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Topic: Using Video Features Without Accelerated Video Card Support - Page: 1

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Ok, so after I've fought video features kicking and screaming, I finally had an occasion (and a venue) to do some video work with VDJ. My gig on saturday night included playing Michael Jackson's Thriller on every video screen in the venue at midnight.

Well the experience was less than stellar. I have a feeling this has something to do with my laptop not supporting hardware acceleration for videos. When I check the box VDJ crashes and never comes back.

So my question to you guys is, anyone doing music videos without hardware acceleration? How's it working for you?

Also as a side topic, what skin is the fastest for being able to do music videos. I tried using the new mixstation skin and it ridiculously slow when video was enabled. My notebook is fairly beefy, 3.06Ghz and 1GB of ram. It should not slow to a crawl when video is enabled.

Posted Tue 01 Nov 05 @ 1:11 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
For the skin usage... I do mixes with default skin, very good...

Posted Tue 01 Nov 05 @ 3:54 am
Hmm. I didn't see a video crossfader on the default skin. I also could not get the video crossfader keyboard shortcuts to do anything on any skin. I guess I'll check again.

Posted Tue 01 Nov 05 @ 7:31 am
I use hardware acceleration, and it works great. I tried without, and it was not good. I have p4 3.0, 1g ram, ATI agp videocard w/256mb. I'm using the Mixstation SV 04 skin, at 1024x768. I switch between the Black & Titanium.

Posted Tue 01 Nov 05 @ 11:06 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
the video fader is under the video tab in the standard advanced skin along with effects slider and transition type selector

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 12:53 am
Well with a PC you can buy a video card that hardware acceleration works on, but not so with a laptop. Is anyone using accelerated video on their laptop and what kind is it. I'm this close to giving up on video with vdj and just buying a Pioneer DJV player.

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 1:43 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
man what a mistake that would be for the pice of the dvj setup you could build one hell of a pc. I've seen your setup you could very easliy add a cube type pc compared to what you already carry.

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 2:08 am
That's why I don't mess around with laptops, not enough options. I am all for down sizeing, but there is a point when you start to give up performance. The real deal is, I don't know jack about computers. However, I have been a DJ for 37 years. I have carried the biggest equipment you can imagine, and loved it. At one point we all wanted the biggest, and even brought stuff that we didn't hook up. I remember bringing equipment that didn't even work. Well I was young then, and now I know better. So I really don't get the idea, of bringing the smallest setup, or being able to setup in 5 minutes. I want to do the best job I can. I get to every job 2 hours before start time. Some times there is still a function going on in the room, but I am there, just in case. I run PCDJ FX, Virtual DJ, WMP, am online, all at the same time, at the club. If my machine can do all this, then I don't have to worry when I am doing someones wedding. I am getting ready for a new setup, and it won't be a laptop. As for the Pioneer players, they are sweet, and I would get them , if I had the money. But they would stay in my house, because I would have to shuffle through DVD's. That's the whole reason I went with software, I don't have to bring 6,000 cd's. I have seen your setup also. If you can bring all that stuff, surely you can bring a cube, and a monitor or two.

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 5:37 am
Sorry, that last post was from me. Don't know why it did the anon thing.

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 5:40 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
I'd even offer to built it for him, so he wouldn't make that mistake. With a cube you can use a really good video card, and a great soundcard, not to mention you won't be needing those external hard drive cases. Also noteworthy, some of them look really cool (check my blog)

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 6:22 am
Yo Cyder, got a link to the top one, Biostar ideq?

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 7:06 am
The problem with the cube PC is that you need an LCD monitor, so that's two more pieces I need to carry. I've actually re-worked my setup so that it's all one trip from the vehicle to the gig. I'll have to post some new pictures, but I no longer use the dual tier keyboard setup and I am back to the single tier setup and I have a new coffin also.

This was no small feat, but I can now show up at a gig throw everything I need on my wheels and I am one trip in and setting up. At the end of the night I packup and it's one trip to the car. It may not seem like a big deal to you guys but when you are gigging 3 and 4 times a week and carting all that stuff around, you want to carry the least amount of stuff possible. So I'm not looking forward to buying a cube pc and an LCD and road ready cases for all that. Which would almost certainly mean I can not take my car to gigs, and I would be forced to take the truck ALWAYS. These days it's nice when I don't have to carry the 18 inch subs and EON 15s, I only need my coffin and laptop to plug into house sound,... I take my car. My car is comfy with leather seats. The truck is not so comfy.

So anyway, this rant about not wanting a bunch of extra equipment is really about me deciding to not incorporate video into my set until I get a decent resident spot. Once I do that I will almost certainly plant a video PC at the venue and then I won't need to take anything to gig, not only will I leave the truck behind, but the comfy sedan too and then I'll be driving the Porsche to my gigs :-)

Posted Wed 02 Nov 05 @ 7:04 pm
Does anyone use VDJ on a laptop with videos and accelerated video enabled?

Posted Fri 04 Nov 05 @ 9:26 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
What would a completed box style $go$ for? the barebones i see only have 2 card slots so i'm guessing that you would need more then one of these to run audio and video from, using TC setup?

Posted Fri 04 Nov 05 @ 9:38 pm
hey, i have a brandy new HP laptop with an athlon 64 in it, and it has a 128 mb ATI radeon card built in... it does accelerated graphics just fine! The thing i like about the compaq and hp laptops is that they have that new video expansion slot, so when NVIDIA's new 256 mb add on processor card comes out, all you'll have to do is pop it in, and your laptop will now have a 256 mb. nvidia video card in it....

laptops are getting smarter! I like the idea of being able to upgrade my video card!


Posted Sat 05 Nov 05 @ 11:30 am
Yan-XPRO InfinityHonorary memberMember since 2003
anewasome > You tell us about the CPU power but not the graphic chipset onboard ? Are you using an Intel chipset (that is the worse you can have on a laptop for graphical performances)

Is the Video memory shared in RAM or is it REAL video ram ?

It's not a question of CPU power but rather a question of VIDEO card buildin in the laptop

Posted Sat 05 Nov 05 @ 12:03 pm
I have no idea what the chipset is on the laptop. I've never cracked it open, but I would guess it is an Intel chipset. The laptop is a Dell.

So far, it looks like the HP laptop is the only one that has support for accelerated video in VDJ. Or at least that was the only person who responded to the thread.

Posted Mon 07 Nov 05 @ 7:13 pm
I have also a hp laptop (nc6220). This laptop has an Intel video chipset. This does not support Hardware acceleration. Playing video with VDJ looks horrible.
You could find out what chipset your laptop has:
- Right click on your desktop
- Select properties (option on bottom)
- Click the Settings tab
- Look in the "Display" box. In most cases the chipset is noted. In my case "Mobile Intel 915M GMS 910GML express" :-(

Hardware acceleration is (so far as I know) only supported for Ati and Nvidea chipsets. If you plan to buy a new laptop. Check the details pages on the manufacturers website. HP and Dell supply this kind of information

Posted Mon 07 Nov 05 @ 9:42 pm
I have the Compaq version that DJGio speaks of - Athlon 64 & ATI 128MB card. It also does video just fine with Hardware Acceleration on.

Posted Tue 08 Nov 05 @ 3:48 pm