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Forum: Old versions

Topic: VDJ audio/video sync issue

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Hi all,

I cannot get the video window to sync with the audio in VDJ3.3 (or previous versions). When I first installed VDJ3.0 it worked for a while and then quit. Basically the video window acts as if there is no audio. I am just trying to play video effects while playing an MP3. Any help would be appreciated as I cannot find anything related to this specific problem in the forums.

Thanks mates!

DJ Seeko

Posted Fri 27 Jan 06 @ 12:24 am
I am going to act like you have not done any of these things. This way I don't have to keep asking you. I am going to assume you are using one monitor, and just trying to open up the window, in the lower right hand corner of the monitor. Go to cfg > video > video output. Select activate, in the TV output, it should say "Window", in the pulldown. Go down and select Show Visual Plugin, and Slideshow. Put 10 seconds in the box for this test. You can do this while the mp3 is playing, and the window should open. I am also going to assume you have effects to show. Look in the pulldown next to Show Visual Plugin, and there should be some effects listed. Let us know what happens.

Yep, I already had all of these set and have many effects loaded. I have always been able to get the video window, but the effects do not respond to the changes in music tone.....they just sit there as if there is no music input.

Weird. Any ideas?

Dj Seeko

Hav you tried all of them? You know some do not respond to audio. Also, does the same thing happen if you output this to a monitor?

Yep, same result. I have been through all FX plugins and .svp files. Like I mentioned before this was all working great for a while and then just quit.

Any more idea's?


Are using an external USB soundcard when you try the SVP effects?

I'm having the same problem... for a while, I thought that they would only react if I was recording audio.

I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Card, I'd like to know about this. I do know that some don't react, and some do. But NONE do now.

You say they used to work before, so what have you changed? I know this sounds crazy, but sometimes things change by themselves. Look in sounds and audio and see if anything has changed. Is there a loose connection somewhere?

I think CYDER said it had something to do with the type of sound card... I think if you play with the settings, ASIO may work better... again, I think Cyder touched on this several months ago.

I am using a USB Philips Aurillium sound card. Changed it to the internal laptop sound card and.....HEY PRESTO! It worked!

Soooo.....looks like it is a USB sound card issue. Has anybody had any experience in fixing this issue through VDJ?

Thanks all!


Yes I was. I checked out the other thread and it looks like exactly the same issue with external USB sound cards used under the 'advanced' sound settings.

I will report this one as a bug and refer to the development team.

Thanks to all for your comments!

- Paul


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