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Topic: LOL! Do you guys really think you are real DJ's? - Page: 4

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HAHA Phenny has got the Aussie lingo down pat "Mate", I bet the girls in Sydney cant get there hands off you, am I rite Phenny ;-)

Posted Wed 16 Aug 06 @ 12:27 pm
Hey all, i have been reading most of the forum inputs here, and all i gotta say, is that who cares if you use software, dont use software, who gives.... they all work the same, use burnt cd's dont use burnt cd's, who cares, if you download them, you dont have to use your money, and waste 1000's of dollars, buying vinyls > cd's > and all the formats that are available in the world today, who cares, i would use VirtualDJ, for clubs or parties one day if i ever start, i wouldnt waste 1000's of dollars for music, when you can get them for free, what's the problem, the only thing that matters that i think, is that it sounds good, and if it sounds good your set and well on your way to the clubs, parties.....

Posted Wed 16 Aug 06 @ 2:37 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
with the world of digital and analog bluring , its time to move on or ul be left behind


which used to cost thousands such as time code systems and time coded ynals
now only 14 euro!

why limit ur self to what ynals u can carry

i mangine this

ur at a large exec party and ur boss requests a song and u say " well actualy no i dont have that one i only have 20 ynals because im a real dj ! "

i wonder how long ud keep the job XD

Posted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 1:26 am
It does not matter what medium you use, what hardware you use, what software you use, what effects you use, what tricks you can do, what music genre(s) you play or what "name" you go by.........bottom line is IF YOU GET PAID you are a "Professional", IF YOU PERFORM in front of an audiance you are "real", IF THE PEOPLE you perform in front of and the people paying you like your results you are "good" .........by the way PC is way better that MAC, Mercedes better than BMW, Italian food is better than mexican food, techno is better than hip hop..........get the point? It is all subjective so please let's end this ridiculous debate and just everybody do your thing and make your money already!

Posted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 2:00 am
Nice ;)

Posted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 11:33 am
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I could not have said it better myself...

Except for the techno being better than Hip Hop thing.

Hip Hop is Waaaaaaaaay better than techno.


Posted Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 5:25 pm
Just ma-ma-ma-making a point wikki wikki

Posted Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 2:33 am
djxeroHome userMember since 2005
Wow. Not real Dj's because we use software? That is a terrribly ignorant statement. I have been mixing for about 10 years now. I do a few gigs a year, but most of the time I'm just hosting parties at my house and just mixing for the love of it. I quit mixing about 2 years ago because I just got tired of lugging around all of the equipment everytime I was asked to spin somewhere. I limited myself to clubs and other venues that already had the tables on hand. So my gigs died. One day I was on the web and I ran into this forum and I saw the software with the hercules controller. I figured it would be a cool little toy, but I would never leave the house with it. when I recieved my hercules console and software I honestly felt ripped off. The console was so light.........WTF?

so I plugged it in and installed the software. in a matter of minutes I had my mp3s set and ready to go. I was mixing songs that I have always wanted to mix off of some of my favorite cds. in afew hours I got the hang of the software. A few weeks later I showed my dj friends what I was messing with. They laughed and called me a traitor. Called me weak and said I wasn't mixing. They figured I was using the beat matching features and all of the other little extras you get with the software. I don't bother with any of that, but I do use the beat counter...nothing wrong with that. My tascam mixer has a bpm moniter as well.

it's been 6 months since I picked up virtual dj. I am ripping it up and I'm getting gigs like crazy now. I show up with my speakers, mixer and a laptop. People don't seem to notice anything. I get a few djs who ask where my tables are. I point at the console and for the most part they all seem to dig it. My crowds are happy and I can cut it up like a freaking maniac. I love mixing again. I mix lots of shows with my dj buddies and they have come to love my hercules console and the virtual dj software. and I don't have any problem plugging into a mix board and mixing back to back with them while they use turntables.

I am about to order my time coded vinyl so that I can mess with that now. I'm a dj, but I'm also a tech head. I love to mess with new things.

The future is here and I'm taking advantage of it.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:57 am
Not this post again.

New technology, new way of doing things. I still think Timecoded Vinyls is still the way to go if you have the budget so that you still get "respect". Mastering a controller, deserves respect as DJ Gauge has shown with the Hercules MK2 Console.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 5:47 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Nice story djxero, don't anyone disrespects you! You use what you want, they can use what they want. Period!
Consider of upgrading your VDJ to Pro to get the upcoming V4 and all the new stuff.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 6:43 am
socrossPRO InfinityMember since 2004
We should stop feeding the troll that started this flaming thread - trolls need food to live!


Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 7:58 am
all you djs hating on cracked version need to stop drinking that haterade just because you paid dosent make you a dj most of you have no talent automix wtf is going on autoscratch lol dont ever think becuse you can click a button you can ever enter a dj competition any of you haters that want to battle i will see you in the guitar center finals.again......real djs dont hate on other djs oh yeah my version is cracked i used my money to buy vinyl sorry i tested your time coded vinyl not even close to vinyl.cool little program for a lazy dj.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 7:58 am
by the way final scratch is a piece of shit 2 seen a good dj look bad at the club when he had to press controll alt del just to end the program in the middle of a mix he rebooted cause quick but i was lmao I knew who he was so when I asked wtf happened he told me he would never spin on final scratch again vdj is a cool program but it can hurt your image if it ever freezes up on you.most of you dont spin at clubs so you wouldnt understand how easily a dj can lose his image.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:12 am
lol, its funny reading through this after all this time and with vdj4 almost out..

