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Topic: Video format / quality? - Page: 1

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What kind of video format do you "out there" use with VDJ?

Sure I can play the "vob" files, but most DVD I got (promoonly.com) have more than one song on each "vob" file, so thats dificul to handle practical.

I have tried DivX (High Defenition 3000kbit/s) a 3:40 song is abot 85Mb in that compression and looks ok.

What format should I go for, that have good vido quality and VDJ handles it good and is reonable in size ?

What DVD ripp/convert program do you recomend me to use?

Posted Sun 28 Aug 05 @ 4:18 pm

using smart ripper 2.41 will split into chapters for you

Where do you plan to view your VDJ videos? If you will use RCA or S-Video output you could use MPEG-1 in 320x240, 1800 kbps speed rate for video, 224kbps 44KHz 16 bits for audio. (You will get a 3:44 min video in 55MB).

If you plan to use a VGA output to your projector, then use VOB or MPEG-2 in 720x480, 7200 kbps speed rate for video, 224kbps 44kHz 16 bits for audio. (The size of the same 3:44 min video is now in 215MB).

You could use DivX6 in HIGH DEF (DVD like) and get a 5:56 min video in only 49.5MB.

I use RCA/S-video out, connected to a video amp/splitter that the Plasma TV's and projectors are connected at the club.


mpeg-1 looks like crap on a plasma screen

mpeg-1 looks like crap on ANY screen. lol

I know you both use VOB files, and proud of it, but mpeg-1 doesn't look like crap on ANY screen as basicdj describe.

For our friend here it's simple to determine who looks better in his current club configuration. Ken, make a few tests (2 or 3 good videos in the 3 formats) and make your own decision.

In some cases the video is bad and it not worth a high resolution.

"smart ripper 2.41" did the thing for me. I think I will go fore VOB files, just have to get bigger harddrives...

Any of you have a nice script for smartripper that makes "ripping" a DVD with 40-50 tacks (like promoonly) litle easyer, now I have to do each track by it self.

I'm now a "vob:er" ... :-)


Glad for you Ken, you get a solution. Smart Ripper is a very good and easy tool. (thanks to Cyder, who search in the web to get a fine VOB ripper ;-) )

By the way, VOB files are MPEG-2 files (Video: 720x480, 7200 or 8000 kbps speed rate, Audio: 224 kbps 48KHz 16 bits) which is the standard DVD format also. In MPEG-1 you could edit the audio source to get a full 320Kbps in the Audio side (with an external source, like a MP3 for example), and could set your config to have 720x480, 9000Kbps speed rate to get a high quality video too. That's not possible if you choose MPEG-2 video (as far as I know).

Some DVD have poor quality, this kind of resolution is worthless in that case. Try another resolution there if you wish.

It doesn't look like crap, but why settle for lesser quality?

With hard drives being so cheap these days and you trying to provide a professional serivce, why would you skimp and try to get by with mpeg-1? Mpeg-1 looks ok but simply does not compare to vob files.

I've ripped as both mpeg-1 and vob and CAN tell a difference. Can the average guest dancing tell the difference? Maybe not, but I can and I want to give them the best that I can.

Can the average guest tell the difference between a 128 kbps song and a 320 kbps song? Maybe, maybe not. I CAN, and don't want to subject my clients to sub par audio.

Keep your mpeg-1 files if you want, it will keep Cyder and I ahead of you. lol

ken you can rip a whole dvd with all the chapters all at once via smart ripper, just select all in the opening menu. While I agree that most display devices you won't notice mpg1 on. The plasma's and projectors are going to make them look bad, since they are doing the hardware scaling streatching 240x340 to a native resolution of 1024x768 or 1280x800 is going to look very very bad. However on a tv displaying 525 lines interlaced you might not notice. vob's are the way to go divix will be a valueable 2nd best. Tv's and ntsc's days are both numbered.

Hi guys!
I am ripping to MPEG 2 with Audio Quality at High in #1 DVD Ripper. The quality is good (much better than MPEG 4 or MPEG 1. Should I be using VOB instead?
If the quality of MPEG 2 and VOB are the same is it a speed issue? In other words, is Smart Ripper going to VOB quicker than #1 DVD Ripper going to MPEG II? It can take a LONG time (5 hours or more) to rip to MPEG II.

Vob is a form of mpeg-2 in fact the extensions are interchangeable! vob is going to be the quickest rip you've ever seen. 15-20 minutes for an entire dvd. That is one of the many reasons I use vob, high quailty and high speed. I can rip a dvd at the show if I want.

WOW! I will check it out. It would work for me unless I have to edit a video (like to cut out talking at the beginning) since I can't import VOB into my movie studio program. But I can rip those to MPEG II and do the others quicker.
THANKS! I take it most of the VOB rippers are using Smart Ripper? Thye price is certainly good!! LOL

Changing a .vob to a .mpg will allow you to import vob's into any editing software. You may need to uncheck the hide known extensions in the folder options in control planel for xp

There are hardware that rip and decode via hardware and no software (I just remember a Creative video capture). This is the fast way to rip in MPEG-2 (or any other) but smart ripper is faster, because it only a copy!. If you change the name from .VOB to .MPG or .MPEG yo may use any editing software.

This is killer. I downloaded Smart Ripper and am ripping a live concert DVD REALLY fast. And I had no idea that a VOB really is exactly the same file with a different extension. Now I can do more than one or two a day!!!! :-)

Now I regret buying #1 DVD Ripper. :-(


HMM. Okay the ripped VOB files play in PowerDVD but they have REALLY loud pink or white noise in Virtual DJ.

I also had the problem playing the VOB in Virtual DJ right off the DVD. Same noise. The DVD and the ripped files play fine in PowerDVD and in Windows media player but it looks like Virtual DJs internal Video decoder can't handle 24 bit LPCM audio, only 16 bit.

I think the problem is in the 48KHz sample rate instead.
