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Topic: RipDVD crashes

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The new "RipDVD" program doesn't seem to work, at least for me.
If I start it with a DVD in the drive, it immediately crashes and I see the windowsXP window saying "ripdvd.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
If I start it without a DVD or with a CD, then the program is OK until I do insert a DVD.
I have the same results trying with different DVD's ranging from PromoOnly to my daughter's "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" DVD.

The Error signature is as follows:

AppName: ripdvd.exe AppVer: ModName: ripdvd.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00001f72

And the data below is sent to Microsoft when reporting the error. I hope this info helps resolve the issue, but if needed, I can easily reproduce the problem and collect whatever is necessary.


Posted Tue 22 Nov 05 @ 5:35 am
Maybe another rootkit that's preventing DVD ripping. Lol ASK Sony :-)

Are you able to try it on some other computer ?

There are nice DVD ripping tools for Linux, don't think Sony's rootkit apply on Linux + it is free (ubuntu distribution for instance)

okay but I don't think anyone will install linux only because of ripping. Just in case vdj will run on it, that makes a sense. Unfortunately it's not possible :-(

Most of commercial Dvd's are encrypted for copy protection.
That's a good reason for ripdvd to crash.
Try not encrypted dvd's

btw. when I tryed to copy matrix vob, it was working but there were green squares and very very
bad image. But i copied the vob okay. (it was not in VDJ ripper just in windows explorer)

I thought that it should rip something anyway... maybe unreadable but wont crash

there are some apps that will let you rip even if the DVD is protected....

like this one :

"AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like"

Now, i take it that you own the DVD, and that its for personal backup only ;)

Thats not the best dvd ripping solution and besides it $40. Try using DVDFab Decrypter (free) , i am also guessing that you OWN the original DVD, and please check with your countries laws before using.

AnyDVD also lets you play all of thoes 'copy protected' music cd's that usually dont play in a PC. it is definatly worth the small investment of $40 for what it provides and the fact that does it all in the background without any user input at all

Update... I tried RipDVD on my gigging machine and got the exact same results. I guess it could be because the DVD's I am trying are copy protected, but then I don't think I have any that are not copy protected.

I guess for now I'll just stick with Smartripper, it works well. I really just wanted to see how the database function of RipDVD worked, anyway.

I tried The RipDVD, and it worked fine on Promoonly and TM Century DVDs.


Was that the PromoOnly 'Hot Video' series? If so, then it must be a problem specific to my setup, because that's what I tried (along with others.)

Thanks for the feedback.

frd1963, no it was their weekly series. I doubt they would use something different on just one of their series. I will try the Hot series, and let you know. In fact, I will try it now, while I am Playing in the club. Why? I like to put my machine through hardships. This way I know what I can & cannot do. Plus, there are not that many customers here, and I have backup if it crashes. Be right back.

hmm, i like to do my tests "on the fly" too, while i'm in a club, early or late at night...
This is real testing...
But i always have a backup ready.

Sorry, some other things came up, at the club. So I get home to try, and guess what. I am having some trouble with Hot Videos. I did get it to open after a few tries, and after opening with TM Century. Will let you know more later. It's late.


Thanks or looking into this. Maybe it's not my system(s) afterall.
Side Question: how do you like the weekly Promo Only DVD's? Worth the extra $$ ?

While we are on this, is there a way to type in all the info to Smartripper so it will rip all the tracks as noted? That was the one thing I liked about RipDVD, you could input all the info, and it would rip all the tracks that you picked. With Smartripper, I can only input one track info at a time. As for the weekly series, I only got one to see how it would work out. I have not made up my mind yet.


I don't think there is a way for Smartripper to rename the files for you.
I made a script that goes out to PromoOnly's webserver and retrieves the catalog so it can get the names for the tracks and rename the files accordingly. Otherwise, I would have to rename all the files by hand.

Also, I seem to have gotten RipDVD to work at least partially now with some of my older PromoOnly discs (2003) Can't get it to do any automatic naming though. I thought maybe the '" was for renamng the files. See my other post in the General Discussion forum on for more info (assuming someone has more info to add ;)

Try to use a package called CLONE DVD . As the others guys mentioned hopefully you own the copies you want to rip.
Cheers good luck

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