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Topic: Please help me

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I hate to be a whiner but I'm real anxious to get started and it's frustrating waiting for a reply here.

Does anybody watching and reading here have any influence with Atomix cust service?

I bought VDJ Pro on 9/1 and still have not received a serial number. Four messages have yielded one reply with no serial number.

Can someone help me expedite this process? A week is way too long to wait for this great product.

Tom K

Posted Thu 08 Sep 05 @ 6:07 pm

Posted Thu 08 Sep 05 @ 7:15 pm
yup - 4 messages, 1 response, 0 serial number

Posted Thu 08 Sep 05 @ 9:00 pm
Oh well - another day without my elusive serial number.

Have I been scammed?

Posted Fri 09 Sep 05 @ 8:15 pm
Thanks for all your help..the response has been overwhelming.

10 days, 7 messages & $400 and I have nothing to show for it.

I suppose it's not as bad as being from New Orleans...

but AHA - a thought.

I will make a donation to the Red Cross for the relief effort in Louisiana/Mississippi in the amount of the cost of a VDJ Pro; in the name of the person who provides enough information that leads to a speedy resolution of my problem here.
I'll send you the receipt and the tax deduction is yours. It's a win-win-win.


Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 5:25 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
I wait 2 1/2 weeks to have my TCVs. There are others who have wait 5 weeks. Your program will arrive. You could post every day, and your product still arrive when it has to. Patience.

If you could help, help.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 7:44 am
5 WEEKS!!!????
..and you're OK with that?
That's incredible.
Everybody else here is OK with that?
Nobody minds that someone takes your money within 24 hours and uses it for 5 weeks?

Is everybody here so mezmerised by this product that any abuse by Mr Clavel is acceptable?

This is fraud by omission pure and simple. Nowhere does it state that you need to wait 2 1/2 to 5 weeks for delivery. Looked all over the site for it. Can't find it.
If I would have known before buying I may have made a different buying decision.

I find it remarkable that apparently so many people here are so blase about this...gives me the shivers; it's like some iconic religious cult.
Wake up and smell the Kool-Aid.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 7:43 pm
teak6155 are you waiting for a serial number via e-mail or the actual product via mail?


Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 8:20 pm
Jeses, calm down.. have patience. I'm sure you are not forgotten. I mean, it would look rediculous if a company would ignore people buying their products, don't you think? The whole idea makes me, I don't know, it just wouldn't make sense.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 10:24 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003

Never thought of it like that, yer right.....

Are you saying you dl'd the program, registered, paid and never got a lic code?
Does your CC company show the charge?

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 11:23 pm
dj maddsound - I'm waiting for a serial number

antileon - who are you to tell me to calm down? It's not your $400 that we're talking about.
You are absolutely right, and yes I do think that it doesn't make sense; and, it is ridiculous to get no response for two weeks...You've made my point; I rest my case.
Now run along = I'm sure Stephane has a nice cold glass of Kool-Aid waiting for you - enjoy

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 11:30 pm
I downloaded trial, registered here, paid for full version of VDJ Pro.
After a week's wait I inquired on status of the order, sent a copy of my PaYPal receipt.
Atomix' first and only response was - go to modify profile, insert serial number, and follow instructions for downloading.
Never recieved serial number; 7 more messages asking when and whereabouts of the # yielded no response from our friends here.
I send them two messages per day now and they still have not even read them.

I have been asked by various disciples here to have patience - I would be more than happy to have patience if I would've been told upfront I need to wait this long or even had a pertinent response sent to any of my messages.

And yes, I paid via a Debit Card and the cash cleared my account within 24 hours.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 05 @ 11:44 pm
If what you are saying is true, then no there isn't an excuse for any of this at all! I paid mine with the same means amd received it within 10 mins. But don't get sore with us...we are just paying customers like you who like to help others and we have helped hundreds of people. We are not pawns, disciples or brainwashed. Just people trying to help. So please don't hurl insults at us.

Now if this is true then I think that the Support Team should answer this gentlemen's question ASAP. Please respond to him whether he is speaking the truth or not. And put this to rest.
It's been three days since he made this accusation...wouldn't be good for other potential customers to see.



Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 12:00 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
First of all there's been a lot happening all over the world for Atomix lately.
Second, it's not a company with 30 people waiting for you to call with a problem, more like thousands of eservice contacts and 3 people to handle them.
Nope, probably not the best circumstances for customer service, but growing pains have a toll on everything.

The registration process is automated, it should take you minutes to load, pay and play.
What I can't figure is how you spent $400 on a $130 program.

If something jammed the gears it may have been a debit card.
Some systems don't know how to handle them for some reason.
Had you used a credit card the results probably would have been different.
Now it going to take a manual hand to fix.

We all sit and wait for e-service, I have one myself waiting for a responce.
Demonstrating patience is going to gain you respect more than calling out the CEO will, trust me.

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 12:04 am
Rick - you dissappoint me. As a business owner I know you realize that a customer cares not about the problems you have running a business; they care only that they will get the value they paid for and that includes responding to requests in a timely fashion. It is unconsciounable to take a person's money and then not even respond to their questions. It has certainely eroded my confidence in my purchasing decision.
If Monseiur Clavel can not offer proper support to his paying customers then perhaps he should re-evaluate his growth plans. I did; I grew my company so fast that I found myself ill-equipped and under staffed to keep my clients happy. Sales began to slip and we blew out and deconstructed the entire business plan.
First revelation - all anybody wants is to be talked to; even if you f-up in a big way proactive conversation always minimizes the inevitable hollering and screaming and often gains respect just for paying attention. I invest heavily in customer service and know the value it returns.

dj maddsound - No insults have been hurled at you. I was addressing those in this community who have decided that the only way to help, would be for me to roll-over and be patient. That is not my idea of help and is unacceptable to me.
I did not ask for this and I will certainely not sit still for an injustice being done. If it means ringing a few bells to get their attention then I will ring as many as it takes.
As you so adroitly noted I am the aggrieved party here, I do not appreciate being told how I should handle my affairs.
Being in business has helped me, for good or bad, to develop a very keen radar for people who take my money. All I want is a fair return and if I don't get it I express my inalienable to pursue it.

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 1:05 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003

So what did you spend $400 on?

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 1:44 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
ok Teak, so you don't hurled insults in maddsound but you hurled insults on me because I'm part of this community and said wait. I had enough, I don't going to tell you WHAT to do, do what ever you want. (I only tell you what the procedure is for someone with your problem)

You have to expose your situation in e-service, IS THE WAY TO GO, and in there YELL if you want. NOT HERE, ok? Go to the proper place to do this, and isn't here.

This Software forum saids this in the begining:
"Ask here any TECHNICAL QUESTIONS about the functionalities of Virtual DJ or AtomixMP3.
If you have any Protection Error Number , please contact:

I'm out of this NOW. Good Luck!

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 1:57 am
Good question Rick.
Still waiting for that answer too.
Full version of VDJ Pro I understood to be - 249 ED or $318 USD

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 1:57 am
Your intentions were great, but your advice was crap.

You insult my intelligence by continuing to insist that I use this "e-service".
I've been there nine times over the past two weeks and have received no answers.
It is by no means the proper channel.

"Oooh, don't worry Teak you'll get your product before the new year."

Thanks, but no thanks.
Hasta la vista

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 2:14 am
@ teak6155

we have recived your message and we are working out a solution to your problem. For the time being this theard will be closed

Posted Mon 12 Sep 05 @ 2:30 am

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