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Topic: hi JANOSCH

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i do not know how to do what you asking me to do
i go to start but from there
i do not have and see the other option you telling me
can you please explain with more details
thank you very much
dj yayo
ps i live in new york city if anyone from here
uses atomixmp3 i would like to see it
my email adress is teran777@hotmail.com

Posted Tue 14 May 02 @ 5:11 am


well my english is not the best (i live in Germany) but i hope you understand what i'm writing.

ok you must first start the regeditor (regedit.exe). This file you can find in windows directory. Normaly you could do that if you go to start and then run (execute) and type in regedit.exe.
You can also go to windows directory, scroll down and click on regedit.exe.
If the regeditor is running you can see on the left side some directorys. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. In this directory go to System. Next go to CurrentControlSet. Next go to ControlClass. After you're in this directory you must search the line (key) {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
Click on this line (key). Now you can see some other lines (keys). Go to line 000 and click on it.
Last you must check out if EnableUDMA66 is set to 1.
(default is 0).
If it is not set to 1 click on EnableUDMA66 and change 0 to 1.

That's it. Close the regeditor and restart your system.

Maybe someone else who can better explane could post it here.



erklären Sie auf Deutsch, ich kann übersetzen. Wenn dieses hilft.


also dann noch einmal in deutsch.

Start/Ausführen und dann regedit eingeben und bestätigen.
Dann startet der Regeditor.
Im Regeditor links auf den Ordner HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE gehen. In den darunterliegenden Ordnern auf System gehen. Dann auf CurrentControlSet. Dannach auf den Ordner ControlClass.
In diesem Ordner nach genau diesem Schlüssel oder Wert {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} suchen.
Diesen Wert anklicken und in den darunterliegenden Werten nach 000 suchen und anklicken.
Nachschauen ob der Wert EnableUDMA66 auf 1 gesetzt ist.
(Standart ist 0). Wenn der Wert auf 0 ist, den Wert anklicken und auf 1 setzen.
Regeditor schliessen und Rechner neu starten.

Besten Dank für die Hilfe beim Übersetzen.


What's the problem?

No problem here, other than the one stated by the topic starter above, just offering to help if needed. ;)

thank you
i will try
but if anybody can explain better than janosh please do
dj yayo

It's not possible because the explain is excellent. Sorry, but try that and don't panik with RegEdit... :))

man i did all you tolme but wen i get to

If it is not set to 1 click on EnableUDMA66 and change 0 to 1.

i do not find EnableUDMA66 to change it from 1 to 0
i thing i get looss

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