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Forum: Old versions

Topic: affecting Effects sliders to UC16 MIDI controller

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Hi all,

i've just bought an UC16 MIDI controller, and I would like to assign some effect sliders of VDJ to sliders of UC16.
First, i don't found how to affect a slider to 1 effect of 1 deck, when i tried to do it and when i move the uc16 slider affected, it can change the first slider of the effect selected. So i have to select the effect of the deck desired before, it is worry, it's not automatic, is someone knows how to do it automaticly ?

Second, I didn't succes to affect 1 uc16 slider to the 2nd or 3th or + effect sliders, i understand the formula descibed in the help section, but it makes VDJ crash ....

thanks for your help

Posted Fri 23 Dec 05 @ 12:00 am
1. use the effect_select action to select effect #...
You can assign this to the same slider
2. about eff parameters only the first slider can controlled via midi, this is a known limitation.

btw, hercules version support midi ?

ok thx,

i used the effect_select to select the effect desired but when i turn the slider on my uc16 the number of selected effect changes : it selects the effect i want when the slider is to 100 % ...
It's logical because of the analogic capacity of sliders ...

any idea ?

Yes for the moment, the formula only works with the keyboard

Hi djcel,

I saw you are working on a DJC Mapper, do you think i can do a uc16 mapper to affect each slider to one effect ?
for information I am in last year of a computer science engineer school so i have c/c++ skills but i don't know how to make a "VDJ plugins" to to this ...
is there any references which explain to do a VDJ plugin ?


"a computer science engineer school"
>> as I was last year in France ;-)

There is no SDK mapper for UC16 as i think it's only a midi controler

You knock at the good door, i'm the man to help you with the plugins. First you have information in the plugins forum, then you have to know that professional and experienced edition user have more information about plugins creation.


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