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Forum: Old versions

Topic: auto gain is going nuts

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auto gain is turning some songs up to full gain (i have it set to allways 0db) but some songs seem to be analysed as like -20db and hence it turns up the gain like crazy and you ether have some very busted speakers, some busted ears or both. how can auto gain get it so wrong sometimes.

Posted Wed 01 Feb 06 @ 1:33 am
there are pleanty of open source gain determining softwares. just take code that works and use it instead of trying to do everything the atomix way. (thats my oppinion, not anyone elses)

xeo, you cannot take opensource into commercial directly,
probably VDJ can support opensource plugins (like freeframe or lame) that you can download from web and use.

well actualy if you read the GNU public licence any entity can use all or parts of open source aslong as the full, un-abridged code and licence is provided with it and the implementation of the code as used in the program. atleast that is my understanding of the GNU GPL. but thats not what im talking about. the gain is going nuts on my program its usualy ok

whens the sodding version 4 gonna come out. i cant bloody wait anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

those who now cannot speak, those who can speak don't know :-)

But it's good to even know that "something" is going on. And each day it's getting better and better.

cant belive your not a VIP, your allways helping people and your can code.........

Lol, maybe I'm just at the forums several times a day, and have no better job to do.
(i hope my boss is not reading forums lol)
anyway i still have to finish some promises, like DXM01 Mod for TCV ;-)

But you seem to be addictive and helpful too, Xeo ;-)

yer well being a VIP isnt all that, your not allowed to use other software or they demote you, or so i hear.....

i think it was about promoting the other software and not using. And promoting not only on forums but at the Expo in a booth or so.

That's how it seems. I appreciate opinions about vdj whether good or not, but also I understand that
when some random visitor reads forum and sees that VIP member tells how he likes some other software may mislead him and he can think that VDJ is total crap.

Each soft has pro's and con's and it's also good to have an idea about other software's as well (and not only the mixing softwares). So we can then find some better solution for autogain for example hopefully new soundengine will have better analysis, or "manual override option" for each song that I suggested.

thing is its not like a slight innacuracy of the gain module. its a total going nuts, which to me suggests bug not anything else.

besides he wasnt PROMOTING that software, he was using it. there are tons of pictures of his stand at expo and i didnt see any signs at all that he was using SSL infact he only said what software he was using when asked and even then he didnt go on about it. i dont think you can say he was promoting the software at expo. its like saying he was promoting technics by using their equipment. ne way dont want to start off annother argument about that so lets let it lie.

I just thought it was the reason, not that he was doing it :-) Ok leave it up where it is.

Do you have that file that confused VDJ ? Probably there's a blip or something.
Can you send me that corrupted file ? I can have a look at it.


the next time it happens ill write it down and remeber to send you the file. but then id be breaking the law for proliferating music illeagaly. i think i dont mind

hopefully it will be some known song that I have.
Or I will delete it after analysis ;-)

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