviously there is no "music" on the record, so I assume the MP3 songs receiving the command from the moving vinyl......is that correct? so the external mixer would have the MK2 plugged into it, and the 2 cd players as well.....is that right? Thanks for your help!
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 5:25 pm
If you got a TC setup you would need a low latency soundcard which is what your MK2 is. Yes the cd players would have a timecode cd available on this site, the cd plays a tone that the software reads a "time" so if the tone starts...your mp3 starts playing. So any control of the cd player would control the mp3, stop the cd, the song stops etc. The setup would be like the cd players--->MK2(line in)---->PC(usb) then... line out on the MK2 would then go to (inputs) on your mixer. Again i have no used an MK2 but it can be used as if it was a maya 44.
both TCCD and TCV work the same way
this gives you an idea
both TCCD and TCV work the same way
this gives you an idea
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 6:50 pm
That clears things up....thanks, I see that a lot of DJ's are using the TCV as apposed to the CD's, do you feel there is a huge difference with the TCV as opposed to the TC-CD's....
Posted Mon 13 Feb 06 @ 6:58 pm
Hi I am a Home edition User and would like to know if it is possible tu run VirtualDJ without plug the Hercules Mixer and how to do it from the start.
(I do it, normaly, by hot unplug the mixer while virtualdj is runnig, but I think there nust be a better way)
(I do it, normaly, by hot unplug the mixer while virtualdj is runnig, but I think there nust be a better way)
Posted Mon 27 Feb 06 @ 12:27 pm
When I first got my DJ Console it came with a home edition of the software program. I learned that I had to "upgrade" to the pro version, when I did that I was able to control VDJ without the DJ Console, although there is a error message that states the controller was not detected....just click ok and then it will open up and you can use the program with just the mouse and schortcut keys, I hope this helps, if not please let me know....
When I first got my DJ Console it came with a home edition of the software program. I learned that I had to "upgrade" to the pro version, when I did that I was able to control VDJ without the DJ Console, although there is a error message that states the controller was not detected....just click ok and then it will open up and you can use the program with just the mouse and schortcut keys, I hope this helps, if not please let me know....
Posted Mon 27 Feb 06 @ 3:39 pm
Ok, Thank You. I will try when I have the money to purchase the Pro Version to Upgrade...
Posted Tue 28 Feb 06 @ 1:38 pm