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Forum: Old versions

Topic: virtual memory skipping error

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DJYAYOHome userMember since 2001
atomixmp3 it is my favorite toy to play with
and to work with too
i had buy a laptop 6 months ago
it is a sony vaio grx550 system wimdows xp home edition
it is a pentium4
mobile CPU 1.6 ghz
512MB of ram
30 gb of hard drive
and it was not working properly
the music was skiping alot like 40 times in 6 hours "wow"
i did not know why
i ask you for help but i dont understand why the atomixmp3 team did not do much for me
well a friend told me
to turm off the virtual memory
and it did help a lot
but still when i am playing on my club
the music does skip at list 10 times in 6 hours and
thats to much still
i hope you
the team of atomixmp3 can help me

one more thing i downloaded the the upgrade for v2.1.1.
but i reformated my computer and i do not have it anymore if anybody can help with it too i will be very happy thank you that my help to solve my problem too

Posted Sat 30 Nov 02 @ 9:22 pm
mixalisPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Does the curves coming to the browzer step by step or it comes at once?

Posted Sat 30 Nov 02 @ 10:12 pm
DJYAYOHome userMember since 2001
it come step by step?


Posted Sat 30 Nov 02 @ 10:46 pm
mixalisPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Are you asking me what i mean step by step?
If yes i mean: does the curves of the mp3 song comes fast, at once, in the rythm browzer, or it comes litle slow, step by step, when you move back or frond the curently point in the bar possition of the song?
I got the same problem in a IBM THINKPAD R30 with dvdrom on and win2k, and i found a solution. In WINNT folder there is a file dvdplayer.exe. Before i run atomix i run and minimize dvdplayer.exe and atomix never skip and everything goes very fast in the screen.

Posted Sun 01 Dec 02 @ 11:23 am
DJYAYOHome userMember since 2001
no it has nothing to do with IBM

i have a sony vaio
well if anybody can help
i will be more than thanxful
i am willing to pay to anybody that can fix my problem

Posted Sun 01 Dec 02 @ 11:34 am
asistiHome userMember since 2002

i have heard that i can solve skipping problem disabling master tempo...how can I do that?? please help me.

Posted Mon 02 Dec 02 @ 5:36 pm

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