I've been dj'ing professionally with 8 years now, was messing around long before that. I've dj'd using vinyls, cds, beat boxes, samplers, effectors, various programs with the pc (including doing a live set using only propellorheads reason!). I have been a user of various vdj products troughout these years also.

At the moment, I use Virtual DJ 3.4, a decent pc, a DJM800 and 2 CDJ1000 MKII's.
This is a great combo as I no longer have to carry the 6 stone weight of records that I used to years ago, or the 3 stone of cds, but now just walk into the club with an mp3 cd of anything that I have to put on the pc for the night to go with the 46,000 other songs already on it, this means that I have the equilivant of 30,000 vinyls or 4,600 cds with me at all times.

Now, lets talk about quality?

I rip all tracks at a very high vbr rate which averages out at around the 280 kbps rate. Most of my collection has been ripped from vinyls, which means that you even get the static ^^ from the record on the recording, not that this makes any difference to me, as to be honest, its really the equipment that you use throughout your sound output that makes the tracks sound right, use one piece of substandard equipment or even wiring and your sound quality drops immensly. (Ever used a digital line instead of phono? You should ;) )

Virtual DJ (even in its current guise) is far from substandard, in fact, its probably one of the best thing that has come to the dj scene in years, its probably as important as the move from people using vinyls to people using cdj's or the likes.

Peoples minds are always closed at the start, I'm sure you dont just play music that everyone loves, but you wish that others could "get" your music, I'm sure you have your own audience and all that, but you have to realise that most people only like what they like until they have their mind opened to new experiences.

The main reasons why you may not thing that VDJ is up for the job are:

1. You have not given it enough time to learn how to use it correctly (remember how long it took to use vinyls correctly? What makes you think that learning how to use a program that people have spent years developing will be less time consuming to get "right"?)

2. Your expecting it to replace hardware (Yeap, it "can" be used on its own, but come on, you surely dont expect to be able to do everything with just a mouse and keyboard?)

3. Your pc is not of the right spec for the job (Notice any looping where there shouldnt be? Any skipping etc?)

4. Your rips from the hard source are not up for the job (Notice bass missing a lot or the likes?)

5. Your not after configuring VDJ to your own style (VDJ has a lot of options in the menu that are easily changed, one set of options will suit one kind of dj, but there are no options suitable for everyone together)

I realise that the person that originally posted this may be long gone, but thought that I would throw this in before I head off to work, I hope someone can learn something from it..

aka The Big Tsunami

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 8:36 am
Haven't read all the posts on this thread - but the advantages of DJing with a computer means that you don't have to lug around a load of vinyl and CD - or turn up with the "wrong" box at the gig, or leave behind certain CDs containing tracks you find you get asked for on the night - it's happened to me on a few occasions.

With all your CD collection stored on a laptop, there's no hunting around for CDs, no CDs getting handled by the Hillmans' (Hillman Hunters = punters) food-and drink-stained hands and being rendered unplayable (and, in extreme cases, irreplaceable). Also, you often put on CD 1 instead of CD 2 and vice-versa - you only have the disco lights to see by and you can't always find the CD - then you go and put it in the wrong box.

The only disadvantages are that you need a licence to do it and computers can sometimes run slow. There's also putting it all into the hard-drive and, on the Virtual DJ software, analysing it for length and BPM. takes a bit of time labelling the tracks. Other than that, computers are the future of DJing!

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 11:15 am
what a laugh!. I usually don't speak my mind; but this goes to the [DO YOU THINK
YOU'RE A REAL DJ DUDE!] Funny that he's anon.... who are u. I used cd's for 15 years
M.F*** . So keeep your comments to u're self. I'd like to say that we use virtual dj
to enhance and increase our library selection beyond what conventional cd's would
never be practical or easily used at a show. I do weddings & the customers are
impressed with this new way of Djing. So think first before u open thy mouth...
From Cyber_2006. OUT.....

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 1:39 pm
Amen to that, mate.

I like to think that all of us, whether we are using vinyls, or CD's or MP3s, are doing it for the love for it, and for some nobody to compare us to someone who uses vinyl is complete nonsense.

Posted Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 9:39 pm
I know I for one am grateful for this anonymous post. Here I was thinking after my years of performances using every medium Vinyl to Laptop, that my experiences would dictate me being a DJ.

I would like to apologize to everyone I have charged for my services, and the thousands of people who danced while I masqueraded as a 'real' DJ.

At least I was hoping my tour through europe and culminating in Ibiza, and playing on the list with Tiesto and Digweed would give me credit. I now know I am wrong. I will never spin the wheels of steel again.

Thank you so much for your thought provoking post.

Saint James

Posted Thu 24 Aug 06 @ 3:50 am
I know I'm perpetuating this by posting right now, but i can't be the only person who's tired of this turning up like the proverbial bad penny every so often. Could somebody please put this topic out of its' misery ?

Thank you



Posted Thu 24 Aug 06 @ 4:27 am

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